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 Huge Map of Zakhara

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
HandsomeRob Posted - 22 Feb 2010 : 23:12:24
Hi folks,
I've recently completed a huge map of Zakhara; it combines every official source I could find into what I hope is the "definitive" Zakhara map.
Have a look; let me know if you know of any more sources I could use to fill it out a bit more.


See it here:
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dark Wizard Posted - 27 Feb 2010 : 20:32:57
These are fantastic maps. They make useful gaming supplements and look great too.
bladeinAmn Posted - 26 Feb 2010 : 06:26:53
What a beautiful map of Chult!
sfdragon Posted - 25 Feb 2010 : 05:02:36
just no temple of the world serpent that was in storms of zehir.....
Hoondatha Posted - 25 Feb 2010 : 04:26:11
You, sir, have a very interesting definition of "easy."
HandsomeRob Posted - 25 Feb 2010 : 03:52:57
Here's another one, of Chult:
This one was pretty easy, aside from being a lot smaller than the Zakhara map, it's just a restyling of MarkusTay's.

I'm wondering if Candlekeep would like to host these? I see that they've got a few other maps hosted, and if they would like these as well, that would be great.

Gray Richardson Posted - 25 Feb 2010 : 03:05:49
I gotta chime in, the map looks fantastic. Great job!
Gray Richardson Posted - 25 Feb 2010 : 03:02:05
I gotta chime in, the map looks fantastic. Great job!
arry Posted - 24 Feb 2010 : 12:28:18
Many thanks
BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 24 Feb 2010 : 09:51:37
Excellent effort.. many thanks!!
Dalor Darden Posted - 24 Feb 2010 : 08:17:24
I'm more than impressed...I'm even inspired to play there!
HandsomeRob Posted - 24 Feb 2010 : 05:20:20
It turns out there actually IS a map in the "Reunion" adventure, so I've added the locations from that map for this new version. I've been looking around a LOT and I don't think there are any other "canon" maps to be had, so I'm willing to call this one final.

And Cleric: yes, I'm responsible for pretty much everything over at the Sorol site (except the art - most of which I've found floating around on the internet).

Cleric Generic Posted - 23 Feb 2010 : 18:58:22
Indeed, MarkusTay is a master and has inspired many an act of sweet, sweet map making in others. Also, took a look at Sorol... Did you do ALL that?!
HandsomeRob Posted - 23 Feb 2010 : 18:26:19
I used MarkusTay's map of the Utter East as a source when putting this one together - I love his stuff and I wish he would come back and do some more! I don't have anything else at the moment, but I think I might do a Maztica map in the same style.
I don't really have enough sources to do something for Faerun, but who knows, maybe one day I will give it a try.

Darkmeer Posted - 23 Feb 2010 : 16:25:50
Curiosity begs met to ask if you have any other similar goodies hiding about. So, anything else Realmsian map-wise?

(This stuff is great, I like it as well as I do Markustay's maps, and I love how both will likely fit together)
Alisttair Posted - 23 Feb 2010 : 16:09:40
Holy mackerel. That is great.
Alisttair Posted - 23 Feb 2010 : 16:08:38
Holy mackerel. That is great.
Snowblood Posted - 23 Feb 2010 : 08:14:30
woo hooo we are just about to campaign thankyou so very very much!!!!! its gold!!!!!
Hellblazer Posted - 23 Feb 2010 : 07:55:10
Good work.I like nicely detailed graphics the most.Nicely Done
Cleric Generic Posted - 23 Feb 2010 : 07:48:13
Good grief! That's quite pucker, that is... Hopefully this is not the last of your great works!
Darkmeer Posted - 23 Feb 2010 : 06:59:55
Thank you for that. I have been waiting for a map like this! Great job and thank you for being so thorough!

I love maps, any kind of maps, and this one is most excellent.
Daviot Posted - 23 Feb 2010 : 06:54:12
Most, most impressive, sir.
bladeinAmn Posted - 23 Feb 2010 : 06:51:17
This is pretty damn awsome! Many thanks!
Brian R. James Posted - 23 Feb 2010 : 04:40:48
That's pretty impressive Rob. Thanks!
sfdragon Posted - 23 Feb 2010 : 02:51:55
only if the 4efr map looked like that
Brimstone Posted - 22 Feb 2010 : 23:46:51

Got anymore you can share with us?

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