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 Scribes on Twitter?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
questing gm Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 15:30:28
Are there any scribes on Twitter?

I'm at

18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 17 Mar 2010 : 04:57:45
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Oh, and I only just joined Facebook. So fellow scribes can check up on my daily ramblings there also.

But he's already changed his userpic there at least once. Is anyone surprised?

And I'm already thinking about changing it again.
Mr_Miscellany Posted - 17 Mar 2010 : 04:51:52
Am on FB and Twitter. Have a myspace account, but don't use it and haven't the heart to delete it. It's like a snapshot in time now.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Mar 2010 : 03:06:59
Originally posted by The Sage

Oh, and I only just joined Facebook. So fellow scribes can check up on my daily ramblings there also.

But he's already changed his userpic there at least once. Is anyone surprised?
The Sage Posted - 17 Mar 2010 : 02:19:19
Oh, and I only just joined Facebook. So fellow scribes can check up on my daily ramblings there also.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Mar 2010 : 01:12:29
I'm on Facebook and MySpace, though I often go a month or more between visits to the latter.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 22:30:10
Originally posted by Cleric Generic

a bit OT, but we should totally start a Candlekeep Facebook group.

You mean something like this?.

Kentinal Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 21:45:47
I refused to access facebook for my brother, so I clearly have no interest in a candlekeep facebook.
Cleric Generic Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 21:35:57
a bit OT, but we should totally start a Candlekeep Facebook group.
Victor_ograygor Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 21:21:03
I'm only on Facebook :O)
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 21:13:29
Nope, sorry- facebook only here.
sfdragon Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 21:01:25
not on twitter or facebook.

no plans to either.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 20:18:46
I'm on twitter under: erikscottdebie

I don't update very often, but you'd be very welcome to check me out there!

Matt James Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 18:36:43
The Sage Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 17:37:59
Obtaining a Twitter account is actually on my famed to-do list.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 17:29:22
I'm on Twitter, but I use it as a news feed from my favorite celebrities.
Kuje Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 17:12:59
Not on twitter no, but facebook and myspace yes. Although, I haven't logged on myspace in awhile and only used it as my book journal.
Alisttair Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 16:20:13
I'm only on Facebook sorry.
Kentinal Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 15:43:58
Well I did open an account, do not use it much. I believe I got three followers, two of them apparently advertising.

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