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 Warlock questions 3/3.5

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
woodwwad Posted - 13 Mar 2010 : 07:26:43
Just started playing a Warlock for the first time in my friend's game tonight. I really enjoyed the character. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there are any D&D 3/3.5 books that have resources for warlocks other than complete arcane or complete mage. Looking for warlock feats, invocations or anything else that might be helpful, thanks.

Also, anyone know if there are any warlock feats that give you a greater number of invocations?
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Diffan Posted - 18 Mar 2010 : 14:57:56
Got any links to the Swashbuckler conversion for Pathfinder sfdragon?
Diffan Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 13:05:33
Originally posted by sfdragon

there is also a pathfinder conversion for it if your it, if your interested
link later

I'd be most interested in the Pathfinder conversion. We're actually doing a Pathfinder campaign right now and my DM is undecided on whether or not to allow the Tome of Battle. Apparently Shadow Jaunting around the battle field is bad, lol?
Alisttair Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 10:31:14
My brother played a Warlock in 3.5E as I was running the 3.5 Undermountain adventure. A pretty useful class to play in that adventure (as long as the rest of the party is balanced).
sfdragon Posted - 13 Mar 2010 : 21:33:49
there is also a pathfinder conversion for it if your it, if your interested
link later
Hoondatha Posted - 13 Mar 2010 : 21:02:02
Thanks. It's a project that sort of snowballed; originally it was just what the title says, a compilation of all the warlock references I could find build around a guide written by Tealgorthian. I did it because I was tired of having to go to six or seven different threads that I'd found for all the information.

Then I became more comfortable with the class, and I was the only one out there doing updates, so I started adding my own stuff in addition to getting a lot of help from others. The end result is pretty comprehensive, if you'll forgive the author saying so. Plus snarky in some places, which is fun in its own right.
Diffan Posted - 13 Mar 2010 : 18:06:46
Originally posted by Hoondatha

Heh. Back when 3e was still going, I was minorly obsessed with the warlock, which was doubly strange, since I didn't allow them in my 2e games. I put together the definitive Warlock Information Compilation over on the WotC boards. I stopped updating it as things moved over to 4e, but it should be complete for all of 3.0/3.5.

WotC underwent a board code revision, which messed up a lot of my formatting, and I just haven't had the drive to fix it. So here's a link to the Compilation over on a different 3e CharOp board that is frequented by the cream of the WotC CharOp people. It's been a little while, but I'm happy to answer any other questions you might have as well.

Wow Hoondatha (or Thinblade), that is a pretty awesome Warlock handbook for 3.5. Consider it booked marked, lol.
Hoondatha Posted - 13 Mar 2010 : 15:04:04
Heh. Back when 3e was still going, I was minorly obsessed with the warlock, which was doubly strange, since I didn't allow them in my 2e games. I put together the definitive Warlock Information Compilation over on the WotC boards. I stopped updating it as things moved over to 4e, but it should be complete for all of 3.0/3.5.

WotC underwent a board code revision, which messed up a lot of my formatting, and I just haven't had the drive to fix it. So here's a link to the Compilation over on a different 3e CharOp board that is frequented by the cream of the WotC CharOp people. It's been a little while, but I'm happy to answer any other questions you might have as well.
Brimstone Posted - 13 Mar 2010 : 13:58:32
The Core Splat Dragon Magic has a few goodies in it.
Diffan Posted - 13 Mar 2010 : 12:44:58
Complete Arcane and Mage are probably the two best soruces for any Warlock build, but there are a few others out there. If you go to you can probably find a feat or two from Dragon/Dungeon magazines that help out Warlocks.

But as to your build, what are you looking to accomplish? If your going for the blaster-style character, then might I suggest Ability Focus (eldritch blast) for increasing the DCs of your invocations through your EB.

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