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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargoth Posted - 09 Nov 2015 : 22:35:09
Havent seen this posted anywhere else

Ranger Archetype: Deep Stalker

5ed Underdark guide?

Sorcerous Origin: Shadow

Not sure if the Shadow weave is still useable or whether Shar is now granting Shadow weave spells through her own magic but this probably screams Shade survivors and Mauglym

Warlock Patron: The Undying Light

Lathander or Kelemvor as a warlock patron
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
moonbeast Posted - 10 Nov 2015 : 10:18:30
Originally posted by Gyor

The Patron fluff for the Undying Light is weak and it needs anew name, we can't have both an undying patron and an undying light patron,it would get confusion.

They can simply rename it to "The Eternal Light".

moonbeast Posted - 10 Nov 2015 : 09:27:12
Originally posted by Dargoth

Havent seen this posted anywhere else

Ranger Archetype: Deep Stalker

5ed Underdark guide?

Sorcerous Origin: Shadow

Not sure if the Shadow weave is still useable or whether Shar is now granting Shadow weave spells through her own magic but this probably screams Shade survivors and Mauglym

Warlock Patron: The Undying Light

Lathander or Kelemvor as a warlock patron

The way I read the UA, the Undying Light entity is the warlock's Patron. The only question to me is…. who/what the heck is the Undying Light? They hint that it's the singular "source" of light and positivity from the Positive Energy Plane. But what kinda of entity is it? Is it a deity? Is it an intelligent Giant Sun? Is it intelligent and alive, or alive but insane? Is it a primordial? The last one makes sense, since primordials are essentially from the original elements (elementals), the building blocks that made creation and the universe possible.

Gyor Posted - 10 Nov 2015 : 05:27:22
The Patron fluff for the Undying Light is weak and it needs anew name, we can't have both an undying patron and an undying light patron,it would get confusion.

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