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 Wulfgar question -GUANTLGRYM SPOILER

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jordanz Posted - 15 Jan 2011 : 08:48:15








How exactly did Wulfgar die? Has his death been chronicled in a novel? I'm hoping he went down fighting somewhere for a worthy cause.....

P.S. What became of AEGIS FANG?
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Drakul Posted - 06 Feb 2013 : 05:58:48
This sucks. I have yet to read that book and already I am fiending for the blasted thing. Thanks, guys.
Mirtek Posted - 05 Feb 2013 : 23:45:01
I really liked the story of his death except for the very last part where he ended up after death.

He wanted to go to the halls of Tempus, Tempus would have surely wanted to claim such a warrior soul so who dared to steal him away from Warrior's Rest? Did help that Wulfgars last act in the story (Spoiler, highlight to read): was to scream in horror when he realized that he wasn't in Tempus' realm
CorellonsDevout Posted - 05 Feb 2013 : 22:31:26
Originally posted by Markustay

So it was a RAS story and you weren't sure if there was a 'big fight scene'?

I didn't even read the story and I could have told you there was.

Like I said, I knew there was a battle scene, I just wasn't sure if it was Wulfgar, but then, again, like I said, why wouldn't there be? I seem to remember there was a younger barbarian, and he was like, a great admirer of Wulfgar's. It's not that I doubted there a fight scene, it was whether or not Wulf was involved (he was ancient by that time, after all).
BEAST Posted - 05 Feb 2013 : 20:39:54
Originally posted by jordanz

Did Wulgar leave any notable descendants? I assume his tribe is still in possession of Aegis Fang?

Aye; at the time of the short story "To Legend He Goes", which I estimate to be about 1437 DR, in early winter, Wulfgar is said to have had four sons and daughters (three surviving), nine grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.

On his deathbed, Elder Wulfgar bequeaths the warhammer to the tribe and its greatest warrior, who is alleged to be his own son, named Bruenorson. A small group of barbarian leaders agrees with this decision at his side, takes the hammer, and leaves his fallen body to be consumed by the Icewind Dale winter.

Bruenorson should be getting along pretty well in age, himself, in 4E/5E.
jordanz Posted - 05 Feb 2013 : 16:24:38
Originally posted by Markustay

So it was a RAS story and you weren't sure if there was a 'big fight scene'?

I didn't even read the story and I could have told you there was.

Did Wulgar leave any notable descendants? I assume his tribe is still in possession of Aegis Fang?
Markustay Posted - 05 Feb 2013 : 13:08:30
So it was a RAS story and you weren't sure if there was a 'big fight scene'?

I didn't even read the story and I could have told you there was.
CorellonsDevout Posted - 05 Feb 2013 : 04:59:32
That's right. I knew there was a battle, but I couldn't remember if Wulfgar was directly involved or not (then again, why wouldn't he be?)
Euranna Posted - 03 Feb 2013 : 02:04:40
There was also an awesome fight just prior to his death to protect his tribe. His death was noble.
And he was confused as I am sure the other fiesty friend of Drizzt was as well.
CorellonsDevout Posted - 03 Feb 2013 : 00:35:25
Yes, in his [i]Collected Drizzt Stories Anthology[/i[. It's the last story in there. He essentially dies of old age, having led a full life as a warrior of his tribe. He'd carved out quite a name for himself. . But, instead of going to the Halls of Tempus, he finds himself in the pocket dimension with the other Companions of the Hall. It basically ends with him being really surprised.
jordanz Posted - 02 Feb 2013 : 23:49:31
Originally posted by CorellonsDevout

Maybe people already answered this, but there is a short story about Wulfgar's death, and he ends up in that pocket dimension (can never remember then name) with Catti and the others.

Written by RA Salvatore? How'd he die?
CorellonsDevout Posted - 02 Feb 2013 : 22:41:39
Maybe people already answered this, but there is a short story about Wulfgar's death, and he ends up in that pocket dimension (can never remember then name) with Catti and the others.
BEAST Posted - 02 Feb 2013 : 18:35:33
Originally posted by Thauranil

Well thats the way he would have wanted to go. In what novel or anthology can you find this story story ?

The Legend of Drizzt Anthology: The Collected Stories.

I know: they really got creative with that title!
Markustay Posted - 02 Feb 2013 : 16:21:50
I always thought RAS paid homage to the oft-wished for 'Conan meets Elric' (of Melnibonea) fantasy fanboi dream-team. He basically took five iconic fantasy characters and glued them all together in one party (Conan, Elric, Bilbo, 'damsel in distress' (who turns out to be quite a tough cookie in her right), and Thorin Oakensheld (displaced Dwarven King who's kingdom was stolen by a dragon).

Cattie-Brie is more a stereotype (Princess Leia, Fiona, etc) then a true homage, but the rest of them are barely re-imagined clones.

The fact that he took a stereotypical cast of characters, wishy-washy plots, bad naming conventions (when not stolen from the Greek, were jokes - Regis and Catti-Brie?) and turned them into one of the most lucrative of series in the genre just shows you how great a writer he is.

