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 red wizard enclaves on the swordcoast

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
woodwwad Posted - 14 May 2010 : 21:53:50
Looking for info on any towns or cities that have red wizard enclaves located in or near them between Waterdeep & Amn, thanks.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cleric Generic Posted - 15 May 2010 : 22:59:19
You could possibly tie the now independent Red Wizard enclaves to the rebel Zulkirs and Tharchions camped out to the south of Thay (around the Alaor, or wherever they would up). I think they're still traditionally Red Wizard flavoured, they just been booted out by Mr. Mega-Lich.
Doc Filth Posted - 15 May 2010 : 17:54:06
Originally posted by DDH_101

I was wondering, with the changes to Thay and the hierachy in 4E, does Thay still have enclaves in major cities in 1479 DR? I would think it is unlikely since Thay is now an enemy to everyone as an undead kingdom.

If it's permitted to quote from the 4E Campaign Guide:

Red Wizards were once purveyors of magic items across
Faerûn. However, civil war and the Spellplague spelled
the end of Thay as a mercantile power. Where the Red
Wizards were unpopular, the upheaval left their enclaves
open to attack and destruction. Luckier Red Wizards were
often cut off from their homeland. Many decided to stay
abroad rather than return to a Thay ruled by Szass Tam.
The people of Thay still refer to the arcanists among
them as Red Wizards, and only such mages are allowed to
wear red within Thay. But a small confederacy of magicitem
dealers calling themselves Red Wizards still exists as
a trade concern. This organization is most powerful in the
major coastal cities of the Sea of Fallen Stars, as well as in
the Moonsea region—especially Mulmaster. It enjoys no
protection from Thay. Most non-Thayan folk now equate
“Red Wizard” with magic merchants rather than with
Szass Tam’s sinister nation.
DDH_101 Posted - 15 May 2010 : 17:46:14
I was wondering, with the changes to Thay and the hierachy in 4E, does Thay still have enclaves in major cities in 1479 DR? I would think it is unlikely since Thay is now an enemy to everyone as an undead kingdom.
The Sage Posted - 15 May 2010 : 09:36:27
Originally posted by Kno

I'm sure that Athlatla would have one too, they only need to pay the Cowled Wizards.

The City of Coin does have an Enclave, as both BlackAce and I noted earlier, from the 3e Lords of Darkness tome.
Kno Posted - 15 May 2010 : 09:00:47
I'm sure that Athlatla would have one too, they only need to pay the Cowled Wizards.
woodwwad Posted - 15 May 2010 : 06:27:06
Thank you all for the collective info, I do appreciate it.
sfdragon Posted - 15 May 2010 : 04:52:39
Originally posted by Brimstone

I thought the 3E Realms were to detailed!

I guess not, huh?

brimstone, ne'er said it was.
it had alot of info.

NWN2:SOZ had one placed in Neverwinter
BlackAce Posted - 15 May 2010 : 04:20:27
There is one in Triel (or Hill's Edge, I forget which) just up the River Chionthar.

Not to metion the ones from Lords of Darkness, Sage mentioned: Athkatla, Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate and Secomber.
Brimstone Posted - 15 May 2010 : 03:57:17
I thought the 3E Realms were to detailed!

I guess not, huh?
sfdragon Posted - 15 May 2010 : 02:42:57
Being that 3.x was never fleshed out with all that nice juicy lore for the sword coast, I would imagine that most major trading cities would of been approached for it.

sO that being the case, I agree with sage.

( you could also have one along one of the trade routes too, seconded use as an inn for travelers, hey any way to make a silver)
The Sage Posted - 15 May 2010 : 00:43:46
I don't recall a full listing ever being published [aside from the short listing in 3e's Lords of Darkness]. However, the aforementioned tome also states:- "Other large cities may have a single shop staffed by a handful of Thayan wizards or are visited at least monthly by traveling wizards with goods to sell."

So, you can probably justify the case for an Enclave popping up anywhere along the Sword Coast, as long as the above condition is met.
Kno Posted - 14 May 2010 : 22:21:01
Waterdeep has one.

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