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 Want a new Shadowbane story? (Back D&D ExtraLife!)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 24 Aug 2015 : 17:40:03
Well met, all,

Every year, the Dungeons & Dragons team gets together for a full weekend marathon D&D session (total 56 hours of solid gaming) in order to support Extra-Life, an organization to benefit sick kids.

I'm participating this year, and I need your help to 1) develop the character I'll use during the game, and 2) unlock the super ultimate prize: a brand-new Shadowbane short story.

That's right. SHADOWBANE. A brand-new story, set in Westgate in the interim period between Eye of Justice and Kingdom of Night, the (eventually) forthcoming fourth novel.

How to help? It's easy: go to my page, read over the character options, click "Support Me," and donate. All donations 100% tax deductible, and it supports a really cool cause (gaming to help kids)! And if you feel so inclined, tell your friends! Know someone who likes Shadowbane? This is your opportunity.

Here's my page:

You'll also find several other Realms stars on the D&D Extra-Life team, like Erin Evans and Susan Morris.

Let's do this!

20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fellfire Posted - 27 Nov 2015 : 03:41:08
I have been away from the Keep for a while because of well... life (school, work, women). I am upset I missed out on this. Do I have any recourse? One question I would really like you to answer is does this short feature Ilira? I find her far more interesting than Shadowbane.
BenN Posted - 27 Sep 2015 : 11:52:53
Dooo eeeeet......
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 27 Sep 2015 : 04:58:21
Last week to get on this! Currently it's going to be a little over 6,000 words.

The story will be an exclusive, only sent to those who contribute at least $10 to the campaign.

Not too much for a piece of history, is it?

Malaugryn Posted - 17 Sep 2015 : 13:58:03
YAY!!!! I love Shadowbane, he is one of my favourite characters in Realms!
lsls Posted - 14 Sep 2015 : 05:52:37
Congratulations,Erik.and when can we expect your Kingdom of Night?

Thieran Posted - 11 Sep 2015 : 10:04:14
Indeed, good news!
Irennan Posted - 11 Sep 2015 : 01:47:03
BenN Posted - 11 Sep 2015 : 01:20:13
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 11 Sep 2015 : 00:43:49
Congratulations, Erik.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 10 Sep 2015 : 23:55:40
An update!

I hit my goal of $500, meaning the story *is* happening! Yes! We did it. You guys are awesome.

The more donations that come in, however, the longer the story will be, and I'll be consulting anyone who pledges over a certain threshold about the contents! (Also, I will *only* be sending the completed story to people who back this campaign at $15 or more, so if you want some more SHADOWBANE, let's do this!)

Also, help me survive the late night game!

Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 09 Sep 2015 : 16:22:56

We're at $390 (78%), but that means the story is still $110 away!

Tell your friends! Hit up your gaming group! Demand SHADOWBANE!

Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 31 Aug 2015 : 17:55:40
Here's an update, friends!

I'm at 58% of my goal for helping kids through gaming--and toward writing a new SHADOWBANE story!

Check it out and help me out if you can! Tell your friends!

BenN Posted - 28 Aug 2015 : 00:38:10
Spreading the word to another forum where I'm a regular (Ars Technica):

Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 27 Aug 2015 : 22:00:28
Holy Updates, Bane-Man!

There is now an option to shape the SHADOWBANE story I'm going to write, as follows:

If you donate $40 or more to my campaign, I will name a character, setting, or item in your honor in the story (assuming you want such a prize). This is in addition to any character development prize you select from the above.

Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 26 Aug 2015 : 04:29:18
Thanks all! Your generosity toward sick kids, and toward keeping my character alive, AND toward unlocking a new Shadowbane story has been very well received.

I am currently at $200, which is 40% of my goal!

If you haven't already donated, give my page a look:

Tell your friends about my campaign! Hit up your gaming group! Post on Social Media! The more I raise, the more likely I can write the story, and the longer it will be.

BenN Posted - 25 Aug 2015 : 00:53:29
$50 on its way. Thanks for doing this, Erik!
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 24 Aug 2015 : 22:55:44
One fifth of the way there.
Caolin Posted - 24 Aug 2015 : 22:01:54
Done. So stoked!!
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 24 Aug 2015 : 21:21:14
Also, there will be opportunities to influence the story itself as well.

Check back!

Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 24 Aug 2015 : 19:49:40
Just donated $15.

Forgot to mention your character's power: Arcane Wellspring of ABSOLUTE POWER! +1 spell slot (level equal to donation divided by 10).

Good luck. I hope this gets fully funded.

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