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 Speculation on the Last Mythal crew...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jordanz Posted - 09 May 2010 : 07:44:35
Possible spoilers for those who did not read the Last Mythal Trilogy

text below...

Araevin- I wonder how the spellplague affect him.As a walking repository for High Elven magic, I would assume he was like a metal tower during a thunderstorm.... For his sake I hope he was off in some distant plane when it happened.

Malkizid - I never realized how powerful and ancient this guy was until I read the writeup in wiki. Well maybe it's time for a comeback. I would love to see Erervis Cale come back just to oppose him.

Captain Fflar - He's still young. I wonder were he could be? Is he even alive?

Also would like to know what ever happened to the rest of the crew...

Anyone here have news or speculation as to their current whereabouts?
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Simbul Posted - 14 May 2010 : 07:20:36
Ilsevele and Fflar are both mentioned in the Myth Drannor section of the 4E Campaign Guide as its leaders.
Lady Fellshot Posted - 10 May 2010 : 16:38:49
Originally posted by jordanz

Araevin- I wonder how the spellplague affect him.As a walking repository for High Elven magic, I would assume he was like a metal tower during a thunderstorm.... For his sake I hope he was off in some distant plane when it happened.

I have my doubts on that. Elven High Magic structures (like mythals) seem to have been largely untouched by the spellplague. Something about EHM being under the protection and oversight of Corellon and not Mystra...
jordanz Posted - 10 May 2010 : 01:35:42
Hmmm if an adventurer was brave and enterprising it mighthave been worth it to venture back to Malkizid's palace in the farthest reach. There is no telling what types of artifacts/ Magic treasure he has stashed away. Sure you would have to fight your way through his underlings but that should be a walk in the park compared to having to face the master of the house.
Brimstone Posted - 09 May 2010 : 21:54:49
Malkizid was 'killed' in 2006.

A YEAR BEFORE 4E was announced...
sfdragon Posted - 09 May 2010 : 20:45:19
Fflar is prince consort.
and Mr. Baker said the Scarred one was not destroyed but imprisoned between realms or so.

Yeah we did ask

sorry I cant produce a link, so all of this is IIRC.
but it was in the ask the devs thread in the Frealms GEn forums.
Jakk Posted - 09 May 2010 : 18:29:55
Thank you for that reassurance regarding Malkizid, jordanz... so many perfectly good (evil?) villains were killed off in the transition to 4E... Soneillon, Halaster, Wulgreth (both; one of them permanently), and others who aren't coming to mind atm... sigh...
jordanz Posted - 09 May 2010 : 16:58:30
Originally posted by redmaylily

1. AS far as I know, Araevin Teshurr made his final appearance on the ¡¶Grand History of the Realms¡·P159:

"1380 DR Year of the Blazing Hand
¡ª The High Mage Araevin Teshurr completes the restoration of Myth Drannor¡¯s mythal and, after visits to Waterdeep, Aglarond, and Sildëyuir, sets out for the hidden realm of Auseriel. There he meets and befriends Prince Lamruil. The two elves leave Auseriel in the care of Lamruil¡¯s seneschal and depart in search of the missing Princess Maura, set on the trail by the mysterious prophecy revealed by Araevin¡¯s magic."

In novel ¡¶Last Mythal 03£ºFinal Gate¡·epilogue, he left Myth Drannor in 20 Marpenoth, the Year of the Blazing Hand£¨1380 DR£©¡£So I guess Araevin and Prince Lamruil perhaps was not in Faerun during the spellplague.

2. In novel ¡¶Last Mythal¡·, Malkizid was completely destroyed.

3. In 4e novel¡¶Blades of the Moonsea 01£ºSwordmage¡·mentioned that Geran'd earned a sword in the service of Coronal Ilsevele soon after arriving in Myth Drannor£¬so Ilsevele Miritar must find a way to survive the spellplague.

Thanks for the updates but Malkizid as far as I can remember was not destroyed. He was sucked into the mystical rift/vortex.....
Brimstone Posted - 09 May 2010 : 09:18:09
In book 3 of Blades of the Moonsea: Avenger, Ilsevele Miritar is still Coronal.

You might want to Ask Rich.

I don't think he post's here at the Keep, maybe his Ask Thread on the WotC forums.
redmaylily Posted - 09 May 2010 : 08:23:34
1. AS far as I know, Araevin Teshurr made his final appearance on the ¡¶Grand History of the Realms¡·P159:

"1380 DR Year of the Blazing Hand
¡ª The High Mage Araevin Teshurr completes the restoration of Myth Drannor¡¯s mythal and, after visits to Waterdeep, Aglarond, and Sildëyuir, sets out for the hidden realm of Auseriel. There he meets and befriends Prince Lamruil. The two elves leave Auseriel in the care of Lamruil¡¯s seneschal and depart in search of the missing Princess Maura, set on the trail by the mysterious prophecy revealed by Araevin¡¯s magic."

In novel ¡¶Last Mythal 03£ºFinal Gate¡·epilogue, he left Myth Drannor in 20 Marpenoth, the Year of the Blazing Hand£¨1380 DR£©¡£So I guess Araevin and Prince Lamruil perhaps was not in Faerun during the spellplague.

2. In novel ¡¶Last Mythal¡·, Malkizid was completely destroyed.

3. In 4e novel¡¶Blades of the Moonsea 01£ºSwordmage¡·mentioned that Geran'd earned a sword in the service of Coronal Ilsevele soon after arriving in Myth Drannor£¬so Ilsevele Miritar must find a way to survive the spellplague.

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