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 Halruuan Adventure Modules?

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Nerhesi Posted - 08 Mar 2013 : 14:28:23
Morning folks,

Me and my fellows have recently dusted off AD&D 2e and started playing in pre-spell plague realms.

I am wondering if there ever were any halruaan modules/adventures released? TSR? Dragon magazine articles?

Thank you
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The Masked Mage Posted - 08 Mar 2013 : 22:20:15
Adventurers in Halruaa

Halruaa is home to many adventurers, but non-Halruan adventurers are seldom welcome. Venturing into the forest of Mhair, the Swagdar, or even the swamp of Akhlaur can be good training and profitable if one survives. Outsiders can find many other places to adventure as well, but the suspicion and watchfulness never end. Fighters may find work with patrols. Mages may be able to pay or trade for training. Priests are welcome, if they worship Mystra or Azuth. Priests of other deities and thieves, should they draw attention to themselves, are politely asked to leave.

Halruan Adventurers in The Realms

Halruan mages travel all over the Realms, searching for new magic. If a new spell gains popularity, a Halruan mage will eventually show up to learn the spell.

One prominent group from Halruaa, and the only one which claims Halruaa as its home, is the Destroyers. This is a highly specialized mercenary company, led by Daltim Flamefist, a 14th-level fire mage. There are 30 wizards and psionicists in the group, and Daltim is known to have wild psionic talents himself. They are a strictly Lawful group, honoring any contract they have made.

Some travelers have chosen not to return to Halruaa. Among the more prominent of these fugitives are: Omen, whose adventures have been chronicled in The FORGOTTEN REALMS#153; comic books; Darsson, a powerful mage now thought to be somewhere near Raven#146;s Bluff or Tantras; Ramael the Reader, an Elder who was exposed as a spell thief; and Random, an erratic mage who many believe is incurably insane.
The Masked Mage Posted - 08 Mar 2013 : 22:17:29
Originally posted by Hoondatha

Both of the adventures in the 2e Shining South work at those levels. One is outside of Dambrath, the other is in Veldorn.

Have you checked Dungeon? That's the only place I can think of that might have a Halruaa adventure; not much was done with the Shining South in 2e.

I don't remember any Halruaa adventures in Dungeon either.
Hoondatha Posted - 08 Mar 2013 : 18:56:30
Both of the adventures in the 2e Shining South work at those levels. One is outside of Dambrath, the other is in Veldorn.

Have you checked Dungeon? That's the only place I can think of that might have a Halruaa adventure; not much was done with the Shining South in 2e.
The Masked Mage Posted - 08 Mar 2013 : 17:39:02
1st & 2nd Edition Adventures near level 9:

Castle Spulzeer LVL 8-12 - which can be used to link with Ravenloft (though that is another module)
Dungeon Of death LVL 7-9
The Empires Series (Storm Riders, Black Courser, Blood Charge) has notes on how to make it work for any level
For Duty & Deity LVL 10-12
Shadowdale, Tantras & Waterdeep would work at that level
Hordes of Dragonspear LVL 10-12
Hellgate Keep LVL 9-12
Swords of the Iron Legion LVL 1-15and up
Into the dragon's lair LVL 10
Marco Volo Departure, Journey, Arrival LVL 6-8
The Ruins of Undermountain books can work at any level really
Nerhesi Posted - 08 Mar 2013 : 17:20:28
But not a single forgotten realms adventure/dungeon crawl/anything in halruaa huh?

Damn it.

Anyone know where I can find a published ad&d 2e adventure list by level? Looking for level 9
The Masked Mage Posted - 08 Mar 2013 : 16:43:52
There is the 2nd Edition Shining south and the 3rd edition Shining south. Both have descriptions of Halruaa. The 2nd edition one also has adventure starters.
The Red Walker Posted - 08 Mar 2013 : 16:39:41
Only thing that comes to mind is The Shining South it has about a 20 page write up on Halruaa Iv have always wanted to read , but havent got a copy of yet....but that s more of a sourcebook.

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