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 Auppenser and a return of Psionics.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Shadowsoul Posted - 04 Dec 2015 : 00:19:19
I was reading a bit about about Jhaamdath and Auppenser and I remembered that Auppenser never actually died but was put into a deep sleep by Mystra.

I wonder if we will see a revival of the Deity of Psionics and possibly another city like Jhaamdath. I was actually thinking about doing this in my own campaign. I was thinking about using the lands really close to the original Jhaamdath.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Eltheron Posted - 06 Dec 2015 : 03:46:07
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

When I did my Realmsified warforged, I made a psionic flavor that came from Jhaamdath. The sample one for that article was a priest of Auppenser, who runs a hidden psionics academy that includes regular worship services for Auppenser.

If I was running a Realms campaign, I'd have that guy and other eidelar (psionicists who have put their consciousness in crystalline bodies) working to revive Auppenser. And most of the eidelar date back to Jhaamdath, so they were around when he was active.

This just seriously gave me a flashbulb-scene type of idea for a campaign. Not really for my present players, but someday.

You gave me this image of a deep, ancient ruin of some Jhaamdath outpost, with half-asleep crystalline psionic entities moving and whispering slowly about the sleeping god. Every so often, a weird psionic magi-tech energy device pulses as if it's been dying for centuries.

In my homebrew Realms, the goddess Murdane was returned to the Realms. I could tie those threads together for something very interesting indeed!

Wooly Rupert Posted - 04 Dec 2015 : 00:32:05
When I did my Realmsified warforged, I made a psionic flavor that came from Jhaamdath. The sample one for that article was a priest of Auppenser, who runs a hidden psionics academy that includes regular worship services for Auppenser.

If I was running a Realms campaign, I'd have that guy and other eidelar (psionicists who have put their consciousness in crystalline bodies) working to revive Auppenser. And most of the eidelar date back to Jhaamdath, so they were around when he was active.

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