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 Myrmeen Lhal Recent history? [spellstorm spoiler]

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Portuguese D. Ace Posted - 19 Nov 2015 : 18:21:46
Fellow scribes,

i need help shedding light on the story and life of Myrmeen Lhal.

The wikia says she died at 91, but in the middle of Spellstorm i find her alive and well.
The books talks about a song dragon, the transformation of myrmeen into a dragon, something like a slumber, an accident/attack perpetrated by Netheril, that actually woke her from her slumber forcing her out of dragon form (?!) into her current state of Harper/adventurer.

Could someone be more specific about this dragon-shapeshifting stuff?
Where does the info about her death come from?
Is the fact that she is alive and well known in cormyr?

(PS: i did read The Night Parade, but i didnt read elminster's books prior to The herald, if that matters.)

Thank you

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Eilserus Posted - 22 Nov 2015 : 18:56:15
I don't believe it's been detailed specifically. I know I've been dying to know more about Vangey (his role, what he does now etc) and her since they returned. I expect as Ed's novel line continues we'll keep seeing pieces put together. :)
Portuguese D. Ace Posted - 22 Nov 2015 : 13:08:10
Hashimashadoo, George, thank you for your help.

Unfortunately, neither on Cormyr Royale (Dungeon 198) neither on the other article on the same issue, i couldnt find anything about her death. The article only specifies that sh's growing weary of her life in arabel and she is moving to suzail.
I cant find anywhere about her "death" (feigned) when she should have been 91 years old.

do you have further info?

thank you

George Krashos Posted - 20 Nov 2015 : 02:01:19
Elminster's Daughter sets out how she and Vangey get together.

-- George Krashos
hashimashadoo Posted - 20 Nov 2015 : 01:20:49
Lhal's death is from an article by Brian Cortijo (AKA Garen Thal here in the Keep) published in Dungeon #198.

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