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 What are on the moons?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
silverwolfer Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 23:51:58
What exactly are on the moon/moons over faerun?
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Markustay Posted - 10 Jul 2013 : 14:30:07
So here I am thinking about the moons, and how we know at least one is affiliated with Selune, and how the 'lost moon' may have been Shar's.

And now I am thinking there may be some sort of 'cosmic tramp-stamp' hovering just above the moons, that one can only see if they have some sort of 'true sight'.

Don't know why that bizarre thought popped-into my head... I may need another break from all this LOL.
KacyCrawford Posted - 09 Jul 2013 : 16:54:05
Great share
sleyvas Posted - 08 Jul 2013 : 21:15:07
Originally posted by Markustay

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Markustay

So what about the other moon - the one thats 'gone' now? If the Tears were part of that, what might have survived? We know from Rich Baker's Moonsea series that at least one has a Neogi base on it. If it was really Shar's 'dark moon', then maybe there'd be all sorts of cthonic/shadowy entities in that field.

Where was the 'Rock of Braal' - was that in the Tears?

Originally, the Rock of Bral wasn't in any particular sphere. Steven Schend placed it in the Tears in a Dragon article.

Ahhh, so we have Neogi and a Beholder-run bar.... sounds like the kind of region where all sorts of 'atideluvian' critters might roam. Where are the illithids in Realmspace? Or do they just fly around all the time?

I know in Greyspace (which I know better then Realmspace, sadly) they share a planet with drow - each lives on a different side, IIRC. I used a drow scholar from there to frame my Elven Netbook articles.

Glyth is the 6th planet. Its surface is filled with acidic rain and smoke from raging fires the continually consume anything that grows there. Its also covered in some strange gelatin that's possibly nutritious. Its the same rough size as Toril (both are labeled size E). The illithids breed and educate their humanoid stock in order to get better flavored brains. Those that are more intelligent are allowed to breed. The others are either sold to other mind flayers as cattle or used as food. The ones that breed are told they are being trained to explore new worlds, until they are too old to breed anymore, at which time they become dinner.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 08 Jul 2013 : 03:42:27
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Markustay

So what about the other moon - the one thats 'gone' now? If the Tears were part of that, what might have survived? We know from Rich Baker's Moonsea series that at least one has a Neogi base on it. If it was really Shar's 'dark moon', then maybe there'd be all sorts of cthonic/shadowy entities in that field.

Where was the 'Rock of Braal' - was that in the Tears?

Originally, the Rock of Bral wasn't in any particular sphere. Steven Schend placed it in the Tears in a Dragon article.

Actually, I think it was Lands of Intrigue.

You may be correct... Though the article introduced Gamalon Idogyr and put him on the Rock, writing a letter to his bud Elminster... Lands of Intrigue then gave us much detail about Gamalon.
The Sage Posted - 08 Jul 2013 : 03:23:13
Originally posted by Markustay

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Markustay

So what about the other moon - the one thats 'gone' now? If the Tears were part of that, what might have survived? We know from Rich Baker's Moonsea series that at least one has a Neogi base on it. If it was really Shar's 'dark moon', then maybe there'd be all sorts of cthonic/shadowy entities in that field.

Where was the 'Rock of Braal' - was that in the Tears?

Originally, the Rock of Bral wasn't in any particular sphere. Steven Schend placed it in the Tears in a Dragon article.

Ahhh, so we have Neogi and a Beholder-run bar.... sounds like the kind of region where all sorts of 'atideluvian' critters might roam. Where are the illithids in Realmspace? Or do they just fly around all the time?
Well, we know they are/were on Glyth -- thanks to Eric Boyd's tidbit in Drizzt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark.
The Sage Posted - 08 Jul 2013 : 03:18:35
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Markustay

So what about the other moon - the one thats 'gone' now? If the Tears were part of that, what might have survived? We know from Rich Baker's Moonsea series that at least one has a Neogi base on it. If it was really Shar's 'dark moon', then maybe there'd be all sorts of cthonic/shadowy entities in that field.

Where was the 'Rock of Braal' - was that in the Tears?

Originally, the Rock of Bral wasn't in any particular sphere. Steven Schend placed it in the Tears in a Dragon article.

Actually, I think it was Lands of Intrigue.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 Jul 2013 : 17:25:09
Originally posted by Markustay

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Markustay

So what about the other moon - the one thats 'gone' now? If the Tears were part of that, what might have survived? We know from Rich Baker's Moonsea series that at least one has a Neogi base on it. If it was really Shar's 'dark moon', then maybe there'd be all sorts of cthonic/shadowy entities in that field.

