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 Neogi fr info?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
woodwwad Posted - 15 May 2010 : 06:51:43
They are described as a race of merchants & traders in the Lords of Madness book (great book by the way), any realms lore on them, especially places in the realms they trade. I'd be especially interested in anywhere on the surface they actively trade.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
woodwwad Posted - 18 May 2010 : 02:44:28
Thank you all for your help, the bit about them & the Drow hating each other is helpful to me. I plan on having my party enslaved by the somewhere about 3rd or 4th level. Then being their slaves for a little less than a year, having them under mental thrall. I needed a group to attack the neogi, giving the pcs away to flee, getting a little revenge on the way out. So that bit was most helpful. Again, thanks to all.
Jakk Posted - 15 May 2010 : 23:21:12
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Jakk

Myself, I've always wondered what the drow would think of the neogi... spider-abominations to be destroyed, or ... meh, who am I kidding? They're drow. There are no other options.

The War Captain's Companion says the drow despise the neogi, and attack them on sight. They are considered to be an affront to Lolth, and drow like feeding neogi to their lifejammers. This is in the description of Jade Spiders, a drow-specific ship type.

I do recall that, now that you mention it... I'd forgotten about the lifejammers. I haven't read any of my Spelljammer books in years, mostly thanks to the geographical separation that currently exists...
Jakk Posted - 15 May 2010 : 23:16:40
Originally posted by Thauramarth

Originally posted by Jakk

I remember something in 2E Realmslore about a crashed neogi spelljamming vessel and a hive of survivors somewhere in the Realms...

That'd be the Lost Boys of Lith. Thauramarth quicker on the draw .

Nice one, Thauramarth... you answered my question before I'd finished asking it, and I didn't even notice your post until I came back to check the replies...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 May 2010 : 15:51:05
Originally posted by woodwwad

They are described as a race of merchants & traders in the Lords of Madness book (great book by the way), any realms lore on them, especially places in the realms they trade. I'd be especially interested in anywhere on the surface they actively trade.

I hated the description of them in that book. "Hey, these guys are usually in flying ships! But we're not going to talk about those, we're just going to make them another group of mundane pirates..." Why even mention something wondrous like flying ships if you're not going to bother talking about them?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 May 2010 : 15:47:42
Originally posted by Jakk

Myself, I've always wondered what the drow would think of the neogi... spider-abominations to be destroyed, or ... meh, who am I kidding? They're drow. There are no other options.

The War Captain's Companion says the drow despise the neogi, and attack them on sight. They are considered to be an affront to Lolth, and drow like feeding neogi to their lifejammers. This is in the description of Jade Spiders, a drow-specific ship type.
Brimstone Posted - 15 May 2010 : 12:31:25
They are also in Richard Baker's novel Corsair.
Tyranthraxus Posted - 15 May 2010 : 11:42:13
I'm working ATM and don't have my books at hand, but maybe there's some info about them in the Spelljammer - Realmspace sourcebook.
The Sage Posted - 15 May 2010 : 08:40:11
Additional references:-

* The Whistling Wizard [specifically, it's Wizard Well] in Voonlar. [src: Elminster Speaks]
* Neogi are said to be unwelcome in the Bazaar of Menzoberranzan, which suggests they've been seen their previously. [src: Menzoberranzan boxed set]
* Neogi once raided the asteroid 'Stardock.' [src: Ruins of Undermountain]
* The elves of Evermeet always guard against possible neogi attacks. [src: Elves of Evermeet]
* The Imperial Fleet Advisor [2e character kit] of the elven Imperial Navy has specialised knowledge of neogi operations in Realmspace. [src: Demihumans of the Realms]
* Neogi haunt the Forest of Mir. [src: Lands of Intrigue]
* Both the Emerald Brotherhood and the Gauntlet companies actively fight the neogi threat in Realmspace. [src: Gold & Glory]
* Neogi have been seen in the Undermoor. [src: Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix II]
Thauramarth Posted - 15 May 2010 : 07:59:44
Originally posted by Jakk

I remember something in 2E Realmslore about a crashed neogi spelljamming vessel and a hive of survivors somewhere in the Realms...

That'd be the Lost Boys of Lith. Thauramarth quicker on the draw .
Jakk Posted - 15 May 2010 : 07:56:05
I remember something in 2E Realmslore about a crashed neogi spelljamming vessel and a hive of survivors somewhere in the Realms... but I don't recall exactly where. For some reason, my brain is saying "Cormanthor" (the forest)... but I don't know... Google, let's see what you can do... hrm... Forgotten Realms Wikia has a brief mention of them (original source Realmspace), and that's about it for Realms-specific lore... there's also Dragon 214 "Ecology of the Neogi" by Jon Winters, pp. 52-56, 58, for more general neogi-lore, as well as anything 2E Spelljammer (where the race was originated).

Myself, I've always wondered what the drow would think of the neogi... spider-abominations to be destroyed, or ... meh, who am I kidding? They're drow. There are no other options.
Thauramarth Posted - 15 May 2010 : 07:48:56
There is a mention of neogi in FOR3-Pirates of the Fallen Stars, but it is a bout a group of castaway neogi on the island of Lith.

As the neogi originated in Spelljammer, I would say that they would trade in any place that has regular space traffic, and would accept them. That would make for The Dock in the Wu Pi Te Shao mountains. I could see them working in some of the pirate holdouts across Toril, and, in particular, Skullport.
The Sage Posted - 15 May 2010 : 07:07:46
Originally posted by woodwwad

They are described as a race of merchants & traders in the Lords of Madness book (great book by the way), any realms lore on them, especially places in the realms they trade. I'd be especially interested in anywhere on the surface they actively trade.

There isn't much.

They were briefly mentioned in the Sacrifice of the Window novel, though, as I recall.

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