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 Real life religion and Realms religion

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jelennet Posted - 14 May 2010 : 10:44:05
Are there any similarities between real life deities and deities from Forgotten Realms?
Are there any similarities between the biggest real life religions (like christianity, buddhism, islam, judaism, hinduism and new age) and Realms religions?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 18 May 2010 : 08:05:04
Originally posted by Sill Alias

Where can be found complete history of the gods? I am interested how Ilmater got his appearance. Also, I would like to see the old (dead) gods.

The 2e Faiths & Avatars is really the only source which comes close to detailing the history of Realms gods. And the companion volumes -- Powers & Pantheons and Demihuman Deities -- also cover much the same for the rest of the gods not included in F&A.
Sill Alias Posted - 18 May 2010 : 07:44:43
Where can be found complete history of the gods? I am interested how Ilmater got his appearance. Also, I would like to see the old (dead) gods.
woodwwad Posted - 18 May 2010 : 02:52:02
Originally posted by Alisttair

I see some similarities between Ilmater and Jesus.

I was about to say the same thing.

Ilmater is Jesus or Balder (Baldr), who are very similar.
khorne Posted - 15 May 2010 : 11:49:31
Mielikki and Loviatar are both finnish godesses.
Sill Alias Posted - 14 May 2010 : 18:24:52
Don't forget about archdevils and demonlords.
Ayunken-vanzan Posted - 14 May 2010 : 15:17:42
Bahamuth is inspired by Mesopotamian mythology (cf. also Marduk), as is Tiamat.
Quale Posted - 14 May 2010 : 13:49:58
Ilmater is inspired by Issek of the Jug of Nehwon (Fafhrd's god), who is a bit like Jesus

Bane is inspired by Druaga of Mesopotamia

Chauntea by Greek Demeter, Gond by Hephaestus, Mask by Hermes, Tymora/Beshaba by Tyche/Bes by and Sune by Aphrodite, maybe even Lathander by Apollo

Loviatar, Talona (Kiputytto), Mielikki are Finnish

Oghma and Silvanus are Celtic

Talos is combined from several storm gods, and Tempus is inspired by wargods

Milil by Norse Bragi, and Tyr without the portfolio of war

Malar is somewhat like Briton Herne
Jelennet Posted - 14 May 2010 : 13:43:25
Intersting. Did Jesus inspired Forgotter Realms authors to create Ilmater?
Alisttair Posted - 14 May 2010 : 13:30:12
I see some similarities between Ilmater and Jesus.
Cleric Generic Posted - 14 May 2010 : 13:08:08
Silvanus is of Roman origin as well, I think.
Sian Posted - 14 May 2010 : 13:03:03
Tyr is a Norse Interloper and some Theories goes that Mask is an aspect either of Loki or the same 'metagod' that Loki would be an aspect of. And that Tempus is the similar deal (towards Thor)

Jergal is (AFAIR) Sumerian, Hoar, Sharess and the whole Mulhorandi Pantheon is Egypt and theres quite a few Celtic (Oghma and Chauntea and some others)

One importent difference between RL and FR Religion is that Faerūnians knows gods exist because it quite normal to see interference either directly from them or by proxy though thier Priesthood. And while not normal, certainly not unknown of that deities can walk the earth (even not accounting ToT). At the same time they know that there is several gods around and not just a single one, and would proberly be somewhat dumbfunded and find it silly or even blasfemic to believe in Monothiesm, which both Judaism, Christianity and Islam does ...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 May 2010 : 11:40:36
Originally posted by Jelennet

Greek deities? That sounds very interesting! Can you tell me more about them?

Well, Beshaba and Tymora were once one deity, the Greek Tyche. She got corrupted by Moander and zapped by Selūne. When Selūne zapped Tyche, she split into Tymora and Beshaba.
Jelennet Posted - 14 May 2010 : 11:02:38
Greek deities? That sounds very interesting! Can you tell me more about them?
Cleric Generic Posted - 14 May 2010 : 10:54:08
There are a few Norse, Babylonian, Greek and Egyptian deities knocking about, but I don't know about the major monotheistic traditions. Most of the major Faerunian religions have hierarchies of priesthood, build temples and cathedrals and have holy tests, if that's what you mean. I think there's probably more parallels with paganism to be found, really.
Sill Alias Posted - 14 May 2010 : 10:46:20
The Way of Kara-Tur is a religion, somewhat similar to Budhism. There is Shinto in Kosakura islands, I guess.

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