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 The Knights of Myth Drannor

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
uaintjak Posted - 14 Nov 2010 : 16:02:09
I'm kind of a fiend for any information on the Knights of Myth Drannor. To me, they've always been the "thing" that best represented the Realms, and I've always loved finding tidbits of them here and there. Here's what I know, to be followed by some questions.

Original Knights: Florin Falconhand (male human ranger), Jhessail Silvertree (female human magic-user), Islif Lurelake (female human fighter), Doust Sulwood (male human cleric of Tymora), Semoor Wolftooth/Jelde Asturien (male human cleric of Lathander)

Late-comers: Lanseril Snowmantle (male half-elf druid of Silvanus), Merith Strongbow (male moon elf fighter/magic-user), Dove Falconhand (female human ranger), Torm (male human thief), Rathan Thentraver (male human cleric of Tymora), Sharantyr (female human ranger)

"Lesser" Knights: Mourngrym Amcathra (male human cavalier), Shaerl Rowanmantle (female human thief)

Deceased Knights: Alura "Pennae" Durshavin (female human thief), Agannor Wildsilver (male human fighter), Bey Freemantle (male human fighter), Martess "Lowspell" Ilmra (female human magic-user)

Misc. Knights: Aumark Lithyl (male human cavalier?), Eressea Ambergyles (female human cleric of Tymora)

So now the questions:
First, I know Agannor, Bey, and Martess were never officially Knights, but they were part of the band that eventually became the Knights, so I included them. Having read Swords of Eveningstar, I have some questions about them.
In the actual playing of Ed's group, is what happened in the novels (essentially) the same as how it played out in the gaming sessions? That is, I've read Agannor and Bey betrayed the group and were slain, and that Martess was killed as well. However, I've also read that Martess was originally also an apprentice of Hezom (the lord of Espar and Jhessail's teacher). I'm curious if anyone knows the "true" story behind these characters.

Second: Aumark Lithyl. What's his deal? When and how did he join? Is he a fighter? Cavalier? What? He was apparently heir to the throne of Ruathym, but that's all I know of him. Details!

Eressea Ambergyles. I've heard on these boards that she was a Knight (or at least, she adventured with them) though she was never mentioned as such in any of the published material. Are there other members of the Knights that we don't know about? Luvon Greencloak? Alok Silverspear? Inquiring minds want to know.

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Seravin Posted - 08 Jul 2013 : 01:36:58
Tell Ed to get writing more Knights books! There isn't any novel that fills in the details between Sword Never Sleeps and Spellfire, but the Hall of Heroes book has their history summarized.

I'd love love love for Ed to be able to write a book about the Knights adventures between Book3 of the Swords of trilogy and Spellfire. Like how Florin and Dove got married.
CyberOgre Posted - 08 Jul 2013 : 01:24:28
So, I just finished the Knights of Myth Drannor series, and there are a few gaping holes that are driving me bonkers.

The first is that Torm and Rathan Thentraver are sent off to join the Knights in book 3, The Sword Never Sleeps, by whatever means they can. This never happens by the end of the book; however, in Shandril's Sage (Spellfire series), they are accepted and active members. When did this occur?

Also, what happens when the Knights reach Shadowdale? All I know is that Doust becomes the lord for a short period and then steps down.

I seem to be missing some key stories and would like to finish reading about the Knights as they are a set of my favorite characters.

MalariaMoon Posted - 19 Jun 2012 : 17:26:47
Thanks guys!
Dalor Darden Posted - 14 Jun 2012 : 00:39:42
Originally posted by MalariaMoon

Originally posted by Dalor Darden

I'm telling you should write more and get a book man!

That's kind of you Dalor, but now I feel compelled to share Elaine's description so that you can see that when I said steal directly, I did indeed mean steal directly! I only went with mine because it saved me from typing up the original source.

Before the bonfire stood the largest warrior Liriel had ever seen. The drow shaded her sensitive eyes with one hand as she studied the man. Nearly seven feet tall he was, in late midlife but still in prime strength. His lined face and knotted muscles reminded Liriel of a weathered oak. His fair hair had faded to gray, but his eyes were bright and blue and proud. Liriel was accustomed to the smooth perfection of drow beauty, but she sensed the history in that face--challenges met, battles won, character tested and tried until it was as strong and steady as the oak he resembled. Liriel knew instinctively that this man was an important leader among his people, even before he lifted his voice to speak.

