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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Faraer Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 04:05:45
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Markustay Posted - 07 Jul 2013 : 23:25:07
Thanks for volunteering as 'celebrity guest DM', ED... now for the next 17 sessions of competitive play at this year's Gencon...

"Damn... what is that SMELL?"
BEAST Posted - 07 Jul 2013 : 18:27:41
"*Pfft* Drow need a piwafwi. I've got . . . a HAND!"
Aldrick Posted - 07 Jul 2013 : 18:21:27
"I have this really great idea for a new character in a mostly untouched part of the Realms, and the story will be about how... -- What!? You want me to do ANOTHER Elminster novel?"
Dark Wizard Posted - 07 Jul 2013 : 16:57:53
"I'm a librarian, not a [fill in the blank]."

"For the last time, I am NOT Elminster."

"I'm also not Santa Claus (except when I am)."

"I'm also not a wizard (except during weekends)."

"When I let Volo borrow my car, it never occurred to me that would happen."

"You do know I've created other worlds and written other materials besides Forgotten Realms..."

"You want another Sundering?"

"Now you see me ... now you don't."
BadCatMan Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 01:23:58
"Not another Candlekeep forum question."
silverwolfer Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 00:14:05
Why would a fae run?
Lothlos Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 23:30:23
Ed Greenwood after he was told that the Legion of Doom (The Twisted Rune) sabotaged one of Halasters spells from a remote location and Halaster's soul was spread throughout the Realms and beyond
Arcanus Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 23:02:21
Silent but deadly! Now who's going to notice it first?
BEAST Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 22:10:44
THO's whip broke!
BEAST Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 22:08:53
Somebody's dice rolled off the table and down a drain in the floor.
Arcanus Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 19:27:48
"If I close my eyes and wish, will 4e just never have been"?
Kajehase Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 19:15:41
The "Ask Ed Greenwood" thread on Candlekeep has gotten how long did you say?
Garen Thal Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 19:12:10
Actually, that's the expression Ed makes when someone tells him a joke and he's so overtired--and the joke so juvenile--that he cannot hold himself together or look the person in the eye any more.

Otherwise known as "Friday night drinks at Gen Con."
Seravin Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 18:48:56
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Caption: "Ed Greenwood, after first learning about the Spellplague."

BEAST Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 18:33:08
Originally posted by TBeholder

Originally posted by BEAST

"Ed Greenwood, after his publisher told him, 'OK, we admit it: We broke it. Now fix it.'"
Ah, but did they admit it?

The Sundering and the welcome of all the old-era lore would seem to indicate such.
TBeholder Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 18:04:59
Originally posted by BEAST

"Ed Greenwood, after his publisher told him, 'OK, we admit it: We broke it. Now fix it.'"
Ah, but did they admit it?
Originally posted by Eilserus

Ed upon learning Volo survived the Spellplague.
This would be better with all good news combined: "Hey, we got a great idea for Realms! Everyone dies. The world is in pieces. Drizzt and Volo are alive and well."
Originally posted by Eilserus

"Mr. Greenwood, you have a phone call holding on line 1. Some guy named El mentioned a Wizards Three and he wants to know where the sandwiches and ice cream are at."
Evil enough, but obscure.
Kris the Grey Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 17:35:32
"I could have had a V8..."


"I should have rolled a D8..."
The Sage Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 16:43:52
"I can't believe I let the Lady Hooded One do that."

silverwolfer Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 06:17:20
Grandpa Is that you?
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 06:14:02
I was doing this move by the age of 6, long before Patrick Stewart stole it.
Eilserus Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 05:58:20
"Mr. Greenwood, you have a phone call holding on line 1. Some guy named El mentioned a Wizards Three and he wants to know where the sandwiches and ice cream are at."
Eilserus Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 05:46:53
Ed upon learning Volo survived the Spellplague.
BEAST Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 05:15:05
"Ed Greenwood, after his publisher told him, 'OK, we admit it: We broke it. Now fix it.'"
BEAST Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 05:13:41
"Ed Greenwood, moments after having been asked by Bob Salvatore if he could borrow the Harpell Clan, once again."
Wooly Rupert Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 04:13:37
Caption: "Ed Greenwood, after first learning about the Spellplague."

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