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 Taking the predictions on Godborn

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Foxhelm Posted - 17 Jun 2013 : 17:42:15
Curious about people's prediction on Godborn...

Will Mask be resurrected?

Will Vasen Cale or his father Erevis Cale replace the God of Thieves?

Will one of the two merge with Mask to become an new Mask or God of Thieves?

If Mask is resurrected will Vasen or Erevis become his new chosen?

Just some thoughts... curious about people's prediction?
28   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tarlyn Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 16:35:13
Originally posted by silverwolfer
Do you think the possibility they will bring mask back with a vengeance, and even have him take over parts like that drow god that got killed by elistree, and other sneak deities ?

Hopefully, they will simply bring all the different deities back period. There is no need to merge them together, or have them steal each others abilities.

Originally posted by Dennis
It would be a waste to kill off Rivalen prematurely. Having his sliver of divinity taken and returned to Mask is fine, but he has to stay alive to keep the tension among the Tanthuls (who all will eventually learn of his matricide) and to spark internal conflict.

It is merely a guess. However, the sample character featuring the Tanthuls already shows the internal conflict. The GenCon address thing foreshadows that Sembia is the "land of fat rich merchants". Also, the Ed Greenwood presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms book lays it on pretty thick that Shar is extremely fickle and likely to just out right abandon Shade at some point. I have the distinct feeling that the Shades are not going to make it through the sundering in good shape. I just hope that they exit the otherside of the sundering on equal footing with the other major power groups rather than getting complete erased.
Xar Zarath Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 07:29:42
Actually I like how Paul is portraying Telamont's reactions to his now-godling son. Even though the Most High is technically one of the most powerful wizards on Faerun, it still is better to take precautions.

This is one of those situations where sometimes fluff trumps mechanic I suppose, because technically mechanics/gaming wise someone at Telamont's level could easily face a godling.
silverwolfer Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 07:25:29
Hmmm, all omnipotent beings are.

I am going to say, that due to his portfolio , he set it up, for where he could steal his powers back , rather then deceive.
Dennis Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 07:22:18

Forget the title and portfolio. He still is wily and deceitful without it.
silverwolfer Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 07:19:18 gonna call nay on that, he lost intrigue and lies to cyric, oh and decpection to.
Dennis Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 06:45:37

Partly true. But he is the god of deceit. He could have reneged on their deal had he had the firepower to counter Shar should she decide to implement violent means for his transgression. But he did not have that, and so he just chose the relatively safer, albeit long, path toward his survival.
silverwolfer Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 06:35:39
He went back to shar due to a deal , not because he was helpless.
Dennis Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 06:00:39

Perhaps. Come to think of it, when he does return, he would have to be relatively more powerful than his former self or ally with a greater deity or two who can lend him some semblance of protection (however minor) because Shar would probably try to subsume him again.
silverwolfer Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 00:13:30
Do you think the possibility they will bring mask back with a vengeance, and even have him take over parts like that drow god that got killed by elistree, and other sneak deities ?
Dennis Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 20:16:26

It would be a waste to kill off Rivalen prematurely. Having his sliver of divinity taken and returned to Mask is fine, but he has to stay alive to keep the tension among the Tanthuls (who all will eventually learn of his matricide) and to spark internal conflict.
Tarlyn Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 18:19:54
I am expecting Mask to return and Rivalen to die. Every indication is that Sembia becomes independent again in 5e and I just don't see how that works with Rivalen alive. I would guess that Erevis Cale himself won't ascend as Mask just because he is Paul's signature character. However, I could see him ascending and Vasen become the new main character of the series. I am actually kind of surpised the Vasen is the first actual legacy character that has appeared since the time jump.
Dennis Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 16:37:27
Originally posted by Alenis

I imagine the various portions of Mask's divinity will coalesce in one way or another, & that Cale's son will be the instrument of Masks return. Whether he will take over AS Mask, like Midnight did for Mystra, or if the child was planned as a re-birth like the Bhaal-Spawn, I'm unsure.
I’d rather that Vasen (Cale’s son), Cale himself, Riven, and Rivalen all “function” as mere receptacles of Mask’s essence and that Mask would return and take that divided essence back as himself still.
silverwolfer Posted - 25 Jun 2013 : 07:11:37
What is the potential of a trinity god among all the various chosen of mask?