Imagine what he could have accomplished had he a little bit of imagination.
Thauranil Posted - 02 Feb 2013 : 13:46:52
Well thats the way he would have wanted to go. In what novel or anthology can you find this story story ?
Lord raven Posted - 02 Feb 2013 : 13:34:37
Wulfgar's death is in a short story. In To Legend He Goes. Yes he dies fighting yes he has kids .
Chosen of Asmodeus Posted - 23 Jan 2011 : 09:56:54
Movie Conan was in servitude in his early years. In the stories, Conan wasn't a slave. He was simply an exceptional member of his barbarian tribe who took to wanderlust in his mid teens.

Conan also stayed King after he took the crown. Wulfgar gave it up after a week.

The bit about the camel was probably a direct reference, though. As I said, Conan is the definition of the barbarian architype. I doubt seriously Bob wasn't aware of this, and probably put a few intentional throw backs, especially given that he was writing these stories less than a decade after the movies were released.

Conan was also a considerably less heroic character by the modern definition of the word; he was far more ruthless and brutal, and was usually pursuing selfish motivations.
Drizztsmanchild Posted - 23 Jan 2011 : 09:30:54
Correction to #2: both became a king. I probably shouldn't consider the Barbarians of Icewind Dale as a kingdom...or can I?
Drizztsmanchild Posted - 23 Jan 2011 : 09:28:46
Well a few that struck me:
1. Both were in servitude their early years...different types and timeframes but still servitude.
2. Both ended up forming a kingdom.
3. Both have had same experience with their first encounter with a camel. ;-)
Chosen of Asmodeus Posted - 23 Jan 2011 : 08:59:32
Eh. There are similarities but that's a given considering that Conan is the codifier for the modern perception of the barbarian hero. I don't see many direct parallels between them.
Drizztsmanchild Posted - 23 Jan 2011 : 08:29:33
Is it me or does Wulfgars story seem eerily similar to Conan's.
The Red Walker Posted - 22 Jan 2011 : 14:09:01
The Sage
Lore master Most High and Lovable*
And just a tiny bit unsufferable
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 22 Jan 2011 : 02:15:04
Ah, and so MODEST, too! LOL!!
The Sage Posted - 22 Jan 2011 : 02:11:16
Originally posted by Alystra Illianniis

That has a nice ring to it!

Sure, I'm lovable. What is there about me that isn't?
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 22 Jan 2011 : 01:21:48
That has a nice ring to it!
The Red Walker Posted - 21 Jan 2011 : 01:40:14
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by The Red Walker

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Red Walker

Originally posted by Alisttair

Originally posted by The Red Walker

I didn't know Batman, Robin, Spidey and all were in Gauntylgrym....

Are they now dancing in the forest with Cattie as well??

You're not accusing the moderators of off-topic discussion are you?
Perish the though

Just a friendly jab, since Sage had been beset with a bit of off-topicsness in Ask Ed!

In truth though, It's one of the things I like best about our mods!

We are quite lovable. Or at least I am!

yeah....Sage has a note in his To-Do Vortex that reads "Be quite Lovable", but he hasn't got around to it yet!

Actually, the Lady K penned that. She even made Post-It! notes and placed them around the walls of my study/library.

The Sage Loremaster Most High and Lovable
The Sage Posted - 21 Jan 2011 : 00:56:17
Originally posted by The Red Walker

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Red Walker

Originally posted by Alisttair

Originally posted by The Red Walker

I didn't know Batman, Robin, Spidey and all were in Gauntylgrym....

Are they now dancing in the forest with Cattie as well??

You're not accusing the moderators of off-topic discussion are you?
Perish the though

Just a friendly jab, since Sage had been beset with a bit of off-topicsness in Ask Ed!

In truth though, It's one of the things I like best about our mods!

We are quite lovable. Or at least I am!

yeah....Sage has a note in his To-Do Vortex that reads "Be quite Lovable", but he hasn't got around to it yet!

Actually, the Lady K penned that. She even made Post-It! notes and placed them around the walls of my study/library.
The Sage Posted - 21 Jan 2011 : 00:55:23
Originally posted by The Red Walker

Originally posted by Alisttair

Originally posted by The Red Walker

I didn't know Batman, Robin, Spidey and all were in Gauntylgrym....

Are they now dancing in the forest with Cattie as well??

You're not accusing the moderators of off-topic discussion are you?
Perish the though

Just a friendly jab, since Sage had been beset with a bit of off-topicsness in Ask Ed!

In truth though, It's one of the things I like best about our mods!

We love you too!

And it seems to be a condition that affected a lot of my online these last few days. I don't know where its come from.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 20 Jan 2011 : 22:28:08
Originally posted by Alystra Illianniis

Hee-hee. He makes a great gift for kids!!

Heh. I do get along with kids rather well... Which is good, since I've got one en route!
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 20 Jan 2011 : 18:47:44
Hee-hee. He makes a great gift for kids!!
Alisttair Posted - 20 Jan 2011 : 18:47:05
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Red Walker

Originally posted by Alisttair

Originally posted by The Red Walker

I didn't know Batman, Robin, Spidey and all were in Gauntylgrym....

Are they now dancing in the forest with Cattie as well??

You're not accusing the moderators of off-topic discussion are you?
Perish the though

Just a friendly jab, since Sage had been beset with a bit of off-topicsness in Ask Ed!

In truth though, It's one of the things I like best about our mods!

We are quite lovable. Or at least I am!

That's cause your stuffed and fluffy and all that.

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