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 Staffs vs. Staves

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Nicolai Withander Posted - 11 Feb 2013 : 22:13:01

I would like to compile a list of the most powerful staffs known in Faerūn. I’m talking power, both in utility and in shear power. Both "normal" and artifacts.

I'll start...

Staff of Power

I hope you guys will share in the adventure!

27   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 15 Feb 2013 : 23:43:43
@ Archanamach- Dunno, I never had GA. However, the items you just mentioned were from later, during the 3E era. I have the issue that they were in, and it had some bard and scorerer-themed ones as well. That issue was written WELL after the EM was published. It also happened to be based off of some items in a video game, if memory serves.

I still think I saw a staff that was specifically used/owned by a/the Magister (Azuth, perhaps?) It may not have been called by that name, but it was a Magister's staff, in any case. Just that I'm DARNED if I can remember where I SAW it!!!
Dennis Posted - 15 Feb 2013 : 16:56:30

The Crystal Staff (not the official name; I'm referring to the staff that Szass Tam and Malark used in THL)
The Stag King's Staff (a potent implement used by a fey "royalty" to control and augment shadow magic)
Arklem Greeth's Staff (it wasn't named though)
The Arcanamach Posted - 14 Feb 2013 : 15:04:28
I know which staff you're referring to 5 of Greyhawk Adventures list the Staff of the Archmage as Boccob's personal item. It combines the powers of the Staff of the Magi and a Wand of Conjuration and absorbs 24 spell levels per day.
The Arcanamach Posted - 14 Feb 2013 : 08:07:35
Hmm, I do recall seeing an article in Dragon Magazine that had items called the Staff/Robe/Hat etc. of the Archmage (or something similar). But that article should be old enough for those items to have found themselves into the Encylopedia Magicka. Now I'm going to have to go fishing for it. If memory serves, those items had resonating powers if more than one was worn.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 14 Feb 2013 : 00:14:32
Gah, I wish I could remember where I saw it!! Now this is bugging me. No, it wasn't the Staff of Magius, that one I DO remember seeing. It might have been a version of a Staff of the Archmage. (Some of the entries in the EM have specific versions of a particular item mentioned, along with the history of the items and/or their origin, and some have a history of the most commonly known example.)
Tamsar Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 22:43:47
What was Halaster's staff called? Greatstaff of the Black Cloak or some such. Allegedly the most powerful staff on the face of Toril IIRC.
The Arcanamach Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 05:55:41
@Alystra: I have those and just looked for the staff. It's not there but perhaps you're referring to the Staff of Magius from Dragonlance (3 versions of it are listed in volume 4). If the Staff of Magius is indeed what you mean then there is a much better and more interesting (not to mention more powerful) version described in the Tales of the Lance boxed set.
The Sage Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 01:31:23
Originally posted by Barastir

Blackstaff (there is an item with this name, right?)

There is also Khelben's signature Blackstaff spell which "causes any nonmagical staff, club, piece of wood, or pole arm held by the caster to shimmer with a black, crawling radiance." As well as being granted numerous abilities.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 00:22:45
@ Arcanamach: I don't know if that staff in SotM the same staff I'm thinking of (it's one of the few books from that era I don't have a pdf of), but IIRC, it was listed in the Encyclopedia Magicka, vol. 4 in the section on staffs. That four-book set is STILL one of my favorite go-to sources for magical items for my games, as well as having tables to create your own. It was- and sitll IS- the most complete listing of items in D&D EVER.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 22:51:52
I don't think we need full stats; I should think a brief summary would be sufficient.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 22:29:37
Indeed it would be very interesting with stats of the different staves.
silverwolfer Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 17:16:21
_Jarlaxle_ Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 14:17:17
Wouldn't it be more interesting to add a little bit of information to each staff?
The Arcanamach Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 12:40:41
The Scepter of Savras and the Staff of the White Well (listed in FR7).
Also, there is a staff (unnamed) listed on page 49 of Secrets of the Magister that is very powerful).

@Alystra: Where is this Magister's staff found? Im not familiar with it but would like to see it's stats.
Kajehase Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 11:42:17
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

But why is it Smurfs instead of Smurves?

Parceque Johan and Peewit étais de la Belgique.
Barastir Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 11:36:15
Staff of Silverymoon
Blackstaff (there is an item with this name, right?)
And I think there is a staff or rod of skulls...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 04:52:53
Originally posted by Markustay

Only dwarfs & Elfs use staffs.

Dwarves & Elves use Staves.

Oh... and Gnomes use Knifes... they have this thing for silent consonants...

Oh... errr... thread subject... ummmm... the Staff of Valmaxian?

EDIT: Also the Staff of Waterdeep (I think that was it's name), from Knight of the Living dead. It was an FR Knock-off of the rod of seven parts.

But why is it Smurfs instead of Smurves?

On topic, Dragon 173 had some nifty, Realms-specific magical staves, courtesy of our own Ed Greenwood.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 02:50:15
But so funny!! The 50-cent staff. So much better than a simple quarter staff!!! And good against rapping bards and otehr sonic attacks....
Dalor Darden Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 02:49:55
Debate on English? Bwahahahahaha!!!

English is the most quickly evolving language in the world I think...since I was a child, english has changed so much that I can little understand my family I was raised around!

That is no joke.
The Masked Mage Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 02:44:50
Opened this hoping for a grand debate on English form. So sad.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 02:21:46
Staff of Command
Staff of Curing
Staff of the Serpent
Staff of Striking
Staff of Swarming Insects
Staff of Thunder and Lightning
Staff of Withering
Staff of the Woodlands
Markustay Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 00:57:29
Only dwarfs & Elfs use staffs.

Dwarves & Elves use Staves.

Oh... and Gnomes use Knifes... they have this thing for silent consonants...

Oh... errr... thread subject... ummmm... the Staff of Valmaxian?

EDIT: Also the Staff of Waterdeep (I think that was it's name), from Knight of the Living dead. It was an FR Knock-off of the rod of seven parts.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 00:46:01
The Magister's Staff, of course! (I think that's the right name...)
Artemas Entreri Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 00:19:29
Staff of the Magi
silverwolfer Posted - 11 Feb 2013 : 22:38:41
Diamond Scepter of Chomylla

Great Druid's Staff

The Ironwood

Staff of Malice

Despoiler of Flesh
Bladewind Posted - 11 Feb 2013 : 22:33:21
I am a big fan of:

the quarterstaff of battle (Magic of Faerun)

and the Staff of Shoon (Calimport, TSR#9589)
Kentinal Posted - 11 Feb 2013 : 22:27:25
Well the rod of seven parts might also be added as a consideration (:

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