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 Library Card?

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Fellfire Posted - 03 Dec 2015 : 15:12:28
How does one go about perusing the books in the library? Is it open to all and sundry? What about very old or valuable books? If you are not allowed to "borrow" them can you make your own copies?
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kysus Posted - 04 Dec 2015 : 10:57:14
Well the Leaves of Learning in highmoon is a good starting point, they supposedly have the most complete catalog naming a whole slew of books including ones they dont own and whos library those books can be found. With that in mind you could use that as a jumping off point and decide that what ever book or books you want your players to find is in the library of some old and powerful archmage or library of a high priest of oghma and then have them work out a deal with said npc to get a glimpse at it.

As far as in general, not counting the places you named any temple would have rare books concerning its faith, many mages and nobles also seem to have a abnormally large collection of rare books in their libraries as well. Mage's guilds would also have rare tomes in their possession.
well this is all i can come up with off the top of my head, if i can think of anything else ill let you know. Also if you could be a little more specific with what your looking for, like are you just looking for possible locations to have rare books as dm tool or are you looking for specific types of rare books as a player in a game?
Bladewind Posted - 04 Dec 2015 : 10:51:23
I think most libraries are private. Temples to Oghma, certain collections of books from nobles in magocratic states (like Thay and its enclaves, Halruaa, Nimbral or Sembia), hermits and local sages might be perusable for a limited fee.
Fellfire Posted - 04 Dec 2015 : 09:43:05
Thanks Scribes. I'm not sure my players can afford to put down ten G's for a book the library already owns. Several other libraries are mentioned. I know of Herald's Holdfast and Silverymoon must have one. Where else might one go to research very old books? Evereska?
kysus Posted - 04 Dec 2015 : 09:02:02
The vibe i get from candlekeep is that it isnt really meant for the everyday common person, not like our libraries in the real world. I kinda get the feeling that type of people that would visit it would be people like powerful and influential archmages or nobles and high priests, like in your expample with the farmer. If the farmer wanted some sort of rare information on planting and caring for a particular crop he wouldnt really have an option of using candlekeep but options more suited to him would be temples of oghma or chauntea would have that info in their library for him to use. While on the other hand maybe say a church of chauntea was planning on making use of a rare crop that they didnt have the information to care for in their libraries would send their high priest to candlekeep to search for the information.

p.s. most of the information you need is in Volo's guide to the sword coast pg 32-33. One of the other requirements is being sponsored by a known mage of power.It doesnt give a list of what the services cost but im sure you could use the leaves of learning information as a good starting point to come up with candlekeeps prices.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 04 Dec 2015 : 06:40:13
Originally posted by Fellfire

Thank you, Jeremy. I've yet to read the entire scroll you linked to (thanks for that as well). If a party were to bring in an extremely rare book, would the monks be satisfied copying the information or would they demand the book itself? Also, if one were to offer a "tithe" to the library, would that allow them access to the library. A 10,000 GP book is a hefty price.

You're welcome!

And I agree: the 10k number is pretty steep.

Let me know when you've read all the way through. If there's anything you're still not sure on then we can all figure it out.
Fellfire Posted - 04 Dec 2015 : 03:30:56
Originally posted by Delwa

There was a large writeup in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide about that kind of thing. Apparently, after you pay the entry fee, you tell a resident scribe what topics you wish to study, and they bring you the relevant scrolls.

Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, not sure I've got that. I will look. Thanks for the heads up
Fellfire Posted - 04 Dec 2015 : 02:28:46
Suppose that a group, family, house, organiziation contributed yearly to allow members access, would that permit the entrance? For that matter how about a fat pouch of GP's?
Fellfire Posted - 04 Dec 2015 : 02:14:20
That seems awfully elitest to me. If a farmer wanted information on how to grow a certain crop,that information would be denied?
Fellfire Posted - 04 Dec 2015 : 02:08:05
Thank you, Jeremy. I've yet to read the entire scroll you linked to (thanks for that as well). If a party were to bring in an extremely rare book, would the monks be satisfied copying the information or would they demand the book itself? Also, if one were to offer a "tithe" to the library, would that allow them access to the library. A 10,000 GP book is a hefty price.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 03 Dec 2015 : 22:08:55
Delwa Posted - 03 Dec 2015 : 21:32:35
There was a large writeup in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide about that kind of thing. Apparently, after you pay the entry fee, you tell a resident scribe what topics you wish to study, and they bring you the relevant scrolls.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 03 Dec 2015 : 16:54:17
Originally posted by Fellfire

I kind of meant the books hoarded and guarded inside the IG Candlekeep

Ah I see. Don't be afraid to cast remove ambiguity next time.
Fellfire Posted - 03 Dec 2015 : 16:35:30
I kind of meant the books hoarded and guarded inside the IG Candlekeep
Artemas Entreri Posted - 03 Dec 2015 : 15:56:11
Best bet is to stop by your local library and find out. IF they let you copy an entire book, you are probably going to have to pay for the copy machine.

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