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 Best map for a high resolution, poster sized print

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Cards77 Posted - 20 Apr 2015 : 20:12:36
I was wondering which map version folks have used that looked good in a very large format, say 44" x 44" or 44" x 60" or so?

I am looking for one that shows as many places as possible, and as much detail as possible.

Area is "The North", generally from Daggerdale up to Icewind Dale, and East to the desert.

Any suggestions, and/or links (free use) greatly appreciated! Thanks
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sleyvas Posted - 27 Nov 2015 : 13:15:04
Delwa Posted - 27 Nov 2015 : 03:54:25
I rolled a 1. I believe This is the Handsome Rob map? I'm part ferret. I had it stashed in my Dropbox and forgot about it. I hope it works for you.
Cards77 Posted - 27 Nov 2015 : 02:53:17
Sadly I can't have 5th edition. Plus it's a great map, but it's missing like 90% of the relevant details, like roads, towns etc.
Delwa Posted - 27 Nov 2015 : 02:23:02
Have you tried the map from Mike Schley? It is very high res, and I've seen people take it and get different banners, tablecloths, etc made from it.
Cards77 Posted - 27 Nov 2015 : 02:13:36
Does anyone have a working link for Handsome Rob's Toril map or even just the Northwest section? I'm trying to order a table cloth sized map and I need his high rez file like right now. None of the links seem to be working. Help! Thanks.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 21 Apr 2015 : 16:39:12
I would also recommend that instead of trying to find and then print a good digital copy, hit eBay or for either the 1E or 2E FRCS boxed sets - the maps in those should suit your purposes well.
Cards77 Posted - 21 Apr 2015 : 14:52:08
Thanks now i got it.
Hoondatha Posted - 20 Apr 2015 : 23:08:28
Here's the link to the appropriate thread. The download link is highlighted in yellow. I have no idea if it's still live, though.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 20 Apr 2015 : 22:08:32
I've printed a ton of Markustay's maps and most of them blowup nicely with crisp lettering:
Artemas Entreri Posted - 20 Apr 2015 : 22:07:11
Originally posted by Hoondatha

The best fan-created map I know of was made by a CK user called HandsomeRob. It's stunning, and covers the entire world. It is also, sadly, more than 800 MB, so I can't exactly email it to you. But if you search the boards, you might find the link (and it might still be active).

I did a search but didn't see anything. I really want to check this thing out!
Hoondatha Posted - 20 Apr 2015 : 21:02:53
The best fan-created map I know of was made by a CK user called HandsomeRob. It's stunning, and covers the entire world. It is also, sadly, more than 800 MB, so I can't exactly email it to you. But if you search the boards, you might find the link (and it might still be active).

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