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Markustay Posted - 28 Oct 2011 : 16:32:28
I have been trying to track-down some FR products, and I was checking the lists here, and I don't see a sub-heading for Land of Fate.

Why not?

I was just wondering because there are few products I would include that are not FR products but contain a decent amount of FR info. And one particular source - The Complete Book of Necromancers - has an entire sub-sub-setting, located between Zakhara, K-T, and the Hordelands (making it just SE of Faerūn-proper).

I have others I can think of as well, but that particular one should go into the non-FR but related category, under the Zahara sub-category. A bit obscure, I know, but two NPCs live in Waterdeep, and a confrontation between Cyric and Loviatar is presented.

Has anyone ever attempted a truly complete list of ALL FR material? The Realms are occasionally mentioned in other settings.
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The Sage Posted - 02 Nov 2011 : 00:35:52
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Markustay


No one else thinks that Zakhara/Land of Fate products should be given a sub-heading in the product list here at CK?

And I understand perfectly well why it was done this way (Al-Qadim was released under its own, separate product-line), but it IS on the same planet.

There's so little discussion about Al-Qadim in these halls that it barely rates its own topic, much less its own sub-heading. Not knocking Al-Qadim; it just doesn't get mentioned oft.

Indeed. It's usually easier for the products to be listed among the various Realms products, even though they were published under their own brand.

I'm all for separating them, but only if there's greater support from the community.
The Sage Posted - 02 Nov 2011 : 00:32:55
Originally posted by Markustay

No one else thinks that Zakhara/Land of Fate products should be given a sub-heading in the product list here at CK?
]I think it comes down to the fact that the "Late of Fate" subheading really doesn't have a lot of play amongst the wider Realms community. Traditionally, it's just either referred to through the context of the Realms, as Zakhara, or, rarely, solely as Al-Qadim.
Markustay Posted - 01 Nov 2011 : 19:51:02
I only meant in the products lists at CK-proper, not on the forums.

Just for completeness.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Nov 2011 : 18:02:32
Originally posted by Markustay


No one else thinks that Zakhara/Land of Fate products should be given a sub-heading in the product list here at CK?

And I understand perfectly well why it was done this way (Al-Qadim was released under its own, separate product-line), but it IS on the same planet.

There's so little discussion about Al-Qadim in these halls that it barely rates its own topic, much less its own sub-heading. Not knocking Al-Qadim; it just doesn't get mentioned oft.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 01 Nov 2011 : 14:10:30
Originally posted by Markustay


No one else thinks that Zakhara/Land of Fate products should be given a sub-heading in the product list here at CK?

And I understand perfectly well why it was done this way (Al-Qadim was released under its own, separate product-line), but it IS on the same planet.

I would love to see some new material released for the Land of Fate, I alwasy loved adventuring there
Markustay Posted - 01 Nov 2011 : 14:08:04

No one else thinks that Zakhara/Land of Fate products should be given a sub-heading in the product list here at CK?

And I understand perfectly well why it was done this way (Al-Qadim was released under its own, separate product-line), but it IS on the same planet.
Markustay Posted - 30 Oct 2011 : 16:35:07
I believe Sahu was either a contemporary of Nog & Kadar (see 9440 Ruined Kingdoms) in the northern jungle regions of Zakhara (which border all four settings), or conversely, a contemporary of Tempat Larang, and Nog & Kadar were survivor-states of both of those (one for each of them). Considering that all of these existed after the time Imaskar fell (which had at least a 1/2 dozen of it's own survivor-states), the area was quite busy and very hard to pin-down a cohesive timeline for (which I was trying to do for about a year).

You also have Langdarma, but we have no precise date for it's settlement. I have it as a waypoint of the Mar(?) exodus from the east, which means the original Mar could have been Tempat Larang refugees - a group who would have later ran-afoul of the Imaskari in the Utter east. You have fudge some of the dates a bit, but most of the eastern timeline is based upon stories/legends, and only refer to things as happening "centuries ago", so it works (for me, anyway). We also have some evidence of more then one 'fall' for Tampat larangh, which could explain more then one scattering of the Mar/Ang peoples (the Indianesqu cultures of Malatra).

Related to this same region is the Solon (Imaskar survivor-state) info in on of the 3e dragon books (the stuff about some Dragon Helm). Couldn't tell you the exact item or source anymore - sorry. It appears Solon had an interesting history of it's own concerning dragons - apparently the Raurin region was overrun with wyrrms after Imaskar's fall (which does make sense in light of other lore). perhaps the Imaskari had control of dragons at some point? In my own home campaign I just figured the Imaskari had created the Orbs of Dragonkind (or found or stolen them from other planes).

I hear that when you put all the Dragonba... err.. Orbs together, you get to make a wish. Maybe that's how the Mulan Slaves summoned their gods.
sleyvas Posted - 29 Oct 2011 : 19:25:56
Originally posted by Seethyr

What is the name of this land? Is there enough lore to be worth me hunting down a copy of the Complete Book of Necromancers?

Sahu, the isle of the Necromancer Kings, is from the Complete Book of Necromancers. Ironically, I was recently researching it. Originally, my thoughts were Velsharoon might have learned dread necromancy (the class) from some lore in a Halruaan library that he shouldn't have been looking at. However, Halruaa and Zakhara are pretty close, and I was considering that maybe he and one of his brothers and sisters might have gotten stranded on the isle for a brief period. In fact, I believe he may have been taught by Vermissa (a priestess of Thasmudyan who supposedly trains other necromancers at a later date.... I like the idea that instead of just a priestess she's a 4 dread necro / 3 cleric / 14 true necromancer/ 3 mystic theurge... thus making her 19 dread necro & 18 cleric whereas in 2E she was a 24 cleric). He may have also been one of the first ones to break one of the seals containing her.
Marc Posted - 29 Oct 2011 : 17:25:55
This site lists a few core products. I know there is more in Planescape, NPC's mostly.
Seethyr Posted - 29 Oct 2011 : 16:24:36
What is the name of this land? Is there enough lore to be worth me hunting down a copy of the Complete Book of Necromancers?

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