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 How old are you?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kno Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 16:28:46
Paizo had a poll and surprisingly nobody was below 18. Would be interesting to know about Candlekeep because WotC these days targets a younger audience. And post the age of your current character, for curiosity's sake ....

I'm 21

30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpthero2 Posted - 05 Mar 2020 : 08:16:02
43...and still getting younger! :)
Steven Schend Posted - 13 Jan 2020 : 19:08:43
Never found this poll till now so logged in at 52 and still flummoxed by how young all ye snappers-of-whips be.... ;)
Rymac Posted - 09 Jan 2020 : 02:42:09
I'll be 47 in a little over a month.
Stonwulfe Posted - 08 Jan 2020 : 19:54:52
I turn 40 this summer.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 Jan 2020 : 04:39:11
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

Sweet baby Laeral! This poll is almost 10 years old, which means the numbers are way skewed. I answered it when I turned 37 and this year I'll be 47!!


I have since changed my age, on my profile, to Ish.
Lord Karsus Posted - 07 Jan 2020 : 03:40:51
-Slightly depressing.
TheIriaeban Posted - 06 Jan 2020 : 14:14:10
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

Sweet baby Laeral! This poll is almost 10 years old, which means the numbers are way skewed. I answered it when I turned 37 and this year I'll be 47!!


*sigh* Kids these days....
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 06 Jan 2020 : 12:48:26
Sweet baby Laeral! This poll is almost 10 years old, which means the numbers are way skewed. I answered it when I turned 37 and this year I'll be 47!!

TheIriaeban Posted - 05 Jan 2020 : 21:24:14
55 at the end of the month. I started playing in '78. Played all through jr high, high school, and college and a bit afterwards (I moved around a lot because of job opportunities so it was real hit or miss depending on where I was and for how long). During that time, played Chainmail, Basic D&D, 1E and 2E, Runequest, Top Secret(1E), Ringworld, Star Trek:TRPG (1E), Star Wars (1E), Twilight 2000, Champions, Marvel Superheroes (1E), and Traveler.
Delnyn Posted - 05 Jan 2020 : 14:37:35
48 here. Been playing since ~ 1980.
TomCosta Posted - 05 Jan 2020 : 13:20:41
48 1/2. Started playing D&D at age 7 as the cleric in my brothers 1E group. And just redid the office to unpack nearly all of my FR and D&D gamebooks from the last 40+ years (not the novels and magazines, just don't have that kind of space).
Nilus Reynard Posted - 05 Jan 2020 : 09:06:52
Just turned 42.
Brimstone Posted - 05 Jan 2020 : 05:12:35
Originally posted by Brimstone


This post aged well...
keftiu Posted - 04 Jan 2020 : 21:59:12
25 here, been a fan for... probably 15 years?
Dragon Slayer Posted - 28 Nov 2019 : 00:09:19
28 !

Drustan Dwnhaedan, you're not alone!
I recently decided to shave my head since covering the balding process was starting to get on my nerves.
Damn genetics!
Drustan Dwnhaedan Posted - 19 Nov 2013 : 17:38:02
I'm 26, look twice that (due to my beard and the fact I'm already going bald ("Darn you to heck, genetics!")), and wishing I was thirteen again (I was home-schooled, and missed out on all the fun* most teens have).

As for current characters, Malchios Shadroch (my aasimar cleric in my group's Pathfinder campaign) is 55 (technically he won't be an adult until he turns 60), and Drustan (who's only 'current' because of some short stories I've been writing) is 148-9 (he was born 11 Uktar, 1336 D.R., and, from what I understand, the current novels are set in 1485 D.R.).

*Of course, everyone has (and is entitled to) there own opinion of what is and is not 'fun' (though most of you probably know what I'm talking about).
Plaguescarred Posted - 19 Nov 2013 : 09:43:10
I'm 34 years old.
Alruane Posted - 19 Nov 2013 : 07:46:40
23, turning 24 this Friday.
Kyrel Posted - 21 Dec 2012 : 21:42:33
34 on my end.

TBH I can't really say that I'm particular surprised with the result of the results here. RPG tabletop games are the games of an aging generation. The teens of today have grown up with mmorpg's and computer games, and dice, pens, paper, and physical rulebooks are old fashioned and something from a past era.

The core audience for RPG games are guys who are 25+, and this is the generation that is likely to stay the core audience.

Wizards tried to capture the mmorpg computer generation with 4th ed., and I'm pretty sure that the exercise failed, why we are already seeing 5th ed. in the works. IMO Wizard's next potential core audience, are the kids of the 30-40 year old players of today. Assuming that we introduce our kids to the RPG games that have brought us so much entertainment over the years. In all likelyhood, they are stuck with us as the core audience for another 5-15 years, I'm guessing.
Emma Drake Posted - 21 Dec 2012 : 17:16:11
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 09 Nov 2012 : 05:00:43
Originally posted by Yoss

I'll turn 29 on my next birthday, but since last year I've taken to rounding it out. Ill start aging again once I hit 31, but I've been saying I'm 30 this year and will continue to do so until 2015. I'm so done with my 20s.

You think so now, but you'll miss them soon enough. Trust me, I REALLY wish I could have mine back!
The Sage Posted - 09 Nov 2012 : 01:53:29
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Barastir

39. And a half. But everyone says I look younger, I probably have some elven blood in my veins.

Ditto that... I'm just a few months from 39 myself, but I still routinely get carded if I buy alcohol.

I have noted, however, that I rarely get carded if I have my toddler with me.

Doesn't seem to make much difference for me here. I've been carded twice this year, even when Narnra has been standing right beside me holding my hand.
Yoss Posted - 09 Nov 2012 : 01:20:34
I'll turn 29 on my next birthday, but since last year I've taken to rounding it out. Ill start aging again once I hit 31, but I've been saying I'm 30 this year and will continue to do so until 2015. I'm so done with my 20s.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 08 Nov 2012 : 16:05:47
Originally posted by Barastir

39. And a half. But everyone says I look younger, I probably have some elven blood in my veins.

Ditto that... I'm just a few months from 39 myself, but I still routinely get carded if I buy alcohol.

I have noted, however, that I rarely get carded if I have my toddler with me.
Barastir Posted - 08 Nov 2012 : 15:06:46
39. And a half. But everyone says I look younger, I probably have some elven blood in my veins.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 04 Nov 2012 : 01:05:50
Funny, mine does the same thing. And I'll soon be 36 (next month). Sadly, I found my first gray hairs at 30- right after finding out I was pregnant. Go figure... The good news is that if they keep coming in the way they are now, I'll end up looking like Rogue from X-Men! That's not TOO bad, I guess, lol!
The Arcanamach Posted - 04 Nov 2012 : 00:42:10
I stopped aging at 24 although my stupid mirror keeps telling me lies
Xnella Moonblade-Thann Posted - 03 Nov 2012 : 07:20:35
Because of my working in a factory, I feel much older than my current age of 24. Most days I feel (physically) as if I'm over a century old, but my mind (and attitude) would have you believe otherwise ;)
MrHedgehog Posted - 30 Oct 2012 : 20:44:47
In psychology I think it is termed "extended adolescence" and is a very recent modern phenomenon. The result of needing more and more years of schooling to be able to become independent of our parents :( (This is me repeating what a professor of developmental psychology said in a lecture)
Dennis Posted - 30 Oct 2012 : 08:25:51
Originally posted by MrHedgehog

...adulthood starts at 18 in the eyes of most people, doesn't it?
Physically, yes. But mentally? A big question. Most people here believe that we usually start to think and act like an adult when we reach 21-24.

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