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 A question about Ressurection and Raise Dead.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jelennet Posted - 14 May 2010 : 10:31:51
A question about Ressurection and Raise Dead. Is it possible to make a dead body unsuitable for these spells and unressurectable and unraisable?
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Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 14 May 2010 : 18:48:57
VERY special case.
Sill Alias Posted - 14 May 2010 : 18:26:10
But deity is outsider, or it is VERY special case?
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 14 May 2010 : 18:13:54
Originally posted by Sill Alias

Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

Raise Dead only works on creatures that have been dead a few days (1 per caster level) and they can't have been turned to undead or killed with a death effect. You also require the whole body of the creature, so if they are missing a limb or such (ideally, a whole arm or leg, I don't think taking a pinky will prevent it), they cannot be raised.

Resurrection is much more powerful, such that you only need a trace of the target's body (ashes from Disintegrate count) and they can be dead up to 10 years per level.

True Resurrection is the most powerful in that you don't need any part of the individual, just need to know to know some unambiguous information on the target. You can also resurrect Elementals and Outsiders (genesai, aasimars, tieflings, etc.) with this spell.

Can you return with TR, let's say, Karsus. I feel I am gonna regret asking.

No, because he's a deity.
Sill Alias Posted - 14 May 2010 : 18:09:30
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

Raise Dead only works on creatures that have been dead a few days (1 per caster level) and they can't have been turned to undead or killed with a death effect. You also require the whole body of the creature, so if they are missing a limb or such (ideally, a whole arm or leg, I don't think taking a pinky will prevent it), they cannot be raised.

Resurrection is much more powerful, such that you only need a trace of the target's body (ashes from Disintegrate count) and they can be dead up to 10 years per level.

True Resurrection is the most powerful in that you don't need any part of the individual, just need to know to know some unambiguous information on the target. You can also resurrect Elementals and Outsiders (genesai, aasimars, tieflings, etc.) with this spell.

Can you return with TR, let's say, Karsus. I feel I am gonna regret asking.
Thauramarth Posted - 14 May 2010 : 17:32:26
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

Raise Dead only works on creatures that have been dead a few days (1 per caster level) and they can't have been turned to undead or killed with a death effect. You also require the whole body of the creature, so if they are missing a limb or such (ideally, a whole arm or leg, I don't think taking a pinky will prevent it), they cannot be raised.

I don't think you necessarily need the body to be intact for the raise dead to work - missing bits just remain missing: "While the spell closes mortal wounds and repairs lethal damage of most kinds, the body of the creature to be raised must be whole. Otherwise, missing parts are still missing when the creature is brought back to life."

It all depends on which bits - if the heart or another vital organ is missing, or if the head is cut off (even if it's around), then raise dead would not work. A missing arm or leg would not stop raise dead from working, I think. Of course, you can be medium nasty, and immediately apply some form of blood loss for untreated wounds (which might lead to a quick re-demise, unless the body is "prepped" for raising, by applying bandages, etc., or have healing magic ready.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 14 May 2010 : 13:50:43
Raise Dead only works on creatures that have been dead a few days (1 per caster level) and they can't have been turned to undead or killed with a death effect. You also require the whole body of the creature, so if they are missing a limb or such (ideally, a whole arm or leg, I don't think taking a pinky will prevent it), they cannot be raised.

Resurrection is much more powerful, such that you only need a trace of the target's body (ashes from Disintegrate count) and they can be dead up to 10 years per level.

True Resurrection is the most powerful in that you don't need any part of the individual, just need to know to know some unambiguous information on the target. You can also resurrect Elementals and Outsiders (genesai, aasimars, tieflings, etc.) with this spell.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 14 May 2010 : 11:33:10
Originally posted by Cleric Generic

I think Raise Dead and Resurrection (3e) need a largely intact body, but True Resurrection can produce a new body if the old one is trashed or defiled. If the soul being returned to life is trapped in a Soul Gem or otherwise trapped I think you can even screw up True Resurrection, possibly requiring a Wish or Miracle to de-screw.

You are right on all accounts! It is exactlhow he spells work!
Cleric Generic Posted - 14 May 2010 : 10:48:05
I think Raise Dead and Resurrection (3e) need a largely intact body, but True Resurrection can produce a new body if the old one is trashed or defiled. If the soul being returned to life is trapped in a Soul Gem or otherwise trapped I think you can even screw up True Resurrection, possibly requiring a Wish or Miracle to de-screw.
Sill Alias Posted - 14 May 2010 : 10:39:09
Just take from the body some parts. If you are blown in smithereens then you cannot be raised, as far as I understood. If some organ will be taken out and hidden, you won't be raised. Correct me if I am wrong or it is old rules.

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