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 Spoiler Request: Mintiper Moonsilver

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Thrasymachus Posted - 04 Jun 2012 : 23:23:01
Spoiler Request: Mintiper Moonsilver
He’s the fictitious mouthpiece for Eric L. Boyd is the “Mintiper's Chapbook” on the Wizard’s website.
Besides his appearance in the chapbook does he appear in any other canon novels or sourcebooks?
I am trying to get a bio for him.
Thank you in advance.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Faraer Posted - 08 Jun 2012 : 18:00:38
There are quotations from his works in Shadowdale and The Temptation of Elminster, but in all he's one of about a dozen of Ed's legendary-but-neglected characters who deserved at least a short story before twenty Earth years passed, 130 Toril years, and scores of newly invented protagonists jumped the publication queue.
Thrasymachus Posted - 05 Jun 2012 : 02:46:51
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Fellfire

He was statted out in either Dungeon or Dragon. I forget the issue. AFB. I'll find it for you later if you haven't gotten your answer by then.

Dragon 187, "The Lonely Harpist and the Lady Rogue"

It was an article about Mintiper Moonsilver and Asilther Graelor.

I believe that article can give you the info you seek.

Thanks Wooly!

Dragon Magazine #128 - pg 13
Dragon Magazine #074 - pg 24
Dragon Magazine #094 - pg 48
Dragon Magazine #139 - pg 74
Monstrous Compendium pg 39
Forgotten Realms Campaign Set pg 51
City of Splendors pg 18, 24, 129, 151
The North - Guide to the Savage Frontier 52, 94, 148, 153
Lands of Intrigue pg 186
Waterdeep and the North pg 10
Dwarves Deep pg 59
Gold and Glory pg 52
Drizzt Do'Urden Guide to the Underdark pg 95
Volo's Guide to Waterdeep 17, 18, 186
Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast pg 214

Best, and virtually identical...
Dragon Magazine #187 - pg 50-53
Code of the Harpers 65-71 (has an extra papragraph about "The Gray Book of Mysteries" and his treasure)

I'll give it a few days to see if anyone knows Mintiper Moonsilver to be in a novel. But if I understand correctly he was alive last time anyone saw him... *cough* before I bother Eric.
Thrasymachus Posted - 05 Jun 2012 : 02:15:18
Originally posted by Markustay

Why not ask Eric Boyd himself, in his thread?

(1) While I think it's great we have access to creators that we do, I suspect this is an easy one and I don't want to waste Eric's time.
(2) I throw these softballs so you can keep your post count up.

And on that note I move to 75 post, and Learned Scribe status.
*Grabs the keys to the pool*
Wooly Rupert Posted - 05 Jun 2012 : 00:38:05
Originally posted by Fellfire

He was statted out in either Dungeon or Dragon. I forget the issue. AFB. I'll find it for you later if you haven't gotten your answer by then.

Dragon 187, "The Lonely Harpist and the Lady Rogue"

It was an article about Mintiper Moonsilver and Asilther Graelor.

I believe that article can give you the info you seek.
Fellfire Posted - 05 Jun 2012 : 00:30:16
He was statted out in either Dungeon or Dragon. I forget the issue. AFB. I'll find it for you later if you haven't gotten your answer by then.
Markustay Posted - 05 Jun 2012 : 00:06:17
Why not ask Eric Boyd himself, in his thread?

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