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 The powers of The Dungeon Master

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Nicolai Withander Posted - 11 May 2010 : 19:52:30
I was just watching some old D&D cartoons, the one with the 7 teens who take this rolercoaster and enter the realms. Here they meet Tiamat, Venger/Wenger and Dungeon Master... Now in one of these episodes they find a box that is a beacon for an entity which is know only as EVIL. The master of both Venger and Tiamat. Now in this episode the children get the help of Dungeon Master, who depletes his powers to teleport them all through the realms ending up/down in the underdark.

What I was thinking about was simply, the kind of innate, at-will spell-like casting he does; what level or reseach would it take to gain these mana-pool like casting powers???
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 13 May 2010 : 14:28:11
Originally posted by Nicolai Withander

<snip> Im power hungry!

Really? That was unexpected from you.

Bakra Posted - 13 May 2010 : 12:59:19
Originally posted by Nicolai Withander

True... What I meant to say... Give me ideas ppl!

I know that this would be a sick ability, but im reminded of so many scenes from diferent movies, where someone has absolute control of his or her sorroundings, and a lot of these things seem awesome to me! This might be a childish thing but hey... Im power hungry!

It is an old idea but tracking down the Nether Scrolls would be a good start.
Alisttair Posted - 13 May 2010 : 12:51:54
The DM is fudging the dice rolls in their favor, what else could it be
Diffan Posted - 13 May 2010 : 02:30:23
Originally posted by Sill Alias

I am surprised some people still watch it.

LOL, I just bought the complete season though it was boot-legged. Had I known about the version with the 3.5 stats and what not I would've bought that too.

As for DM's stats.......lets just say He'd be epic. And I mean, lesser deity, demi-god epic. To stat him out would be strange but I'd say at least Male gnome Wizard 20/Epic 5/Sorcer 10/Ultimate Magus 10; CR 45. You could probably throw on a template or two while your at it.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 13 May 2010 : 02:05:18
True... What I meant to say... Give me ideas ppl!

I know that this would be a sick ability, but im reminded of so many scenes from diferent movies, where someone has absolute control of his or her sorroundings, and a lot of these things seem awesome to me! This might be a childish thing but hey... Im power hungry!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 May 2010 : 01:33:16
Originally posted by Nicolai Withander

Now what would that take to acomplish??????

Being a fictitious construct existing independent of any rule systems.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 13 May 2010 : 01:10:45
Well if one goes to Youtube and types. Dungeons and Dragons the black box... They would see some pretty awesome power comming out of this little guy, and what im wondering is realy this.

What ritual what thing what chance... What would it take for a PC to become a Wizard, whow learned his spell the way a wizard does, but casts them as a sorcere or even at-will??? This given ofc because of this guys tremendous control of magic/the weave. Think The Matrix, think Neo! Seeing the weave so clealy before ones eyes that the character could actually see the foundations of magic and by that manipulate magic as he or she saw fit!

Now what would that take to acomplish??????
Sian Posted - 12 May 2010 : 22:34:20
easy ... the DM is a Psion :P ... Power/mana Pool :P
Bakra Posted - 12 May 2010 : 12:56:35
Originally posted by Jorkens

Originally posted by Sill Alias
I am surprised some people still watch it.

Because their fun in a slightly goofy 80's way? I would rather watch them, in addition to He-Man, Blackstar, Thundercats and others, than most modern fantasy cartoons. They could have gotten rid of the Unicorn though, that was never anything but annoying.

But Uni could teleport...a whole three feet. and only when it was under pressure...okay the unicorn was annoying and a waste of cell paint.
Jorkens Posted - 12 May 2010 : 10:24:14
Originally posted by Sill Alias
I am surprised some people still watch it.

Because their fun in a slightly goofy 80's way? I would rather watch them, in addition to He-Man, Blackstar, Thundercats and others, than most modern fantasy cartoons. They could have gotten rid of the Unicorn though, that was never anything but annoying.
Sill Alias Posted - 12 May 2010 : 07:36:06
If the image on the cloth in the shop of BG2 is true, I pity them.
The Sage Posted - 12 May 2010 : 06:39:11
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

That cartoon was long off the air before I found out there was a Dungeons & Dragons game.
Strangely enough, during my own youngling days, I was actually more interested in the actual adventures of the characters. So much so, that I hardly ever recall acknowledging the whole "Dungeons and Dragons" aspect of it all.
Sill Alias Posted - 12 May 2010 : 05:33:56
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Sill Alias

Heheh... Nostalgic. I watched when I was a kid for some time. But I had no idea of D&D at that time of course. Must admit the heroes are weak. Just look at that wizard! He IS useless!

About DM. In serial he does nothing except for telling "go there" or "do this", like a real DM. He have not revealed his "innate powers" yet to me. I am surprised some people still watch it.

That cartoon was long off the air before I found out there was a Dungeons & Dragons game. My first awareness of D&D came years later, when I bought a bunch of polyhedral dice, because they were cool. They were the crystal ones, with the numbers uninked -- I later sold them to a friend who still has them, the last I checked.

Crystal dice! Sounds like an artifact linked to the fate of Crystal Sphere.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 May 2010 : 05:30:28
Originally posted by Sill Alias

Heheh... Nostalgic. I watched when I was a kid for some time. But I had no idea of D&D at that time of course. Must admit the heroes are weak. Just look at that wizard! He IS useless!

About DM. In serial he does nothing except for telling "go there" or "do this", like a real DM. He have not revealed his "innate powers" yet to me. I am surprised some people still watch it.

That cartoon was long off the air before I found out there was a Dungeons & Dragons game. My first awareness of D&D came years later, when I bought a bunch of polyhedral dice, because they were cool. They were the crystal ones, with the numbers uninked -- I later sold them to a friend who still has them, the last I checked.
Sill Alias Posted - 12 May 2010 : 05:15:41
Heheh... Nostalgic. I watched when I was a kid for some time. But I had no idea of D&D at that time of course. Must admit the heroes are weak. Just look at that wizard! He IS useless!

About DM. In serial he does nothing except for telling "go there" or "do this", like a real DM. He have not revealed his "innate powers" yet to me. I am surprised some people still watch it.
Dracons Posted - 12 May 2010 : 01:25:48
What powers does DM have?

Insert PunPun. It's the closet one can /offically/ get to what the DM can do.

I only saw one episode of that show I think when I was a kid. At least I think it was. Did they ever shoot a dwarf with a toy gun like Joker, with the BANG on the sheet, only the dwarf did die? Or am I thinking of something far different?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 May 2010 : 00:54:12
Originally posted by Kentinal

*Blink* It is a cartoon that did not follow any D&D rules.

If there were any rules involved, they would have been 1E.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 May 2010 : 00:53:11
The kids have been ported to the Realms. There was a rather lame comic called The Grand Tour that had them arriving in Shadowdale, where Presto tried to apprentice himself to Elminster.

The comic has nothing to really recommend itself to collectors; I'd only recommend it for a completist.

I've also been told that there's a portrait of one or more of the kids in a shop in one of the Baldur's Gate games.

All six kids, their weapons, Uni, Venger, and the shadow demon were all statted out in 3.5. It was a small, poorly-bound book that was included with the DVD set of the series. The DM was not statted.
Kentinal Posted - 11 May 2010 : 20:20:33
*Blink* It is a cartoon that did not follow any D&D rules.

The closest that might make sense is the Dungeon Master was actually an avatar of AO. The DM does not show up in a normal game, in the end the DM sets the rules (in effect AO the final arbitrate of what occurs).

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