T O P I C R E V I E W |
The Sage |
Posted - 22 Nov 2003 : 08:50:31 While working on the 'minotaur realms' for my homebrew world of Amasaria, I started thinking about the minotaurs of published official worlds. Probably the most well known would be the Minotaurs of Ansalon and Taladas on Krynn in DL.
But what about the Realms?. There has never been much in the way of minotaur related topics or realms when it comes to Faerun, so why is that?. Also, have any FR DM's perhaps, ever created a minotaur realm for their own home FR campaign?. If so, I would like to hear about them.
I thought this might be an interesting topic to discuss, so let's hear your thoughts and opinions of the subject...
30 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
The Sage |
Posted - 03 Jan 2007 : 23:10:03 quote: Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
quote: Originally posted by Aureus
minotaurs sound cool, what would they be as PC race, can someone stat me them or give me a link? thanks already
I believe that they are covered in Savage Species, though I'm not home to check. And I think they are also a playable race in Dragonlance.
They're covered in Savage Species, yes. And they're a playable race in the DLCS 3e as well.
Aureus, you might want to try looking over the WotC site as well. I seem to recall them providing an alternate level progression for a slightly modified (from Savage Species) minotaur PC.
Wooly Rupert |
Posted - 03 Jan 2007 : 21:44:07 quote: Originally posted by Aureus
minotaurs sound cool, what would they be as PC race, can someone stat me them or give me a link? thanks already
I believe that they are covered in Savage Species, though I'm not home to check. And I think they are also a playable race in Dragonlance. |
Aureus |
Posted - 03 Jan 2007 : 20:49:35 minotaurs sound cool, what would they be as PC race, can someone stat me them or give me a link? thanks already |
Wooly Rupert |
Posted - 03 Jan 2007 : 19:35:29 quote: Originally posted by ShadowJack
Thanks Wooly,
Do you have a link for everything? You are the Link-Master of CandleKeep! Not that i have any authority to give out titles here in the Keep... Takes off before Alaundo can find him...
Not for everything, but I do keep a list of pre-formatted, frequently used links handy so I can readily copy and paste the info, as necessary.  |
ShadowJack |
Posted - 03 Jan 2007 : 18:01:05 Thanks Wooly,
Do you have a link for everything? You are the Link-Master of CandleKeep! Not that i have any authority to give out titles here in the Keep... Takes off before Alaundo can find him... |
Wooly Rupert |
Posted - 29 Dec 2006 : 23:50:31 http://forum.candlekeep.com/faq.asp#hyperlink
ShadowJack |
Posted - 29 Dec 2006 : 22:44:23 Thanks Wooly! How do you do that? @#$!! &%#!@*! I have tried twice... Anyway, my intelligence, or lack there-of, not-withstanding, I love the idea of a small somewhat civilized Minotaur city in the Realms, not to copy Dl, but to bring a favorite race into Faerun... |
Wooly Rupert |
Posted - 29 Dec 2006 : 22:39:37 quote: Originally posted by ShadowJack
A small minotaur city in the Realms is something I have been working on for a future campaign of mine... I received much help from the kindly sages here at Candlekeep almost a year ago... It turned into a rather long thread. Some kind sage will post the link for it, I am sure,as I am technologically challenged...
Here's the thread: Minotaur Cultures in the Realms?
I have it bookmarked, because I'm going to follow up on that idea at some point in the future.  |
ShadowJack |
Posted - 29 Dec 2006 : 21:54:06 A small minotaur city in the Realms is something I have been working on for a future campaign of mine... I received much help from the kindly sages here at Candlekeep almost a year ago... It turned into a rather long thread. Some kind sage will post the link for it, I am sure,as I am technologically challenged... |
Ardashir |
Posted - 29 Dec 2006 : 20:24:05 quote: There could even have been an "enchanced" ruling class created by Baphomet, similar to Sess'innek creating the Lizard Kings.
