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 New Years Resolutions of Realms Characters

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Foxhelm Posted - 01 Jan 2013 : 15:28:58
It's Jan 1, 2013. So what do you think would be the New Years Resolutions of the Mortals and Immortals of the Realms in the coming year?
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CorellonsDevout Posted - 07 Jan 2013 : 06:06:13
Originally posted by Alystra Illianniis

Yeah, like the way HE'S tied to Lolth....

The way I see it, almost everything that has to do with the drow is tied to Lolth to some extent, and that includes E and V. Anyway...

Vedoran: to get out of the Void. I'm too cool to stay here.

And along the same lines...

Ashok: I've decided to live for my companions, so I will continue to do so.
BEAST Posted - 07 Jan 2013 : 03:03:34
Drizzt: Since I pawned off my sword named "Cutter" . . . Daddy needs a new sword named "Lullaby"!
Chosen of Asmodeus Posted - 07 Jan 2013 : 02:48:57
Drizzt: Stay alive; Obould's waiting for me on the other side for round 3.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 07 Jan 2013 : 00:18:33
Yeah, like the way HE'S tied to Lolth....
CorellonsDevout Posted - 06 Jan 2013 : 20:21:07
I could be wrong, considering it is still earlier in the game, but I heard WotC wasn't interested in doing anything with the drow that wasn't tied to Lolth (I suppose Drizzt would be an exception).
Markustay Posted - 06 Jan 2013 : 15:24:13
Yeah, if anything they would rename Toril 'The Planet Drizzt' and produce a Menzo book every other week, if they thought they could get away with it.

Now, if anyone over there had a half a brain, they'd be thinking about releasing a "Forgotten Realms' card set for MtG, around the same time a 5e Realms Guide is released. If you are going to use one IP to prop-up another, you may as well tie them together somehow.

A world connected to all other worlds, a card-game based on Planeswalkers... it really sells itself. Their advertising can then do double-duty.

EDIT: Sheesh... talk about going off-topic! Back to our regularly scheduled thread...

Fzoul: Star in a theater production called "Magnum P.I"

Manshoon: Find a can-opener... it gets hot in this thing...

Mirt: Find another orphan-girl to raise (since the last one worked out so well )

King Obould: Scratch my butt. Then maybe kill sumthin.
Dennis Posted - 06 Jan 2013 : 05:46:54

Limited work with the drow? Are you saying they'd deliberately prevent money from pouring in? Nah, I seriously doubt that.
Euranna Posted - 06 Jan 2013 : 04:50:23
[i]Originally posted by CorellonsDevout

I'd like to see Phaeraun in the future, but it sounds like Wizards will be doing limited work with the drow. Maybe in 5.5 or 6e, if there is such a thing? Still, that would be a long time from now.

I am not entirely sure about that. I would hope that to be the case, but I would not hold my breath. New editions mean new money.
I just hope that they do not push a RSE to explain a new edition. 5.5

On topic:

Halaster: Take a vacation..maybe Sembia...

Cadderly: to be able to stand up (being bent over for so long is murder on the back)
Markustay Posted - 05 Jan 2013 : 21:24:24
I don't even care if they say he is dead of as of 5e, just do something with him other then make him a Mary-Sue (or Anti-Mary Sue) punching-bag.

<snip> Man, did I go on a rant (that I since erased).

I am just so tired of authors taking parts of the Realms (Irayclea) and killing them just to prove how uber-cool their characters are. HEY! How about leaving some toys for the folks paying for this setting?
CorellonsDevout Posted - 05 Jan 2013 : 21:09:01
Wow, that's quite the declaration. Phaeraun was one of my favorite characters in WotSQ (along with Ryld and Valas), and I was thrilled when he appeared in EO. But then they killed him again. If they don't do anything with him in 5e, I won't walk away, but it would be nice to see. He got totally ripped off, IMO, especially with his second death. He died in Celestia (I think that was the place) fighting for the "good" side, if you will, and I personally think he should have been rewarded for that, even though he told Taraun he thought Tyr (or maybe it was Torm) a cad. But still, going back to the Abyss/Demonweb Pits? Bleh. Then again, this is coming from a girl who is fascinated by souls and the afterlife in the Realms, so naturally I focus on that aspect, LOL.

I'd like to see Phaeraun in the future, but it sounds like Wizards will be doing limited work with the drow. Maybe in 5.5 or 6e, if there is such a thing? Still, that would be a long time from now. So while I won't leave the Realms just because of what happens to Phaeraun, it would be nice to see something done--and not a negative something. I could be wrong, but he was a pretty popular character.
Markustay Posted - 05 Jan 2013 : 15:57:34
I am tired of Pharaun being everyone's punching bag. The ending of the WotSQ = worst ending EVER (for me). It was a completees pointless after thought to kill him. They might as well have said, "Lolth farted and Pharaun couldn't take the smell. The end." It was just THAT BAD (for me).

I have an idea... I am going to make a demand: If something worthwhile isn't done with Pharaun in 5e, I will WALK AWAY FROM THE REALMS FOREVER. There... I said it. I just handed 'the powers that be' the ability to 'swat me like an annoying fly' (since I know some of them think of me that way). The gauntlet has been thrown.
Galuf the Dwarf Posted - 05 Jan 2013 : 15:41:01
Mirt: Lose weight... (doubt that'd happen)

Drizzt: Find some other great evil to defeat.

