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 Population of Suzail

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Artemas Entreri Posted - 31 Oct 2015 : 19:32:55
Reading The Companions and Salvatore says that the population of Suzail in 1481 is 1 million! Did that city really explode that much from the 160,000 ish population it had during 2E? Any sources back this up?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Artemas Entreri Posted - 31 Oct 2015 : 20:37:45
Thanks for the input!

Without some serious expansion though, I find it difficult to believe that a city like that could grow to 8x its normal population without some serious repercussions.
Eilserus Posted - 31 Oct 2015 : 19:58:59
I asked THO about this a few years ago and this was her and Ed's response:

"Ed and I have both been horribly busy (in the case of Ed, that's a good thing for Realms fans, down the road).
Well, thanks to the turmoil of the Spellplague, Suzail IS one of the greatest (surviving) cities in the Realms, and as war has come between Cormyr and Sembia, and between Thultanthar (Shade) and Cormyr, lots of outlying crofters have fled to Suzail for the safety of the city walls and sheer numbers, so its population has grown greatly (hence the over a million population). However, war is going to get much closer to Suzail during the Sundering, so Suzail might not stay that way...

Hope this helps.

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