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 Cormyr 1489 DR WIP

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JohnLynch Posted - 14 Nov 2015 : 11:16:49
I purchased a copy of the Sword Coast map from Mike Schley's website which includes an unlabeled version of the map. Since then I've been adding the towns, cities and ruins of Cormyr into it. Here's how far I've gotten thus far.

My primary sources have been Volo's Guide to Cormyr with secondary sources including the 1479 DR Cormyr map as a secondary source.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rymac Posted - 16 Nov 2015 : 06:16:06
Originally posted by George Krashos

I wish Schley would do an Impiltur map. I wonder if he takes private commissions ...?

-- George Krashos

Do you think we'll ever get an update in the eastern and southern regions of Faerun? I think we'll eventually see updated info on Tethyr, Calimshan, the Vilhon Reach, Thay, Unther, and Mulhorand. Whether they are all in the same book IDK...
George Krashos Posted - 16 Nov 2015 : 05:57:57
I wish Schley would do an Impiltur map. I wonder if he takes private commissions ...?

-- George Krashos
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 16 Nov 2015 : 05:37:13
That Cormyr map looks pretty good.

It's unfortunate Schley's map seems to have omitted the Stonelands.
JohnLynch Posted - 16 Nov 2015 : 04:08:06
I've made some updates since the last post, here it is. They include:
* Abandoned Keep has been renamed.
* Some towns were added near Marsember.
* Redwood forest was added near Slingdyke.

I've added Markus Tay's stonelands map to the list of secondary sources after spotting Gwarch map on the 4th ed Cormyr map. I don't know what era Markus made this for, but the Redwoods has been referred to in my campaign and it's included in Markus' map. If anyone would like a copy of the current map WIP without the Redwood Forest let me know.

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