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 List of NDA's?

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Dracons Posted - 17 May 2010 : 23:51:33
Where can I find a good list of NDA's? I wasn't aware there were some mysterious of the realms that weren't answered. I thought everything had an answer. Now I'm confused. Can someone give me some examples?
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sfdragon Posted - 20 May 2010 : 21:38:40
info on the true Blackstaff (artifact) is also NDA iirc
Elfinblade Posted - 20 May 2010 : 12:05:04
It might be easier and less time-consuming to list the lore that is not NDA listed? I mean, whatever lore that comes to mind that still up in the air, and never got a conclusion in either the novels or the sourcebooks are likely NDA anyway.
Zireael Posted - 20 May 2010 : 09:00:33
Another NDAs off my head.
1. The 'lost prince of Evermeet'
2. Arilyn and Danilo's later fate
3. I think Azariah is NDA'ed too... correct me if I'm wrong
4. Mynda Gyrfalcon-Thann's connection to Dan and Arilyn
The Sage Posted - 20 May 2010 : 00:57:45
While I applaud the notion of compiling a list of NDAs, I will note that it would be a considerable undertaking. We're talking about, at least online both here at Candlekeep and Wizards, searching through scrolls from over the last nine years and collecting every single and relevant mention of an NDA that is still NDA in 2010.

I can't attempt anything like this on my own, but I'd gladly participate in any kind of group effort [which would probably meet with more success].
Razz Posted - 20 May 2010 : 00:02:28
I see what you mean, I was thinking along the same lines. A compilation of NDA info known.
Dracons Posted - 19 May 2010 : 18:13:25
What? How is there not a list? I can think of two on top of my head already?

1: What are the second and six imanaskar?
2: What was Jergal in the past?

I'm not talking about anwswers, I'm asking for what is not covered anywhere. Stuff like the two above is what I want. I don't want the ANSWERS to them, but they are both NDA as to what the answers are.

Jakk Posted - 19 May 2010 : 05:44:29
Yep... reading Ed's scroll will definitely tell you what has NDAs on it, because if it's NDA'd and nobody else has asked Ed about it, I have.
The Sage Posted - 19 May 2010 : 02:17:30
Originally posted by Razz

Originally posted by sfdragon

the isnt one

start one.

Jergal is NDA and his connection to both the spell weavers and tri-kreen is NDA

Woah, that's news to me! Where do I find info on that?

We do need a list.

Courtesy of Ed's scroll [16 May '10]:-
Hi again, all. Ed just sent me another e-mail, in which he regretfully noted that Jergal is too NDA'd for him to say much about Jergal's mortal existence before ascension. However, he added this enigmatic comment:

Much has yet to be revealed about the spellweaver race and about the racial past/development of the thri-kreen. Both of which have a connection to Jergal (in one case to his mortal self AND his divine self, and in the other only to his divine self).
There. NDAs avoided by one of deftest dances I've had to do in a long time. :}

So saith Ed. Who promises a reply to Joran re paladinhood, next.
Razz Posted - 19 May 2010 : 01:32:06
Originally posted by sfdragon

the isnt one

start one.

Jergal is NDA and his connection to both the spell weavers and tri-kreen is NDA

Woah, that's news to me! Where do I find info on that?

We do need a list.
Alisttair Posted - 18 May 2010 : 15:13:32
We could make a thread listing all known NDA's me thinks!
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 18 May 2010 : 13:42:08
Originally posted by Jakk

You weren't joking, Sage. It's the truth, particularly post-Spellplague.

What I'd like to know is, how did Ashe find out that the existence of a list of NDA's is covered by an NDA? That NDA is supposed to be hidden and completely disavowed, and the existence of the list only rumoured... someone let something slip somewhere...

Note my signature.
Zanan Posted - 18 May 2010 : 11:59:33
Originally posted by Kno

Most of the things the designers say are under NDA aren't really, they are left to the GM.

I don't think that's the point. It's simply that authors et al are not allowed to comment or speak about certain FR-related events that they know or write about in the public.
Kno Posted - 18 May 2010 : 11:02:52
Most of the things the designers say are under NDA aren't really, they are left to the GM.
Zanan Posted - 18 May 2010 : 10:03:52
Ain't it more easy to list what is not NDA with regards to the Realms?
Elfinblade Posted - 18 May 2010 : 09:56:11
Originally posted by Jakk

You weren't joking, Sage. It's the truth, particularly post-Spellplague.

What I'd like to know is, how did Ashe find out that the existence of a list of NDA's is covered by an NDA? That NDA is supposed to be hidden and completely disavowed, and the existence of the list only rumoured... someone let something slip somewhere...

Haha indeed
Jakk Posted - 18 May 2010 : 06:09:00
You weren't joking, Sage. It's the truth, particularly post-Spellplague.

What I'd like to know is, how did Ashe find out that the existence of a list of NDA's is covered by an NDA? That NDA is supposed to be hidden and completely disavowed, and the existence of the list only rumoured... someone let something slip somewhere...

The Sage Posted - 18 May 2010 : 01:42:04
As I've jokingly said in the past... it's probably easier to make a list of what isn't covered by NDA's in terms of future Realmslore - especially when it concerns specific Ed-lore.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 18 May 2010 : 01:22:04
Originally posted by dracons

Where can I find a good list of NDA's? I wasn't aware there were some mysterious of the realms that weren't answered. I thought everything had an answer. Now I'm confused. Can someone give me some examples?

I'm sorry, that's NDA.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 18 May 2010 : 00:36:13
Originally posted by dracons

Where can I find a good list of NDA's? I wasn't aware there were some mysterious of the realms that weren't answered. I thought everything had an answer. Now I'm confused. Can someone give me some examples?

Every third question on Ed thread is an NDA.

Seriously, if there are compiled lists for NDAs, I think only Wizards and the people who signed would have them. I don't think anyone else has even suggested making such a list.
sfdragon Posted - 18 May 2010 : 00:33:50
the isnt one

start one.

Jergal is NDA and his connection to both the spell weavers and tri-kreen is NDA

and it is NOt that there is NOT an answer , it is that there are LBA( Legal Binding Agreements) such as the NDA( Non-Disclosure-Agreement) that prevent from getting the answer or even a comment on said issue

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