So it's Elaine who should get a book. Oh, she already did. ('')

Fair enough...though I think you are still a fine writer!
Fellfire Posted - 13 Jun 2012 : 22:00:02
And a fine encounter it was. A great ending to fun adventure. A rich tapestry woven together with memorable characters and lots flavorful lore. Thanks, MM.
MalariaMoon Posted - 12 Jun 2012 : 17:34:20
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

I'm telling you should write more and get a book man!

That's kind of you Dalor, but now I feel compelled to share Elaine's description so that you can see that when I said steal directly, I did indeed mean steal directly! I only went with mine because it saved me from typing up the original source.

Before the bonfire stood the largest warrior Liriel had ever seen. The drow shaded her sensitive eyes with one hand as she studied the man. Nearly seven feet tall he was, in late midlife but still in prime strength. His lined face and knotted muscles reminded Liriel of a weathered oak. His fair hair had faded to gray, but his eyes were bright and blue and proud. Liriel was accustomed to the smooth perfection of drow beauty, but she sensed the history in that face--challenges met, battles won, character tested and tried until it was as strong and steady as the oak he resembled. Liriel knew instinctively that this man was an important leader among his people, even before he lifted his voice to speak.

So it's Elaine who should get a book. Oh, she already did. ('')
Dalor Darden Posted - 12 Jun 2012 : 02:16:26
I'm telling you should write more and get a book man!
MalariaMoon Posted - 12 Jun 2012 : 01:56:32

Second: Aumark Lithyl. What's his deal? When and how did he join? Is he a fighter? Cavalier? What? He was apparently heir to the throne of Ruathym, but that's all I know of him. Details!

Aumark Lithyl is (pre-Spellplague) First Axe (king) of Ruathym. I've never found a details about his time with the Knights. Ruathym culture is vaguely viking-like, so I certainly don't imagine he'd be a cavalier. The second edition Campaign setting describes him as a Lawful Neutral Fighter 13, although in 3rd edition parlance he'd probably be better portrayed as a Barbarian.

He also appears in one of Elaine Cunningham's Lirel Baenre books. He also appeared recently in my own Realms campaign. I described him thus:

Upon the throne sits a massive warrior who looms above even the tall frames of Skerpa and Quorath. Well past seven feet tall, he might be in late midlife but remains in prime strength. His lined face and knotted muscles remind Cael of a weathered oak. His fair hair has faded to grey, but his eyes are bright, blue and proud. Cael senses history in that face; challenges met, battles won, character tested and tried until steady as the oak it resembles. This is Aumark Lithyl, King of Ruathym.

The better parts of the above description I stole directly from Elaine Cunningham.
Dalor Darden Posted - 10 Jun 2012 : 17:59:05
Originally posted by Faraer

FR7 Hall of Heroes p. 111; not (at least directly) by the Zhentarim according to that source -- did Ed elaborate?

DANG! How did I miss that...should read each line and not sum up I guess...

Faraer Posted - 10 Jun 2012 : 16:49:46
FR7 Hall of Heroes p. 111; not (at least directly) by the Zhentarim according to that source -- did Ed elaborate?
Dalor Darden Posted - 10 Jun 2012 : 16:14:23
Originally posted by Eldacar

Originally posted by Dalor Darden

Which book did Pennae die in again?

She didn't die in the Knights trilogy, but she did die later on at the hands of Zhentarim.

What material can I find her death in?

I know THO mentioned her death once (I think?), but I don't remember details at all.
Thauranil Posted - 10 Jun 2012 : 15:56:40
And why didn't they resurrect her , she didn't seem the type to be content in the afterlife to me.
Eldacar Posted - 10 Jun 2012 : 09:34:36
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

Which book did Pennae die in again?

She didn't die in the Knights trilogy, but she did die later on at the hands of Zhentarim.
Dalor Darden Posted - 10 Jun 2012 : 06:23:05
Which book did Pennae die in again?
uaintjak Posted - 14 Nov 2010 : 16:22:08
Originally posted by Brimstone

THO should be able to answer alot of your questions...

Yeah, that's what I'm hoping.
Brimstone Posted - 14 Nov 2010 : 16:17:27
THO should be able to answer alot of your questions...

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