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 So I am compiling a piecing together one map...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
perm Posted - 30 Oct 2011 : 10:05:29
of the realms (Faerun, Kara Tur, and what I can of Zakhara)
I started this because I was disappointed where exact locations are relative to other, such as the Utter East, and Yehimal and because I have always loved maps my whole life, so hopefully everyone appreciates this.

I am using the most detailed maps of every area possible with everything canon noted on them, many of them fan made but with canon areas. A lot of them are Markustay's work. It's taking some effort because not every map is coterminous so it takes some fudging on my part, but I am keeping everything where it should be. Here's what I have so far (except in MUCH higher resolutions, it's 11000 pixels wide)

Here's what I have so far, have a bit more to go

If anyone has maps in this third edition style that are of areas that I don't have, like zakhara, i'd love to have them all!
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Markustay Posted - 30 Oct 2011 : 16:49:08
I had, but they are all gone now.

K-T was 99% complete, and I had started Zakhara (just the coast was done, though).

I wish I had posted more WIPs, but alas, I didn't.

You need to get a hold of The Forgotten Realms Atlas by Karen Fonstad if you want to see how it all fits together. In 3e they rotated the maps 7.2 degrees counter-clockwise, so you will never be able to get the 2e maps from the other regions to line-up properly. I had to first rotate the map back before I started pasting it all together. The FR Interactive Atlas is also an excellent resource, but it is ugly as hell.

Someone else here has already don e a world map - there is thread for it. Its not in the '3e style', but its damn good (and based, in part, on some of my own maps/research).

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