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 Novels Translations

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MGMGambit Posted - 16 Dec 2015 : 00:44:11
Hello there,

Need to know who do I must contact to talk about translation and publishing of forgotten realms novels in another language? The authors or WotC?

If the authors, how do I get in touch with them?

If WotC, I have no idea who to contact there.

Could you please give me a hand on that?

I have all the projects, business plans, the best translators and just need to talk about the main issue

My best regards,

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MGMGambit Posted - 18 Dec 2015 : 14:10:08
Its true same language different wording.

The great problem here today is the book price, I dont understand why they like to use the most white paper. This process is very expensive, look at the sucess of the mass trade paperback. why dont use that and sell to a lot of people?

The project is going this way and will offer the best price ever seen, as others said above, we have a massive amount of players here and 60% +- dont read english.

Another thing that is happening concerns the rules, no books in portuguese for 5.0 incresed the number of new games in 85% in just one year.

Until now no replies from WotC

Originally posted by Tanthalas

Well, I'm assuming that a Brazilian importing books from Portugal is far from ideal. We speak the same language, but the differences in wording can be really annoying.

Regardless, the only FR books that were translated to Portuguese over here were the first two Drizzt trilogies a couple of years back. Given that they didn't release any more Drizzt books I'm assuming that they didn't do well.

I'm not terribly surprised though. If most FR fans are like me, they gave up on Portuguese translations a long time ago and just import everything. Not only can we get the books much earlier, they're cheaper too.

Tanthalas Posted - 17 Dec 2015 : 01:09:32
Well, I'm assuming that a Brazilian importing books from Portugal is far from ideal. We speak the same language, but the differences in wording can be really annoying.

Regardless, the only FR books that were translated to Portuguese over here were the first two Drizzt trilogies a couple of years back. Given that they didn't release any more Drizzt books I'm assuming that they didn't do well.

I'm not terribly surprised though. If most FR fans are like me, they gave up on Portuguese translations a long time ago and just import everything. Not only can we get the books much earlier, they're cheaper too.
MGMGambit Posted - 16 Dec 2015 : 21:36:40
Yep the idea is to translate to brazilian portuguese.

Im not sure about Devir, they released icewind dale trilogy almost 10 years ago and they released the DL legend of the twins 2 years ago, but the second book still a mistery.

The only thing I know about them is related with their Distribution rights in Brazil, now they are not the only distributor in brazil since 2013.
hashimashadoo Posted - 16 Dec 2015 : 16:18:09
Wait. Portugese isn't catered for? But Dungeons & Dragons is massive in Brazil...

Is Devir still publishing for WotC there? Cuz there've been complaints about them since 2007 AFAIK.

Maybe try importing from Portugal? I heard they have things a *little* better.
Mirtek Posted - 16 Dec 2015 : 15:41:08
Originally posted by Artemas Entreri

I'd assume he's interested in translating them to Portuguese.

Yeah, that would make sense. Didn't notice his location before

I was surprised recently by seeing the german version of Night of the Hunter on the shelves, as I thought all translations for all D&D products were killed, not just the game rules.

Maybe it's only because Drizzt sells so much that WotC doesn't dare touching these novels in any language or maybe novels in general get still translated
Artemas Entreri Posted - 16 Dec 2015 : 15:34:37
I'd assume he's interested in translating them to Portuguese.
Mirtek Posted - 16 Dec 2015 : 15:26:29
Which language would you aim for? AFAIK the novels are still translated to different languages even after WotC killed the foreign language editions of the actual game rules
Artemas Entreri Posted - 16 Dec 2015 : 03:59:09
Definitely not the authors. WotC main webpage should have contact info.

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