look at the image, to see how the holy symbol could look like.
Alenis Posted - 25 Jun 2013 : 06:38:38
I imagine the various portions of Mask's divinity will coalesce in one way or another, & that Cale's son will be the instrument of Masks return. Whether he will take over AS Mask, like Midnight did for Mystra, or if the child was planned as a re-birth like the Bhaal-Spawn, I'm unsure.
CorellonsDevout Posted - 25 Jun 2013 : 04:11:10
I'm looking forward to seeing Mask--hopefully--again. I've been waiting for Godborn ever since I heard about it.
Dennis Posted - 19 Jun 2013 : 14:07:48
Originally posted by Arcanus

Originally posted by Dennis

What’s with Rivalen? Why do many people want him to walk the path of “good”?
It’s not that I want him to turn to good, at the very least I expect him to turn his back on Shar.
Generic D&D storyline, sigh.
Telamont once said this line about Rivalen to Brennus: “Each day, I stand at the precipice of the void. Your brother, he would jump headfirst into it.” Or something along that vein. So I think it is important to address what really drives Rivalen’s nihilistic obsession. Did Shar “implant” such mad notion to him? Or was it simply his choice, forged after years of being in the shadows and being in constant, endless wars? If it’s the former, then what you’re expecting would be plausible as I suppose Mask, who more or less shares Shar’s power and influence, can “cure” Rivalen of it, in the condition that he turns his back on Shar and answers to him instead. However, if it’s the latter, then I don’t know what else Mask can offer Rivalen that would be of mutual interest.
silverwolfer Posted - 19 Jun 2013 : 04:53:14
I don't know, finders bane showed us you can have lots of books dealing with a quasi god.

I think MASK as MASK is gone forever. I think one of the trio will turn into a new mask ala times of troubles.
silverwolfer Posted - 19 Jun 2013 : 04:51:20
I don't know, finders bane showed us you can have lots of books dealing with a quasi god.

I think MASK as MASK is gone forever. I think one of the trio will turn into a new mask ala times of troubles.
Arcanus Posted - 18 Jun 2013 : 15:45:41
Originally posted by Dennis

What’s with Rivalen? Why do many people want him to walk the path of “good”?

It's not that I want him to turn to good, at the very least I expect him to turn his back on Shar.
Generic D&D storyline, sigh.
Thauranil Posted - 18 Jun 2013 : 14:00:46
No argument there.
After all thats why a supposedly evil god and his minions are the heroes of the story.
Still being in Mask employ means that Rivalen can continue to enjoy his evil predilections. He doesn't need to change , at the most Mask will ask him to tone down the human sacrifice thing.
Dennis Posted - 18 Jun 2013 : 13:25:38

Well, in the level of evilness, he is way tame compared to Shar.
Thauranil Posted - 18 Jun 2013 : 13:14:05
Well defecting to Mask doesn't mean he will become a good guy. After all Mask is an evil god.
Dennis Posted - 18 Jun 2013 : 12:30:38

What’s with Rivalen? Why do many people want him to walk the path of “good”?
Thauranil Posted - 18 Jun 2013 : 11:56:36
I am quite confident that Mask will indeed return and Cale and company will become his new chosen.
I am sure Rivalen will lose his semi divine powers as well , he might very well betray Shar and side with Mask.
Arcanus Posted - 17 Jun 2013 : 19:39:43
Stranger things have happened Dennis.
Dennis Posted - 17 Jun 2013 : 18:42:35

I doubt that. Someone who murdered his own mother without feeling even a shred of regret is hardly a candidate for the force of light.
Arcanus Posted - 17 Jun 2013 : 18:21:58
Rivalen will turn to the light side of the force and reject shar.
Dennis Posted - 17 Jun 2013 : 17:49:10

If Paul intends to use his signature characters for long term, godhood is the least route to be taken. So no, I daresay none of Cale and company would stay as quasi-divine. The shards (including that from Rivalen) would be merged and ultimately herald the return of Mask.

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