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 Faerun's soccer league

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Zimeros Posted - 13 Sep 2003 : 21:54:42
It's stupid, but very cool. Imagine if exist football in Toril, would exist great teams, one or more for each region, and the lawers of the games would be beholders, because he see everything in stadium(specially fauls) and cancel any magic. If it's real("real in realms, or "imaginary real") the teams would be: Thetyr's djins, Calimsham's Efreeti, The Harpers, Color heads of Procampur, The Purple Dragons of Cormyr, Velociraptors of Chult Jungles, Silver Ravens of Sembia, The blackstaffs of Waterdeep(the treiner would be Khelben), The Overpowers of the Shadowdale(Elminster's team), and a lot of other teams... ...choose(or create a new) your favorite!
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jander Sunstar Posted - 22 Sep 2003 : 23:45:48
Evermeet Morning Stars RULE!!!
Zimeros Posted - 21 Sep 2003 : 19:57:29
I never used this game in my adventures. Some day, chating after our game, we(I and my friends) created this, we think cool, but we never imagine this in the true game. Your ideas are good, I will use this FR's soccer in my campaingn, in West Game, in the coliseum that his name i forget...
I think that would be good, if you use this also, but only who liked this ideas.
My favorite team is Thetyr's Djins! But it has a "enemy team", the Camlinsham's Efreetis...
NightElf Posted - 21 Sep 2003 : 17:24:08
You have quite an interesting idea here, but why just limit the game ideas to this. I had a thought whereas you could invent a new type of game which could be used.

Kinda like rugby, crossed with Arena Fighting games, where players are required to push a large block of stone (magically enchanted with rollers underneath) agaisnt the wall of the opposing side. Players can use melee weapons such as Maces and Hammers against each other to prevent "scoring"

I used this idea when my player characters visited a prison. This game was used to decide which inmates of the prison were to be released. Only those who survived were allowed out.

Basically, there are no rules. Usually, the player who has the stone is surrounded by his own team so that they protect him/her. The team who wins could also go free.

How is that?
Vallandar Posted - 20 Sep 2003 : 22:21:51
I agree totally, Zimeros, beholder referees sound a fine idea. With connections throughout the realms [and vast monetary resources] the black Network could put together a fine team of Faerun's finest players. Mayhap it's time to commision a few more boots of speed...

Zimeros Posted - 20 Sep 2003 : 16:13:28
"You look this with diferent eyes". I think that would be diferent, the beholders would be controled by some powerfull human mages, and would receive some golden pieces after each game. Against the "dangerous teams", the great and powerfull teams would create a guard. If the beholders would disagreed with this, the stadiums would be in lands of death magic...
Trafaldi Posted - 18 Sep 2003 : 17:35:55

A Drow summons a several globes of darkness blinding the referees (not Beholeders) then the drow goes and uses hsi crossbow to pick off all of his opponents and they continue to score.
Cherrn Posted - 18 Sep 2003 : 14:19:31
Or how about having the fighter cleave the backfour to make space for the monk with his superior movement run close and take on the goalie, and scoring cos he used Ki power that set him on fire ?
Trafaldi Posted - 18 Sep 2003 : 04:41:51
I think that is exactly what would happen or they would try and take control of everyone within seven leagues.

I think it would be more fun with no basic rules i think it would be interesting to watch wizard send the goalie to a different plane just to score a goal.
Cherrn Posted - 18 Sep 2003 : 01:09:28
I was thinking more in the line of:

"What the hell ref that was a blatant foul! Give him the durned red!"

Beholder Ref:
"Do not disaggree with me puny human or I will surely destroy you!"

"Ahh f......"

Beholder Ref:
"Muahahahaha I rule all! *basks in its own supreme power*"

"Duhh that's the third of our players, good thing other team lost 2 so far as well... Stupid refuuuuaarghhh!"

Beholder Ref:
"Kneel before my power!"

Or at least something like that ;)
Yasraena Posted - 14 Sep 2003 : 05:23:25
Boy, Zimeros. With this post, I could never tell you were from Brazil!

Beholders as the refs? I think they'd be too inclined to take bribes from the Zhentarim or any of the multitude of thieves guilds out there to throw their calls. (Zhent to a Beholder referee"Now make sure the Harpers keep fouling our team and we'll make it worth your while." Later in the game... "Foul on the Harpers! Zhents, take your penalty shot!" )

Now a Spectator... that would be a different story. At least they'd have the right alignment for it (neutral).

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