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 City Ylraphon?

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jcdf Posted - 01 Mar 2010 : 22:25:40
What is known about the city Ylraphon and the neighbouring The Flooded Forest? It is located North East of The Dragon Reach Sea. I am curious about it's history, alignment, inhabitants any significant events that have occurred there.
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Brimstone Posted - 04 Mar 2010 : 13:35:24
Snowblood Posted - 03 Mar 2010 : 12:09:42 that Vast site your doing???????
The Sage Posted - 03 Mar 2010 : 01:14:40
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by jcdf

What is the Grey Box?
The 1e Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting boxed set.

See here:-

Also known as the Old Grey Box or the OGB.

And the Ol' Grey Box, as I identified earlier.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 03 Mar 2010 : 00:42:22
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by jcdf

What is the Grey Box?
The 1e Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting boxed set.

See here:-

Also known as the Old Grey Box or the OGB.
The Sage Posted - 02 Mar 2010 : 23:49:14
Originally posted by jcdf

What is the Grey Box?
The 1e Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting boxed set.

See here:-
jcdf Posted - 02 Mar 2010 : 23:11:09
What is the Grey Box?

Thanks for the information and the link Snowblood very helpful .
Brimstone Posted - 02 Mar 2010 : 20:28:34
Dalor Darden Posted - 02 Mar 2010 : 20:21:49
I have to say:


that is a lot of information.
Snowblood Posted - 02 Mar 2010 : 07:37:35
This'll help
Dalor Darden Posted - 02 Mar 2010 : 03:02:20
For those that might not have the Grey Box:


AT A GLANCE: Ylraphon is a small, dale-like town on the northern end of the Dragon Reach. Its people are similar in nature to the Dalesmen and may be an early settlement of the same stock that did not cross the River Lis and settle at edges of the Trees of The Elven Court."


As a side note, I often played it as a poor cousin to Calaunt, or at least a bullied cousin of the same. While not outright conquered or controlled by Calaunt, anyone from Ylraphon would most likely have gone to Calaunt for "big city goods" and been treated rather poorly. I decided this simply because there is no road from Ylraphon to anywhere else, and so even such a trip would have been by going along the shoreline in a small boat perhaps for the safest trip...or along the shore afoot for a more dangerous trip near mountains that could have anything in them.

I did have a friend who played in one of my highschool era games decide to conquer Ylraphon and use it as his capital. I don't remember much else.
The Sage Posted - 02 Mar 2010 : 00:37:56
See the Ol' Grey Box and Ed's City of Ravens Bluff. Ylraphon's featured at the beginning of the novel The Rage as well -- and Dragons of Faerūn refers to this.

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