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 Prestige in the Realms II --- Request to complete

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Razz Posted - 06 Mar 2010 : 15:00:01
It seems when 4E was on the loom, Thomas Costa had another Prestige in the Realms lined up, but stopped because of 4E. I tried to convince him to finish it since 4E is not going to be as popular as 3E, especially 4E Realms.

Today, I still think that is true. The 4E Realms is on its deathbed. I see no reason why he cannot continue to finish this?

He sends me the file saying it was all he had completed. I will post it here and I would like to ask some folks here if they can put in a word on this thread to request he complete this awesome project for us all to use in our "real" pre-Spellplague Realms games.

So here it is, take a look, make a request in hopes that one day we can add just a bit more Realms stuff to play with in our games. It really is good stuff, especially the Maztican section.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Razz Posted - 20 Mar 2010 : 15:46:12
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Have you his permission to share this file?

Pretty much, yeah. It wasn't asked, but it wasn't declared to not be shared with. In fact, he pretty much stated (paraphrasing now) "Here ya go, do with it as you please." This was prior to even the 4E launch, but I knew the reason he gave up on it was because of 4E and had told him as much. He didn't think so, at the time anyway, that 4E Realms was going to be a bust (or 4E in general that is). But I was hoping that, now, maybe it can be picked up back by him since 4E Realms isn't really moving anywhere and there's still a heavy pre-4E Realms fanbase.

EDIT: Currently trying to find the email. I know it's in there somewhere. Need to clean it out anyway.
EDIT #2: Found it, dated Jan 26 2009, so after 4E Realms. Said he was working on it but didn't finish it and wanted to know what I thought. I do remember sending a reply email, and then I got the reply back about him not continuing it. I can't find that, however.
The Sage Posted - 06 Mar 2010 : 15:12:58
This is certainly an impressive working. I'm especially keen with the Dukar.

I definitely wouldn't mind seeing work on this continue. I'd even offer my own lore-based services, just to see that happen.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Mar 2010 : 15:05:24
Have you his permission to share this file?

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