Elminster: Quit smoking.

Mystra: Get Optimus Prime to take my place the next time I'm supposed to die.

Captain Deudermont: Find another major pirate to defeat.
Dennis Posted - 05 Jan 2013 : 07:45:10

I liked him, too. But I'd rather him stay dead than be resurrected and tossed away like a useless rag doll.
CorellonsDevout Posted - 05 Jan 2013 : 06:45:49
Which is exactly why he wouldn't want to die a final death, because he'd be in Lolth's realm. I'm a Phaeraun fan, and I got excited when he was resurrected, and mad when he was suddenly killed off again.
Dennis Posted - 05 Jan 2013 : 06:09:36

That was actually a jibe towards him being resurrected only to die a pointless death again.
CorellonsDevout Posted - 05 Jan 2013 : 06:01:54
Actually, I don't think Phaeraun is happy being dead. He's in Lolth's realm, after all.
Dennis Posted - 05 Jan 2013 : 04:34:40

Pharaun Mizzrym: To die a final death

All the male drow: To see their bitch goddess die

Manshoon: To build resistance against the most powerful Earth-imported insecticides

Brennus: To personally kill Shar and Rivalen

The Sage Posted - 05 Jan 2013 : 01:32:32
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

Kalen "Shadowbane" Dren: "To fight evil, promote justice, and glorify Helm!"
I kind of imagine Batman saying something like this... only having Gotham replace Helm in the wording.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 04 Jan 2013 : 19:35:51
Kalen "Shadowbane" Dren: "To fight evil, promote justice, and glorify Helm!"

Myrin Darkdance: "To spread goodness and compassion to the needy and to find out more about my mysterious past!"

Ilira Nathalan: "To make more dresses, dance, and kill Kalen Dren."

Kalen: "Er, what?"

Ilira: "You heard me."

Fayne: "Bring it, biir shalta."

Ilira: "Brought it."

Lilten: "Brung!"

Wooly Rupert Posted - 03 Jan 2013 : 18:56:42
Originally posted by Kajehase

Danilo: Finally figure out a way to get Arilyn into that dress from the end of Elfshadow. Make Arilyn laugh more. Make Elaith squirm.

Good one!
Kajehase Posted - 03 Jan 2013 : 18:28:02
Arilyn: Help more elves. Get a less annoying sword. Put on some weight. Not kill Elaith.

Danilo: Finally figure out a way to get Arilyn into that dress from the end of Elfshadow. Make Arilyn laugh more. Make Elaith squirm.

Liriel: Have fun!
sleyvas Posted - 03 Jan 2013 : 16:07:36
Dragonbait - "-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#" {the smell of him thinking "must quit eating beans from this world, they totally mess up my conversations"}
CorellonsDevout Posted - 03 Jan 2013 : 06:15:27
Hmmm, maybe you're right, though it seems like other people were doing the same thing *shrugs*
Markustay Posted - 02 Jan 2013 : 14:10:02
That sounds more like your wishlist, CD. You're breaking the 4th wall (I did that once, in a game session... but thats a story for another time).

Olive Ruskettle: Become the head of the Harpers (at least the eastern group)

Alias: Spend more 'family time' with my sisters

Dragonbait: "--------------" {the smell of cookies}

Nezram: {upon finally returning to Faerūn} What the hell happened?! {rolls up his sleeves} Time to fix things....

*Grammatical errors
CorellonsDevout Posted - 02 Jan 2013 : 05:29:58
The gods: how about all you dead ones coming back, ey?

Drizzt: stop being so emo and ditch Dahlia. Oh, and see his father again. And get Guen back!

Elves: stop with the whole moon elf, gold elf, green elf thing. You're all elves

Jarlaxle: just appear again

Valas: same as Jarl

Mystra: no more dying

Drow: more stories about Es and Vs (though apparently Wizards isn't interested in that)

More Unbroken Chain novels by Jeleigh Johnson

Araevin: s'up?

Shevarash: don't be corrupted by Shar, 'kay?

Authors whose works have been pushed to the wayside because of the Sundering to NOT have their works pushed to the wayside

See a follow-up book or two to Chosen of Nendawen (sp?). There was still so much to be done in that series, IMO.
BEAST Posted - 02 Jan 2013 : 02:35:38
Originally posted by Markustay

Random Halfling: Looking for a good place to stop, rest & eat

Random Halfling: To sample each and every establishment in Volo's Guides to...

Drizzt: To yank the hells out of that dang pony-tail of Dahlia's!

Jarlaxle: To get blamed/credited for even more happenings throughout the Realms

Pwent: To whack Dork'cry!
The Sage Posted - 02 Jan 2013 : 02:03:48
Mirt:- "Time for another potion of longevity, aye."
Chosen of Asmodeus Posted - 01 Jan 2013 : 22:59:50
Obould: Kick more ass. Chew less bubblegum.
Euranna Posted - 01 Jan 2013 : 22:56:30
Mirt: More drink, more women, more fun!

Jaraxle: Have his hands in more pots..without anyone knowing about all of them (the usual)

Drizzt: To get new friends

Larloch: Silverfire

Alystra Illianniis Posted - 01 Jan 2013 : 21:20:25
Entreri: To finally get some therapy for childhood issues.

Lolth: To be nicer. (Nah!!!)

Elminster: To finally retire and stop meddling- maybe.

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