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Posted - 06 Feb 2013 : 00:05:44 Hi all, I have to give a plug for a company I've recently fallen in love with: Fire Mountain Games. They have created their own six part adventure path, Way of the Wicked, where the players play the bad guys burning the kingdom down. The last book should be ready within the next week or so and I can't wait! I have never read a more original adventure set...especially the 2nd book Call of Darkness where the players infest their own dungeon with monsters and then defend it against those despicable good adventurers.
Evil campaigns are hard to run and the guys at Fire Mountain Games pull this off superbly. These adventures have me hooked! I don't even know how to explain it, but give these guys a shot if you're looking for a new campaign or even some interesting and new material for your world.
I'm definitely jumping on board their Throne of Night campaign where you can play as drow or dwarves, basically the evil vs. the good in their next arc due out this spring.
The PDF's are well priced at $10.00 apiece for 100 pages or so each. It's just pure win. Check out the FREE preview they have on DriveThru RPG that kicks off the adventure series and you'll see what I mean. It rocks.
And Wizards, if you're listening, Hire them...or contract some work to them or something. The work is top notch. If two guys can pull off an adventure path, so can Wizards. So let's see something like this happen for the Realms!