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 Forgotten Realms: Modern

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 04 Dec 2015 : 23:36:31
One day I hope to run my "Forgotten Realms - Modern" game at GenCon, where most of the gods have been consigned to mythology and the world is on the brink of world war and environmental collapse, thanks to the machinations of Shar. Where one young woman is the destined savior of the Realms, carrying inside her seven burning silver stars of power . . .

If I ran that game, who'd be interested?


5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Drustan Dwnhaedan Posted - 05 Dec 2015 : 18:23:43
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

One day I hope to run my "Forgotten Realms - Modern" game at GenCon, where most of the gods have been consigned to mythology and the world is on the brink of world war and environmental collapse, thanks to the machinations of Shar. Where one young woman is the destined savior of the Realms, carrying inside her seven burning silver stars of power . . .

If I ran that game, who'd be interested?



It sounds like fun to me. Now all I have to do is work out some way of attending GenCon on a regular basis.
Fellfire Posted - 05 Dec 2015 : 15:59:23
Can I play?
hashimashadoo Posted - 05 Dec 2015 : 11:00:57
I had an idea for a quasi-modern Realms game that I never got to run.

The Twisted Rune had its allies on Earth come to the Realms. Said allies were paramilitary types on a mission to assassinate several Torilian leaders who were warded to the eyeballs against magic but would have little defence against high-powered sniper rifles, machine guns and mundane explosives.

The players had to stop such types with swords and bows.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 05 Dec 2015 : 03:14:23
Dragon 277 did a modern Greyhawk... One of the things I particularly remember were the magical fighter planes -- jets with serious amounts of magic layered on them to make them particularly effective combatants.
xaeyruudh Posted - 04 Dec 2015 : 23:54:44
I do like the Modern idea as a diversion. I'm pretty rusty as a player, but I'd definitely be interested in watching. Would you do a webcast with a chatroom for us?

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