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 Happy Holidays ! What are your reading plans ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Berkthgar Posted - 20 Dec 2015 : 20:51:33
I might look back into my childhood and read pawn of
Prophecy by David weddings. Excited for the next saga in drizzt n friends this February !
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Berkthgar Posted - 26 Dec 2015 : 08:49:41
I'm currently reading sphere by Michael Crichton
Wooly Rupert Posted - 25 Dec 2015 : 13:42:54
Originally posted by Gyor

My first book was the Hobbit, followed by Narnia, then a novel called Tanith, you guys probably have never heard of it, but I picked it off the self because the cover had a gorgeous nude blond on it riding a flying goat.

But I'm looking forward to Ashes of the Tyrant.

I've heard of Tanith, though I know nothing about it.

But what is The Hobbit?
Gyor Posted - 25 Dec 2015 : 03:43:18
My first book was the Hobbit, followed by Narnia, then a novel called Tanith, you guys probably have never heard of it, but I picked it off the self because the cover had a gorgeous nude blond on it riding a flying goat.

But I'm looking forward to Ashes of the Tyrant.
combatmedic Posted - 25 Dec 2015 : 01:08:43
Merry Christmas!

I am reading The Black Company, by Glen Cook.
Cards77 Posted - 24 Dec 2015 : 01:43:35
I'm going to finally read through all those supplements I've been collecting: Skullport, Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast, Dwarves Deep, Drizzt's Guide to the Underdark, and Drow of the Underdark.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 22 Dec 2015 : 21:04:30
Going to be doing some traveling to see my wife's family, but I'll be taking plenty of reading material with me. I think three books, a couple graphic novels, and if necessary, whatever's on my tablet should be enough for a week.
Mirtek Posted - 22 Dec 2015 : 19:12:50
Ashes of the Tyrant

Shame on WotC for not releasing for christmas
froglegg Posted - 22 Dec 2015 : 15:04:18
I will be reading the 5th edition PHB, DMG and MM.

Drustan Dwnhaedan Posted - 21 Dec 2015 : 06:19:48
Yeah, they really were! The books of the Jedi Academy Trilogy were probably the first Star Wars novels I ever read, unless you want to count the Young Jedi Knights books (which Kevin J. Anderson and his wife, Rebecca Moesta, wrote) as novels. (My dad always said they were more like novellas rather than novels, because of the number of pages.)
Berkthgar Posted - 21 Dec 2015 : 06:02:25
Shannara was also a good trilogy I enjoyed. Although I did slowly get bored of it.

Star Wars books by Kevin j Anderson were grat
Drustan Dwnhaedan Posted - 21 Dec 2015 : 06:00:56
I'll be reading The Wishsong of Shannara.
Berkthgar Posted - 21 Dec 2015 : 03:08:12
My bad

Winter is a magical time for Dnd
Artemas Entreri Posted - 20 Dec 2015 : 23:54:43
Reading the second book in Gary Jennings Aztec series: Aztec Autumn.
Joran Nobleheart Posted - 20 Dec 2015 : 23:35:40
David Eddings was my real introduction into fantasy. He always will hold a very special place in my heart. I really hope you enjoy revisiting Garion, Polgara, and the rest. :-)

I'll be looking over my Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide since I traditionally run D&D over Christmas break for my friends and family. When I'm not doing that or reading the sourcebook, I'll have Elaine Cunningham's Elfshadow to keep me on the road in the Realms. :-)

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