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 thunder lizards

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combatmedic Posted - 10 Oct 2015 : 21:29:38

IIRC, dinosaurs inhabit the Stonelands (northern marches/border wilds of Cormyr). Chult, too. There is a dino totem barbarian clan among the Uthgardt, I think.
So, how common are dinos in Fsaerun? How widespread? Just pockets of certain types in specific regions, or they could be encountered in many regions?

This is both canon/published FR question and a home game question.
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
combatmedic Posted - 30 Nov 2015 : 22:30:47
WR, the raptor priest sounds hardcore!

"Clever girl."

Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 Nov 2015 : 22:14:40
Originally posted by Korginard

As for the Enlightened Raptor Idea, I was part of a short-lived Spelljammer game where on of the players convinced the DM to let him play an Alien based on an intelligent Sentient Raptor. We based a lot of it on what info we could find on Saurials.

My inspiration for the awakened velociraptor Malarite priest was based mostly on how the 'raptors were depicted in Jurassic Park - pretty much the ultimate predator. With Malar's focus on the hunt, I think he'd practically wet himself at the thought of having velociraptor followers.
Korginard Posted - 30 Nov 2015 : 21:44:08
I thought I had remembered one of the Uthgardt Tribes using Thunderbeasts as thier totem. A search of Tribes on the FR Wiki confirmed this. It also mentions that the Thunderbeast Tribe guarded the secret that Thunderbeasts (Dinosaurs) Still exist deep in the High Forrest.
As for the Enlightened Raptor Idea, I was part of a short-lived Spelljammer game where on of the players convinced the DM to let him play an Alien based on an intelligent Sentient Raptor. We based a lot of it on what info we could find on Saurials.
Barastir Posted - 30 Nov 2015 : 12:54:22
It's actually on a Dragon Magazine. #187, IIRC.
The Masked Mage Posted - 30 Nov 2015 : 02:54:02
Dinosaurs are pretty much limited to Chult as far as I've ever seen in the Realms - but that certainly doesn't mean you cant have a region with them surviving - like a land of the lost in the mountains. If you are into Raptors, there was once a Dungeon Magazine that had a MC write up for them specifically. No clue which and not too keen on looking though 200 magazines to find it though :)
Eilserus Posted - 29 Nov 2015 : 16:58:29
I believe it's been mentioned you can find them frozen in ice in the far North. Spine of the World area perhaps?

In the South, you'd think you would see the flying sorts in places as they attempt to spread. I'd imagine they get their numbers whittled down quite fast however.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Nov 2015 : 14:59:25
Originally posted by Fellfire

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

One of these days I'm going to have fun with an old idea of mine: an awakened velociraptor priest of Malar.

That sounds groovy, Wooly. Do you have the Complete Guide to Velociraptors from Goodman Games?

Never even heard of it... I first had my idea back in the days of 2E, when I thought up a drow breeding program that resulted in velociraptors that were more intelligent and telepathic. But I eventually scrapped that idea; the way I was trying to do it was unworkable. It didn't reach Madcoil levels of being ridiculous, but it was a little too far out there.
Fellfire Posted - 29 Nov 2015 : 10:54:59
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

One of these days I'm going to have fun with an old idea of mine: an awakened velociraptor priest of Malar.

That sounds groovy, Wooly. Do you have the Complete Guide to Velociraptors from Goodman Games?
DestroyYouAlot Posted - 29 Nov 2015 : 07:30:23
N5 Under Illefarn does pretty firmly establish dinosaurs (and other prehistoric reptiles) in the Lizard Marsh. The current science seems to lean towards dinosaurs being warm-blooded, but I've still extrapolated their presence here (and their not having spread across the North in greater numbers) to a sort of "lost world" climate bubble in the heart of the Marsh - nothing drastic, but reliably mild compared to the surrounding coastal area (which is temperate up as far as Neverwinter according to FR5).

(Out of game, I'd also point out that N5 is by Steve Perrin - best known for creating Runequest, where "thunder lizards" are definitely a thing - and that FR5 is by Jennell Jaquays, best known for writing for Judges Guild's Wilderlands line, where dinos can also be found.)
Seravin Posted - 13 Oct 2015 : 14:47:30
There really should have been dinosaurs in the Lost Vale! The concept of the Vale and the extra-planar inhabitants with Dragonbait and his people would have worked so well for dinosaurs to be there. Even if Chult is the real dino ground for the Realms.
Barastir Posted - 13 Oct 2015 : 12:21:21
There are some dinos in the "Lizard Marsh" near Daggerford, just south of Waterdeep. They first apear in the Under Illefarn accessory, and I think they are mentioned again in the boxed set The North: Guide to the Savage Frontier.

EDIT: In the back of the boxed set map there is a huge Encounter table which includes dinos among the creatures you can find in your travels.
combatmedic Posted - 11 Oct 2015 : 22:22:01
Originally posted by Rymac

Wasn't there an adventure in an early issue of Dungeon about dinosaurs in the sewers of Waterdeep?

"Of Nests and Nations", I think.

EDIT: No, that was a Mystara adventure. The Waterdeep one is definitely about dinos in the sewers, but I had the wrong title.

This one:
… And a Dozen Eggs
By Randy Maxwell
Levels 1-3

Issue #30
Rymac Posted - 11 Oct 2015 : 20:48:08
Wasn't there an adventure in an early issue of Dungeon about dinosaurs in the sewers of Waterdeep?
Brimstone Posted - 11 Oct 2015 : 16:37:33
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

One of these days I'm going to have fun with an old idea of mine: an awakened velociraptor priest of Malar.

Sounds fun Wooly...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Oct 2015 : 03:14:41
One of these days I'm going to have fun with an old idea of mine: an awakened velociraptor priest of Malar.
combatmedic Posted - 10 Oct 2015 : 22:07:06
I imagine dinos would have been more common in the age when dragons ruled Faerun.

And maybe then an Ice Age and the rise of 'prehistoric' mammals, in the time of the giants?

Does that fit the established chronology?

combatmedic Posted - 10 Oct 2015 : 22:05:38
Originally posted by Kentinal

As best I know they are only found in certain regions, in part because of climate and also food supply. You would be hard pressed to find one any where near Waterdeep (too cold I think).

That makes sense.

Unless maybe the dinos in question are homeothermic, like birds...

There are lizard-men up in the North, as I recall. The Mere of Dead Men, right?

Kentinal Posted - 10 Oct 2015 : 21:58:42
As best I know they are only found in certain regions, in part because of climate and also food supply. You would be hard pressed to find one any where near Waterdeep (too cold I think).

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