Well, Baphomet *does* have the baphitaurs, and there are some fiendish and half-fiendish minotaurs out there. And there are always ghours and bulezaus. Not to mention goristro and ankhashar... say, I like ol' Hornhead and his minions myself, but is it just me, or has he gotten a LOT of coverage of late? |
Zacas |
Posted - 27 Nov 2003 : 18:46:10 ::peeks over Alaundo's shoulder, watching Cardinal Deimos trudge all the way down:: OOhhh... heheh... HA HA! ::vanishes before he can get caught up in this 'punishment' too:: |
Alaundo |
Posted - 26 Nov 2003 : 22:52:21 quote: Originally posted by Cardinal Deimos
Your going to blame this on me?!?! .....*Droops head in defeat*... right... *Looks to Alaundo and his disapproving stare* Nineth level dungeon?... Nineth level dungeon.... *Takes his mop and bucket and lurches his way to the stairs leading down...*
::shouting after Cardinal Deimos:: And dont forget to scrub those bottom steps extra hard.....the slime on them is quite revolting and takes some shifting Ask the last person who tried to clean them...hes down there shackled to the wall! ::snigger, chuckle:: |
The Cardinal |
Posted - 26 Nov 2003 : 21:09:00 Your going to blame this on me?!?! .....*Droops head in defeat*... right... *Looks to Alaundo and his disapproving stare* Nineth level dungeon?... Nineth level dungeon.... *Takes his mop and bucket and lurches his way to the stairs leading down...* |
The Sage |
Posted - 26 Nov 2003 : 13:55:04 My apologies Alaundo. This is exactly the reason why I directed the Cardinal to the website in my profile, in an attempt to discontinue this conversation on non-Realmslore...
What are peoples thoughts then, on a tribal (almost clan like) society of minotaurs living an instinctual lifestyle in the wilds surrounding some major urban area of the Realms?.
Bookwyrm |
Posted - 26 Nov 2003 : 09:40:37 Me, I stay away from the world of Krynn. Not my sort of place. The dragons are too strange there, always wanting me to take sides in something.
Yessiree, I stay right here in Faerun . . . .
::hides a box marked non-Faerunian studies from Alaundo's view:: |
Alaundo |
Posted - 26 Nov 2003 : 09:16:50 Well met
AHEM!! ::thumbs through census of Faerun looking for Raistlin, Caramon and Lord Toede::
You scribes are reaaaaaally starting to push it with such talk!
::grumble:: |
The Cardinal |
Posted - 26 Nov 2003 : 08:32:05 Tis the truth I swear! As told by the great and mighty Highlord Toede. One who knew and gave the fledgling heroes of the lance, their start.  Lord Toede, my favorite DL char (followed closely by the Kingpriest and Highlord Verminaard ) Tis the truth as Told by Toede in 'Lord Toede' (which is by Jeff Grubb. YAY!). But Anyways, why not. The Minotaurs could have had a great civilization but fell to the brutality of uncultured Elves... Perhaps that is what the Ruins in the Farsea marsh? |
The Sage |
Posted - 26 Nov 2003 : 08:12:13 Caramon never struck Raistlin . Caramon cared deeply for his brother, even after everything Raistlin did (almost). I suggest you read up on these two wonderful characters. Just use the link in my profile. It will explain all.

The Cardinal |
Posted - 26 Nov 2003 : 08:06:10 Perhaps, But (while not skilled in Dragonlance much) I have heard that Raistlin had long Crying jags. Appearently Raistlin suffered sever beatings from Caramon when Caramon's temper and his cups got the best of him.... Only stuck with Caramon becuase he was a loyal brother if nothing else... Shame really... |
The Sage |
Posted - 26 Nov 2003 : 07:51:57 In an odd and very, VERY twisted way, Urza and Mishra remind me alot of Raistlin and Caramon...
A superior civilization of Minotaurs in ages past...?, hmm...certainly an interesting idea, but not something I would like to see in Faerun's history.
The Cardinal |
Posted - 26 Nov 2003 : 07:43:49 I will never allow such a sugar coating. He betrayed Urza.. he deserves to rot for eternity.... Misguided or not the man was scum... unsalvagable, unredeemable, unuseful scum...
As for the minotaurs, wouldn't it be something if they did have a supperior civilization in ages past?  |
The Sage |
Posted - 26 Nov 2003 : 07:30:28 He wasn't a spoiled brat...just a little misguided... .
