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 Strength 18/00

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ayrik Posted - 01 Feb 2013 : 02:35:03
Got a headache? Take two anvils and sleep it off. Picture says it all.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Artemas Entreri Posted - 05 Feb 2013 : 23:23:22
Originally posted by Alystra Illianniis

Pfft, this is nothing, there's a guy who can supposedly pull an eighteen-wheeler with his *censored*.... Now THAT'S real strength for you, LOL!!!!

...and probably some stamina too
Ayrik Posted - 05 Feb 2013 : 22:27:24
I really don't even want to ask what makes a guy think to himself "gee, a couple leather straps and I can walk around pulling an eighteen-wheeler with my *censored*" ... strolling around with a pair of anvils is macho enough for me.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 05 Feb 2013 : 22:17:36
Pfft, this is nothing, there's a guy who can supposedly pull an eighteen-wheeler with his *censored*.... Now THAT'S real strength for you, LOL!!!!
Bladewind Posted - 04 Feb 2013 : 17:08:55
Thats writers munchkinism for ya.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 04 Feb 2013 : 16:57:56
Wulfgar had a 19 Strength as stated by Hall of Heroes 2E IIRC.
Bladewind Posted - 04 Feb 2013 : 14:37:56
Str 23 is deduced by making a epic level human commoner with a starting strength of 18 and 5 advances in str.

Upon rereading the weight limits of second edition strength score you can even argue that 18/00 (light load is 335 lbs) is equal to a 3.5 strength of 27 (light load is 346 lbs).
Galuf the Dwarf Posted - 04 Feb 2013 : 14:16:16
Originally posted by Bladewind

Strength 18/00 (or str 23 in 3.5) should be the heigth of natural human muscle limits.

Just curious: Where'd you get that figure from?
Bladewind Posted - 02 Feb 2013 : 14:11:07
Strength 18/00 (or str 23 in 3.5) should be the heigth of natural human muscle limits. The first thing I noticed was the lack of bulkyness of the anvil-carrying dude this picture shows. No anabole inflated muscle volume but pure tendon strength and muscle mass enables feats of great strength such as bending bars or lifting gates.

An anvil of about 30" long (seems about right for those in the picture) weighs in at about 260 lbs a piece. In 3.5 rules the str 22 guy could not dual wield and hurl both anvils one handed, they'd need to be bowling ball sized (and weigh less then 183 lbs). He could easily hurl a single anvil about 50 ft if he used both hands (I'd say that would do 2d4+11 bludgeoning damage).
The Masked Mage Posted - 01 Feb 2013 : 08:39:30
Well, he had been working in the loading zone of ACME for long enough, he had lots of practice.
Ayrik Posted - 01 Feb 2013 : 04:57:22
People say this guy was 6'6", so I'm estimating those anvils at around 275-325 lbs each. Gripped awkwardly by the horns. Hope this guy can't throw em.


Those shoes are awesome sauce! Where can I buy some? They'd look pretty sharp on a minotaur.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Feb 2013 : 03:43:14
Meh, my 2E minotaur had Strength 20. He could pick that guy up, while he was holding the anvils!

Seriously, though, that is impressive... Makes me think of those Strong Man competitions I've seen on TV, where they do crazy things like pick up Volkswagens and throw anchors. Those are so goofy I always find them amusing!
Artemas Entreri Posted - 01 Feb 2013 : 03:14:45
I don't even know how he is holding on to those things since he is pretty much gripping cones. Serious grip strength.

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