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 SCAG map as gaming tablecloth

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 30 Oct 2015 : 02:17:47
Check it:
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Derulbaskul Posted - 02 Nov 2015 : 13:15:51
I can get this printed on white tarpaulin where I live for about 20 dollars as a 10' x 8' print but I'm trying to work out where I would put it if I did so.
sno4wy Posted - 02 Nov 2015 : 02:22:28
I want this as a blanket. :D
sleyvas Posted - 01 Nov 2015 : 12:58:47
that is very nice. Wish I had a wide-scale printer to play with stuff like that with.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 30 Oct 2015 : 14:15:53
Originally posted by moonbeast

Originally posted by Dargoth

Well I guess we now know how the Forgotten realms geography got screwed up in 4ed... AO through a dinner party for the other overgods and thought he had a really cool idea for the dinning table! The entire population Amn is lying dead on your dinning room floor Jeremy!

Lord Ao was a messy eater. He spilled some spicy Sriracha sauce on top of the entire Shaar region, thus rending into a desolate wasteland.

I see what you did there.

In related news, I belched so hard that Chult became an island.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 30 Oct 2015 : 14:14:16
Awesome idea. It would be cool to have some for larger cities like Waterdeep and Calimport.
moonbeast Posted - 30 Oct 2015 : 09:58:53
Originally posted by Dargoth

Well I guess we now know how the Forgotten realms geography got screwed up in 4ed... AO through a dinner party for the other overgods and thought he had a really cool idea for the dinning table! The entire population Amn is lying dead on your dinning room floor Jeremy!

Lord Ao was a messy eater. He spilled some spicy Sriracha sauce on top of the entire Shaar region, thus rending into a desolate wasteland.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 30 Oct 2015 : 06:07:08
Originally posted by Dargoth

Im actually suprised Mikes able to sell his maps (snip)

I've wondered about the deal he struck with WotC.

I'm guessing it's similar to what freelance artists working for WotC can do, which appears to be having the option to sell their artwork, either as prints or the originals.

I've seen Magic the Gathering artwork for sale online, and if I remember correctly Wayne Reynolds originals for sale back in 2007 at the Gen Con art dealers room.
Dargoth Posted - 30 Oct 2015 : 05:34:13
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

Originally posted by Dargoth

On a more serious note what did you print the map on?

Boy oh boy do I wish that was mine, but it is not.

I pulled the link in the OP from the top of this reddit thread:

While I'm here, check out this overlay of Schley's SCAG map on the North American continent, with help from Google Earth:

Im actually suprised Mikes able to sell his maps back in 3ed times it seemed as though anything you made for WOTC became the property of WOTC, I guess WOTC have mellowed since 3ed
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 30 Oct 2015 : 04:09:16
Originally posted by Dargoth

On a more serious note what did you print the map on?

Boy oh boy do I wish that was mine, but it is not.

I pulled the link in the OP from the top of this reddit thread:

While I'm here, check out this overlay of Schley's SCAG map on the North American continent, with help from Google Earth:
Dargoth Posted - 30 Oct 2015 : 03:01:10
Well I guess we now know how the Forgotten realms geography got screwed up in 4ed... AO through a dinner party for the other overgods and thought he had a really cool idea for the dinning table! The entire population Amn is lying dead on your dinning room floor Jeremy!

On a more serious note what did you print the map on?
Delwa Posted - 30 Oct 2015 : 02:37:23
I'm tempted to do the same thing. The way my 3d terrain system works, it would take next to no effort to move it aside to consult the tablecloth if need be.
Kentinal Posted - 30 Oct 2015 : 02:23:33
Well it looks nice, it strikes me as hard to use as an actual game table.
At best I could see it used for war gaming and even that might be difficult.

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