The Cardinal |
Posted - 26 Nov 2003 : 07:14:34 Well, i'm not that much of an expert on minotaurs. Some might think them magical creations from a long dead wizard. I know nothing of their culture (if they have any). Although it is possible that in eons past they had a civilization of sorts. Not unlike another realm in which I have tampered with long ago. Of course I wouldn't take Mishra's idea too far. The man was a spoiled brat... |
The Sage |
Posted - 26 Nov 2003 : 07:07:51 Sorry Zacas, I did read your post, however I had other replies rolling around in my head at the time... .
I do remember reading something akin to that theory several years ago, although I think it was a PS tome...maybe the Planewalker's Handbook...I can't remember. I'll check anyway and let you know.

Zacas |
Posted - 25 Nov 2003 : 19:35:19 hmm... well since no one responded to my comment... wanna know if anyone else recalls reading such info as i mentioned just a few posts up... about each race having their own planet or such and came to toril through some gate... anyone care to agree to having read that anywhere... or to tell me i'm nuts :P |
The Sage |
Posted - 25 Nov 2003 : 06:56:09 Fibura Gauntlet said -
quote: I tend to prefer Minotaurs as cursed individuals or magical guardians rather than bull-headed ogres.
Perhaps you should look into the Warhammer Armies: Beasts of Chaos tome. There is a great deal of useful material in that book that details minotaur (and goat-headed) type creatures which follow this 'cursed' theme. In fact when I was starting development on my own Minotaur realm, I 'borrowed' an idea or two, then expanded upon those ideas, and ended up generating an entirely original mountain-dwelling minotaur society complete with very unique cultural traits.
lowtech said -
quote: There could even have been an "enchanced" ruling class created by Baphomet, similar to Sess'innek creating the Lizard Kings.
That's an interesting idea, but that is probably as far as I'd take it. No need to say that this hypothetical ruling class was corrupted by another deity to be used as that same deity's personal servants.
What would be interesting is to have this ruling class represent Baphomet's word on Faerun. Since the Minotaur god has difficulty sending avatars to the Material Plane, this ruling elite could take advantage of that fact and present their own agenda as Baphomet's word.
lowtech |
Posted - 24 Nov 2003 : 19:42:57 A minotaur civilization in the realms could have been similar to that of the Quaggoths: enough intelligence to establish a functioning albeit primitive society, but unable to compete with other, expanding Underdark civilizations. There could even have been an "enchanced" ruling class created by Baphomet, similar to Sess'innek creating the Lizard Kings. |
Fibura Gauntlet |
Posted - 24 Nov 2003 : 15:37:56 Honestly! I come to Candlekeep to escape the debate raging on Krynn as to whether Minotaurs (Kaz in particular) have hooves or feet and what do I find? They're everywhere  quote: I think, if I intend to go ahead with this idea, of creating a minotaur realm for Faerun, I will start from what we know of the race as presented in the MM and Savage Species.
I'd be interested to see if a plausible society could be constructed using the standard Minotaur. I tend to prefer Minotaurs as cursed individuals or magical guardians rather than bull-headed ogres. I'm thinking you could use the old "village labouring under a curse" routine to explain a small out-of-the-way group of Minotaurs, but I'm not sure about anything larger. That said, I'd be as loathe to see every Minotaur stomping round a de facto Labyrinth as I would to see every Dragon sat on a big fat pile of gold waiting to be burgled  |
The Sage |
Posted - 24 Nov 2003 : 05:39:48 Mumadar Ibn Huzal said -
quote: Your initial thoughts seemed to hint that you'd be interested in seeing the Krynn version of the Minotaur in the Realms.
Yes, that is definitely not something that I would like to see anywhere on Faerun.
To me at least (although there are some gamers that I know of who wish otherwise) the Minotaurs of Krynn fit well with the general theme of that particular campaign setting. Their societal attitudes, world outlook, and racial bearing all contribute to the general feel of the DL saga. There just isn't any type of theme in the FR storyline to support a 'Krynnish Minotaur League' in an FR environment.
I think, if I intend to go ahead with this idea, of creating a minotaur realm for Faerun, I will start from what we know of the race as presented in the MM and Savage Species.
Zacas |
Posted - 23 Nov 2003 : 22:32:33 Well... technically... if you go by some of the novels, i believe it was Evermeet or such that hinted that humans were the only true race of faerun... elves, dwarves, orcs, goblins, etc. all came from their own world, it was their gods that provided a portal or such for them to arrive in toril... or at least i recall reading that somewhere... but then my memory is faulty... |