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 Merging the Monk and Cleric Classes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jordanz Posted - 25 Jul 2014 : 02:40:23
Has this been done? Both are similar in motivations with different expression of that motivation. But many monks do "spread the gospel" , heal, and have divine auras, so why not?
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Crai Posted - 26 Jul 2014 : 21:03:21
Being approximately 7 years removed from the end of 3.5 play, the various game mechanics and char-op community forums have pretty much stabilized the highly regarded "Tier System for 3.5 Classes". You can see it posted over GitP, EnWorld, MinMax, Brilliant Gameologist and even at the continuing-to-wane WotC forums.

Clerics are quintessential Tier 1. Monks are quintessential Tier 5. Wielding full access to the entirety of the WotC 3.X sourcebook array in addition to busting out your best CharOp-Fu, you can raise Monk to high Tier 4. But that's about it.

To quote JaronK, one of the respected authors of Tier System rankings: Tier 1: Capable of doing absolutely everything, often better than classes that specialize in that thing. Often capable of solving encounters with a single mechanical ability and little thought from the player. Has world changing powers at high levels. These guys, if played well, can break a campaign and can be very hard to challenge without extreme DM fiat, especially if Tier 3s and below are in the party.

Meaning, you can actually build a Cleric (via spells, feats & ACFs) to completely emulate or overpower nearly the full breadth of the Monk's class abilities while still allowing him dual-utility to function as a normal high-powered party cleric. The opposite (Monk-to-Cleric) ... is not possible without that Monk sacrificing nearly all his class levels for primary spellcaster or psionic-caster levels.

Jergals Spare Scythe Posted - 26 Jul 2014 : 20:38:05
In 3.5, a Favored Soul of Ilmater, combined with the Superior Unarmed Strike feat and a monk's robe, would supply monkly-goodness without sacrificing caster level. Not a blaster by any means, but a decent buffer/hand-to-hand type, IMO.
Lilianviaten Posted - 26 Jul 2014 : 18:04:14
Originally posted by LordofBones

Clerics are already the strongest class in the game, they don't need monk abilities.

I'm no rules expert, but I would take a high level wizard or paladin over a cleric. Maybe sorcerors, but not sure.
Jergals Spare Scythe Posted - 25 Jul 2014 : 16:34:20
There is also the 3.5 prestige class, the Sacred Fist (from Complete Divine). It gives a cleric some monk abilities, or a way for a monk/cleric to better both classes. I agree with Arcanamach, 2nd ed. priest were much more flavorful and interesting.
The Arcanamach Posted - 25 Jul 2014 : 10:27:25
I find 3e clerics very bland compared to their 2e counterparts (specifically specialty priests). They had far more flavor back then. Not sure that I agree with their being the most powerful class though they might be. Decent HP, decent BAB, cast spells in armor...pretty good combo. But many of their spells are lacking IMO. Wizards, with the right builds, outstrip clerics easily methinks.
LordofBones Posted - 25 Jul 2014 : 10:16:55
Clerics are already the strongest class in the game, they don't need monk abilities.
The Arcanamach Posted - 25 Jul 2014 : 09:59:18
From a 3e perspective this woudl be a disaster...that combo would be way over powered (monks are badass...though I don't care for the class at all). Now if you just took the cleric and added some monk 'flavor' you might be onto something...but 'merging' them wouldn't work.
Jergals Spare Scythe Posted - 25 Jul 2014 : 03:54:28
This has been done in 2nd edition. The Fighting-Monk was a priest kit which could specialize in punching, wrestling, or martial arts. They shunned armor, and had NWP crossover with all five groups of skills. Always wanted to play one, but have not gotten the chance yet.

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