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 Getting WotC's attention so they use freelancers

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 27 Mar 2012 : 23:36:01
Originally posted by Brian R. James

Clearly this is self-serving, but if you *truly* believe that freelancers like Ed, Erik and I are the best suited to bridge the editions and write a kick ass 5E Realms campaign guide, then please communicate this to Wizards of the Coast directly (though snail mail, email, twitter, or facebook).

In terms of Facebook and Twitter communication, how do we do this exactly?

That is, if we were to start a twitter campaign, what are the common hashtags that are most likely to trend opposite the Realms such that WotC would notice?





I know Ed is on Facebook, but is he also on Twitter?

For Ed and for other freelance designers, can anyone compile a list of their twitter account user names so we can perhaps format a twitter request that fits within the character limit and uses one or more of those hashtags?

Ultimately, I think it's a good idea for Realms fans to request that Wizards of the Coast use its freelance pool of experienced Realms designers to work on the next iteration of the Forgotten Realms.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 30 Mar 2012 : 08:11:25
Another option for the Facebook inclined:
Hawkins Posted - 30 Mar 2012 : 02:43:04
Here is a tweet I sent to Mike Mearls and James Wyatt with multiple links to the stuff linked on here. Please retweet or tweet something similar so they realize there are many of us.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 29 Mar 2012 : 16:40:12
And now for the big cheeses:

Mike Mearls (Group Manager, Head of D&D)

James Wyatt (D&D Creative Manager)

And a very interested in the Realms game designer:
Matt Sernett

Thanks to all who helped compile this information.

Go tell them what you want!
sleyvas Posted - 28 Mar 2012 : 20:14:07
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

Originally posted by Brian R. James

Clearly this is self-serving, but if you *truly* believe that freelancers like Ed, Erik and I are the best suited to bridge the editions and write a kick ass 5E Realms campaign guide, then please communicate this to Wizards of the Coast directly (though snail mail, email, twitter, or facebook).

In terms of Facebook and Twitter communication, how do we do this exactly?

That is, if we were to start a twitter campaign, what are the common hashtags that are most likely to trend opposite the Realms such that WotC would notice?





I know Ed is on Facebook, but is he also on Twitter?

For Ed and for other freelance designers, can anyone compile a list of their twitter account user names so we can perhaps format a twitter request that fits within the character limit and uses one or more of those hashtags?

Ultimately, I think it's a good idea for Realms fans to request that Wizards of the Coast use its freelance pool of experienced Realms designers to work on the next iteration of the Forgotten Realms.

Hells yeah, the people that should be helping design are definitely ones that have shown they love the realms and love detail. That's Ed Greenwood, Erik Boyd, Brian James, and Steven Schend in my book. I'd love to see some George Krashos in there as well, even though I often find him stepping in my own waters and I have to make adjustments (seems we both favor the east).
Markustay Posted - 28 Mar 2012 : 16:52:48
Don't forget your Picbadge.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 28 Mar 2012 : 16:22:17
Good jerb, everybody.

OK, more contact info for FB and Twitter follow:

Erik Scott de Bie

Twitter: @erikscottdebie


Ed Greenwood


No Twitter account that I know of
Hawkins Posted - 28 Mar 2012 : 16:01:01
Started a thread on the WotC forums at the bequest of Erik and Brian.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 28 Mar 2012 : 02:20:46
Hmm, like this?

Well done, Azuth. Simple, snazzy.

Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 28 Mar 2012 : 00:13:17
Originally posted by Azuth

It would be far better to create a "Let Ed, Erik, and Jim Fix the Realms" page and get people to like it.
Not a bad idea, that...
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 28 Mar 2012 : 00:05:20
Brian R. James can be found:

on Twitter: @brianrjames

on Facebook:!/brian.r.james

Brian is someone I definitely want to see work on the next big Realms project.

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