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T O P I C    R E V I E W
boddynock Posted - 09 May 2010 : 19:38:42
Greetings fellow scribes,

I just read something about 3 continents of Toril that I never heard about. A place called Osse (above Maztica) and one under Maztica. A third continent with a name like kataswaka (or something like that) was also mentioned and it was located south west of Kara-Tur (like Australia in our world)

Is this cannon? and where can I find more information about those places? I'm playing third edition and I'm going to start a campaign BEFORE Abeir and Toril came together so ... :-)
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
boddynock Posted - 09 May 2010 : 20:57:35
Thank you very much :-)
Zireael Posted - 09 May 2010 : 19:44:38
*Points to that scroll:

Mod Edit: Removed the last asterisk, as it was causing problems with the link.

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