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 Territorial Races of the Vilhon Reach

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dalor Darden Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 02:47:04
I'm looking to compile a listing of all Humanoids and other races that hold "land" within the Vilhon Reach area.

I know there are Wemics in the plains.

Orcs in the Orsraun Mountains.

Kobolds in and around Hlondeth.

Goblins in the Orsraun Mountains.

Lizard Men (lizardfolk) in a city in the west of the southern reach.

Dwarves in Ironfang.

Just to get us started...

What else has anyone found?
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Galuf the Dwarf Posted - 10 Jun 2012 : 13:05:22
Originally posted by Mapolq

Hlondeth is ruled by Yuan-ti, yes. You've got the north mostly covered I think, so I'll try to fill in the rest.

Off the top of my head:

- Wild elves, centaurs, wood giants and various fey in the Chondalwood

Ghostwise Halflings also inhabit the Chondalwood.
Markustay Posted - 10 Jun 2012 : 07:58:29

I figure the humans left (were killed, run-off, fled the planet, etc), and later the grippli took over the ruins of the town. Considering some of the other weirdness in that source (the KINGDOIM of Galconda?! ), it had to have all taken place in the past (and that 'Khan' could not have been part of The Horde).

There is also a Halfling town called 'Halfling Vale' in there - down just below Turmish (just north of Hlondeth). Too bad that falls just outside the map....

Halflings... Hlondeth.... Swamplings?
Dalor Darden Posted - 10 Jun 2012 : 06:34:10
Maybe they are actually were-frogs?
Markustay Posted - 10 Jun 2012 : 06:12:49
Originally posted by Fellfire

@ MT, bullywugs not grippli.
Vilhon Reach, pg.48
Over the years, a community of grippli have gathered to create the city of Urml at the far eastern end of the Wetwoods. This small village of 200 omnivores tries to keep itself out of the affairs of the other humanoids as much as possible.
Maybe those creatures in Paul Kemp's novel were Bullywugs, but that village is Grippli.

Unless you believe Swords of the Iron Legion, which states -
Urml is a small community of about 800 nestled in the southwestern foothills of the Orsraun Mountains. Most of the villagers are craftspeople, specializing in weapons, armor, and other military items.
Obviously, the humans don't notice the Grippli, and the Grippli don't notice the humans. This situation leaves visitors (andd folks reading game manuals) very confused.

The FRIA tried to fix this by showing TWO Urml's... I personally think that is a lousy solution. The best thing to do is consider everything in SotIL outdated (I just say the whole module happened at least a century ago).

Regardless..... no Bullywugs in Urml. Probably the only thing not living there.
The Sage Posted - 10 Jun 2012 : 05:06:42
Originally posted by TBeholder

Weren't there thri-kreen too? Though probably not as much as in Shaar.

The thri-kreen of the Rushing Hills, as noted in Vilhon Reach.
TBeholder Posted - 10 Jun 2012 : 04:56:19
Weren't there thri-kreen too? Though probably not as much as in Shaar.
Fellfire Posted - 04 Jun 2012 : 20:21:33
@ MT, bullywugs not grippli.
Green Giant Posted - 04 Jun 2012 : 20:20:47
Firenewts and their mounts, Giant Striders, can be found in the mountains of Turmish.

As well, there are quaggoths who are servants and expendable berserkers of the illithids of Oryndyll.

I also wouldn't be surprised if there are any Tall Mouthers lurking around the Shires.
Mapolq Posted - 04 Jun 2012 : 19:39:26

- Hybsils in the Nunwoods

- Orcs in the Akanapeaks
Markustay Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 09:05:55

According to the Everis Cale trilogy, they have mercenary companies around Starmantle, and even higher-out as guides (and seem to know the gulthmere pretty damn well - they were the only that could find the Lightless lake).

Grippli in Urml, and larger 'frog people' somewhere nearby (they were performing a ceremony around the Lightless Lake, but I can't recall if they were actually from the forest, or came from elsewhere). I'm not even sure if the type of frog-folk was mentioned. Now that i think about it, I'm not entirely sure those were even frogs - maybe Locatha or Kuo-Toa? I'm sure the Wetwoods have many reptilian/amphibian creatures lurking within it.

There's Duergar there as well, aren't there? We should check Underdark and see whats under there. Just checked - there are two settlements toward the western side of the mountains - I only looked at the map (too tired to start flipping pages). EDIT2: Both are Duergar cities - Drik Hargunen, and Dunspeirrin.

Aren't there Icky-chickles (whatever) off the coast there? I remember reading something about that Shoonpire wanting to make an alliance with them.

Don't forget to check the Complete Halfling book and RotW for more halfling lore (and some fun critters).

EDIT: At least three dragons within hunting range - but I think you got those covered. Theres a clan of Mountain giants on the Orbrekh Range (and they are allies with the Emerald Enclave, strangely enough). And don't forget about the creatures from the 5-Shires book itself.

Mapolq Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 05:06:05
Hlondeth is ruled by Yuan-ti, yes. You've got the north mostly covered I think, so I'll try to fill in the rest.

Off the top of my head:

- Wild elves, centaurs, wood giants and various fey in the Chondalwood

- Centaurs and gnolls in the Golden Plains

- Nagas around the southern Nagawater and along the Nagaflow

- Orcs, vegepygmies and a green dragon in the Winterwood

- Ogres, hill giants and goblinoids in the Cloven Mountains

- A dragon turtle in the Deepwash

Ok, some of these don't really hold land, but they're distinctive enough.

Additionally, there are some players in the Underdark beneath the Reach:

- The illithid city of Oryndoll is under the Shining Plains

- The duergar cities of Drik Hargunen and Dunspeirrin are under the Orsraun Mountains

- The drow city of Undraeth is (probably) somewhere in or nearby the region

- Gold dwarves started advancing through the area in their attempt to reclaim Deep Shanatar (not quite sure when)
Dalor Darden Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 04:23:08
Yuan-ti rule Hlondeth.
sfdragon Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 04:07:48
dt the snake men live in that area somewhere??

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