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 Where do I start?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Zoomings Posted - 23 Nov 2015 : 19:30:17
I'm really lost. People say to start with this book, no, this one. No, I'm pretty sure it's, this one.

Where do I start with the series? I've read nothing yet and I want to start, but I don't know where to :(
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tanthalas Posted - 24 Nov 2015 : 19:41:03
Originally posted by Artemas Entreri

Originally posted by Tanthalas

Spellfire on the other hand suffers from the usual problems in Ed's Realms books (many characters and the plot jumping all over the place) so I wouldn't recommend starting there.

You think Spellfire has a lot of characters? You are going to be in for a rude awakening if you ever read A Game of Thrones or Gardens of the Moon.

I have read the Game of Thrones books and I'm eagerly anticipating the next one.

The difference between Spellfire and GoT is that while both have the plot jumping all over the place, GoT develops the plot in each place a lot more. Ed has the habit of introducing a lot of characters in his books just to have them get killed off before becoming relevant to the story.

Honestly, the reason why I can't recommend Spellfire as a starting point for the Realms is because I simply don't think it's a good book. That's why I recommend books that I think are better, because a good book is more likely to get a new reader hooked to the Realms than Ed's status as the creator of the Realms.
xaeyruudh Posted - 24 Nov 2015 : 03:22:47
Originally posted by Zoomings

I'm really lost. People say to start with this book, no, this one. No, I'm pretty sure it's, this one.

Where do I start with the series? I've read nothing yet and I want to start, but I don't know where to :(

Not sure if you're referring to a specific series, or all FR novels.

If you're wondering about a specific author or series (the Drizzt books, for example, cover several trilogies and series) then I suggest checking the wikipedia pages for the authors or the book in question. You can also check the inside and find a list of other books (if any) which that author has written prior to the current one. R A Salvatore has been great about listing his books in order for us. Other authors aren't so attentive to the desires of brand-new readers to "keep everything straight," but you can still look them up and see everything they've published, and wikipedia will generally give you the order they were published in, which is usually the order they "go" in. It's kinda rare for authors to go back and write prequels, and in those cases even if you get them out of order the story still flows fine.

So bottom line: don't stress about it.

Everyone here has favorite authors, favorite books, and uh... not-favorites. There have been a lot of authors writing in the Realms, and they're all different, and as you know from non-Realms books... you have to read something in order to know whether you like it or not.

Don't worry about the order. Just dive in! Realms books are friendly to hopscotching around.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 24 Nov 2015 : 02:48:41
Originally posted by The Masked Mage

I would absolutely say do not start with the "Elminster" series. These worked because he was an established character and everyone asked Ed for years for his backstory. If you don't get the chance to see El in action before reading them it kind of defeats the point.

Excellent point. I couldn't wait for that first Elminster book to be published.
The Masked Mage Posted - 24 Nov 2015 : 02:17:17
The reason I recommend Spellfire is simple. It introduces you to several major realms characters and is set right smack dab in the middle of everything. Like him or not, Drizzt and his gang or the characters of any of the other novels mentioned above only influence a little corner of the Realms - Elminster, The Harpers, The Zhentarim, and the Cult of the Dragon are widespread mainstays.

Spellfire is the beginning of a trilogy so there is a clear next book to read (the same can be said of all the books Artemis suggested). After reading spellfire I'd recommend switching over to some of the 20 Harpers novels (most of which are stand alone), these will then lead into Elfshadow/Elfsong etc...

Then you will be off to the races. That would be a great first year of Realms reading and hopefully at the end of it you will be a fan and then will devour the hundreds of novels the setting has to offer.

I would absolutely say do not start with the "Elminster" series. These worked because he was an established character and everyone asked Ed for years for his backstory. If you don't get the chance to see El in action before reading them it kind of defeats the point.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 23 Nov 2015 : 23:43:34
Originally posted by Tanthalas

Spellfire on the other hand suffers from the usual problems in Ed's Realms books (many characters and the plot jumping all over the place) so I wouldn't recommend starting there.

You think Spellfire has a lot of characters? You are going to be in for a rude awakening if you ever read A Game of Thrones or Gardens of the Moon.
Faraer Posted - 23 Nov 2015 : 23:16:40
I'm afraid you won't find a definitive answer. It depends, first, on your objectives: to read good stories, learn what the Realms is like, read about its history? Opinions are bound to vary on the first; it'll be easier to recommend something you like if you tell us what kind of authors you enjoy. To grasp the Realms most directly, multiple plot threads and all, of course you'll want Ed's books, starting with Spellfire or Swords of Eveningstar (or Elminster: The Making of a Mage, though with the caveat that Ed only started writing Elminster novels at TSR's behest). Darkwalker was simply the first Realms novel to be published, and was not originally conceived for the setting.
Tanthalas Posted - 23 Nov 2015 : 20:31:21
Honestly, although Darkwalker on Moonshae was the first Realms novel I personally didn't find it that enticing.

Spellfire on the other hand suffers from the usual problems in Ed's Realms books (many characters and the plot jumping all over the place) so I wouldn't recommend starting there. Get back to his books after you have a solid interest in the Realms and you can start appreciating the bits of lore scattered around.

RA Salvatore's books (Homeland and The Crystal Shard) and Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb's books (Azure Bonds) are solid places to start though.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 23 Nov 2015 : 19:51:31
I'd recommend starting with one of the old school classics like:

Darkwalker on Moonshae
The Crystal Shard
Azure Bonds

Remember that the Forgotten Realms is not a series. It's a setting where all of the novels take place. Most of the novels can be enjoyed without having ever read the others.

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