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 My campaign: The Spellsword Six

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 17 Apr 2012 : 22:45:30
Well met, all--

I had to share this piece of fiction, which was written by one of the players in my ongoing Forgotten Realms campaign. Ben plays Suriel, an elf invoker (a sort of priestess for those not up on 4e lingo), who is coming to terms with a destiny that involves the elves, the drow, and the Crescent Blade. (We're using/subverting the Lady Penitent series.)

This particular piece guest stars such luminaries as Kyriani Agrivar, Lady Saharel (of Spellgard fame), a couple of my characters (Fox-at-Twilight in her 1480s incarnation, Lady Lorien from Downshadow), and a recurring and hated NPC (Xara, a rogue Lolth cleric and Suriel's half-sister). And there's one particularly powerful guest-star who shows up at the very end.

Also a piece of original fiction by yours truly:,_a_short_story_about_suriel_written_by_erik_scott_de_bie

For those who want to read Ben's excellent journal of our campaign from the beginning, check here (all the way back in January of 2010!):

Any questions, thoughts, feedback, ideas, etc, about the campaign? I'd be very happy to hear them.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dalor Darden Posted - 19 Apr 2012 : 23:29:48
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

Originally posted by Dalor Darden

If I move near you...can I bribe you to open a seat for me at your table?
I won't hold it against you if you refuse...I may shed a tear, but I'd be ok.
I like scotch and chocolate--not necessarily together.


Particular type of scotch? I prefer Jack Daniels Single Barrel whisky; but if you have a favorite...
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 19 Apr 2012 : 20:09:18

Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

I'm using the 4 Tomb of Horrors book, reskinned in my campaign to be more Realms-appropriate.
I don't have that source. What's it like?
The 4e Tomb of Horrors is a mega-adventure that follows on the heels of Bruce Cordell's previous "Return to the Tomb of Horrors," which is itself a follow-up to the original Tomb of Horrors. Basically, they go along the same lines: Acererak is siphoning off life energy to empower himself, through various means. In the 4e one, he has multiple "reflections" of his original tomb, all of which are gathering energy, and the heroes eventually fight through to a graveyard of deities that Acererak is absorbing.

My campaign is pretty much the same, only with Larloch cast as the lich, bent on absorbing enough power and pieces of the broken Weave to become the new god of magic.

That's one of the subplots anyway--there are lots of things going on, not the least is Suriel's unfolding destiny as the force to redeem/destroy/empower the drow.


Originally posted by Dalor Darden

If I move near you...can I bribe you to open a seat for me at your table?
I won't hold it against you if you refuse...I may shed a tear, but I'd be ok.
I like scotch and chocolate--not necessarily together.

Dalor Darden Posted - 19 Apr 2012 : 02:41:22
If I move near you...can I bribe you to open a seat for me at your table?

I won't hold it against you if you refuse...I may shed a tear, but I'd be ok.
The Sage Posted - 19 Apr 2012 : 01:07:38
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

I'm using the 4 Tomb of Horrors book, reskinned in my campaign to be more Realms-appropriate.
I don't have that source. What's it like?
Aulduron Posted - 18 Apr 2012 : 19:40:06
Good reads. Thanks.
sfdragon Posted - 18 Apr 2012 : 05:01:25
You invoke Lord LArlock's name.......

I put one of my tales on my wotc blog...

not sure it was a good idea though....
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 18 Apr 2012 : 04:29:18
I'm using the 4 Tomb of Horrors book, reskinned in my campaign to be more Realms-appropriate.


This next adventure they're headed into takes place partly in Moil, the City That Waits, and from thence to what the heroes have come to know as the "Shadow Keep" but originally had a different name: Warlock's Crypt.

That's right. Larloch.

It's gonna be AWESOME.

The Sage Posted - 18 Apr 2012 : 01:05:53
Awesome! And I love the inclusion of Lady Saharel.

-- The Sage, wishing he was sitting at Erik's gaming table.

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