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 Passing of Dennis Kauth, TSR/WotC cartographer

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dark Wizard Posted - 15 Mar 2013 : 22:20:05
Dennis Kauth, a long time cartographer, graphic designer and artist with TSR and later WotC passed away last week. His list of credentials is voluminous, but amongst his notable works and contributions are cartography in H1 Bloodstone Pass, maps for many of the Mystara Gazetteers, Greyhawk modules and gazetteers, Dark Sun, Al-Qadim, Birthright, and the Forgotten Realms 3E maps.

More details from Random Wizard:
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Steven Schend Posted - 25 Mar 2013 : 01:47:31
I'll always be grateful that Dennis went above and beyond on a number of projects for me and the Realms.

He's the reason there was that miniatures scale photo map on the Adventurers' Quarter in CITY OF SPLENDORS.

He's the guy (after Dave Sutherland's original maps) who did so many great touches in the RUINS OF UNDERMOUNTAIN poster maps.

And it was all just part of the job for him. Damn, I really miss my TSR compatriots more every day...

Markustay Posted - 16 Mar 2013 : 13:59:59

Another great one shuffles off this mortal coil.
Dalor Darden Posted - 16 Mar 2013 : 02:37:04
Man...I was just looking through some maps of his yesterday!

Sad news; but now he can map the universe.
The Sage Posted - 16 Mar 2013 : 00:32:17
This is very sad news. Kauth's maps in the old Gazetteers, among other books, were probably one of the main highlights from those old tomes. He helped shape, literally, so much of the "old worlds."

His untimely passing will undoubtedly continue to be felt in the RPG industry for many years to come.

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