Where was the 'Rock of Braal' - was that in the Tears?

Originally, the Rock of Bral wasn't in any particular sphere. Steven Schend placed it in the Tears in a Dragon article.

Ahhh, so we have Neogi and a Beholder-run bar.... sounds like the kind of region where all sorts of 'atideluvian' critters might roam. Where are the illithids in Realmspace? Or do they just fly around all the time?

It's been ages since I cracked open my copy of the Rock of Bral, or even Realmspace... So I don't recall if there are illithids on the Rock or not. I know there are some in a giant floating skull located elsewhere in Realmspace, though -- Skull of the Void, where the illithids particularly enjoy beholder brains.
Markustay Posted - 07 Jul 2013 : 16:36:10
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Markustay

So what about the other moon - the one thats 'gone' now? If the Tears were part of that, what might have survived? We know from Rich Baker's Moonsea series that at least one has a Neogi base on it. If it was really Shar's 'dark moon', then maybe there'd be all sorts of cthonic/shadowy entities in that field.

Where was the 'Rock of Braal' - was that in the Tears?

Originally, the Rock of Bral wasn't in any particular sphere. Steven Schend placed it in the Tears in a Dragon article.

Ahhh, so we have Neogi and a Beholder-run bar.... sounds like the kind of region where all sorts of 'atideluvian' critters might roam. Where are the illithids in Realmspace? Or do they just fly around all the time?

I know in Greyspace (which I know better then Realmspace, sadly) they share a planet with drow - each lives on a different side, IIRC. I used a drow scholar from there to frame my Elven Netbook articles.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 Jul 2013 : 16:23:26
Originally posted by Markustay

So what about the other moon - the one thats 'gone' now? If the Tears were part of that, what might have survived? We know from Rich Baker's Moonsea series that at least one has a Neogi base on it. If it was really Shar's 'dark moon', then maybe there'd be all sorts of cthonic/shadowy entities in that field.

Where was the 'Rock of Braal' - was that in the Tears?

Originally, the Rock of Bral wasn't in any particular sphere. Steven Schend placed it in the Tears in a Dragon article.
Markustay Posted - 07 Jul 2013 : 16:11:56
So what about the other moon - the one thats 'gone' now? If the Tears were part of that, what might have survived? We know from Rich Baker's Moonsea series that at least one has a Neogi base on it. If it was really Shar's 'dark moon', then maybe there'd be all sorts of cthonic/shadowy entities in that field.

Where was the 'Rock of Braal' - was that in the Tears?
The Sage Posted - 07 Jul 2013 : 04:06:44
We also know that most of Selūne's surface is comprised of "sprawling cities, huge lakes, and seas. Majestic mountains with molten peaks lie in huge ranges which stretch from north to south. Three such mountain ranges exist, with the middle one being the tallest and most formidable. The tops of the highest 12 mountains are molten."

From that, we see that most of the cities spread across the surface are connected by decorative streets and illuminated walkways.
The Sage Posted - 07 Jul 2013 : 04:04:55
Indeed, there are people living on Selūne.

Among them... humans, elves, and a significant settlement of Leiran faithful. Actually, they'd likely former faithful now given her 'dead' status. There are other races also. See the Realmspace sourcebook and the details for Selūne at the website.

I'll also note that an illusion crafted by Leira herself makes/made the moon appear to be a barren rock, hiding the actual landscape. I say makes/made because, with the death of Leira, it isn't entirely clear the illusion still exists. We're currently waiting to hear back from Ed on the matter.

My own thoughts suggest that, until we hear otherwise, Leira's illusion simply isn't what it used to be. It may be that it has decayed somewhat, since with Leira herself now gone, the worshippers have nothing to pray to in order to continue benefiting from Leira's "gift." Cyric taking on the illusion is an interesting prospect, perhaps even having him posing as Leira for a time. Though, I'd imagine he's only doing this because he feels he can eventually turn this sizable portion of Leira-worshippers to him and increase his power beyond Toril itself.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 Jul 2013 : 01:54:49
A bunch of paranoid Leirans, and until the Spellplague, an illusion covering them.

I've never understood myself why there weren't worshippers of Selūne on the moon that bears her name and that she represents.
sfdragon Posted - 07 Jul 2013 : 01:44:02

moon dust
moon rocks
faerunian cheese

spell jammer stuff......

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