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 Looking for maps of temples and dungeons

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
woodwwad Posted - 14 Jan 2010 : 19:44:17
If anyone could post or pm me some links to inside diagrams of 3/3.5 compliant dungeons and/or temples that would be very helpful, thanks.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
woodwwad Posted - 17 Jan 2010 : 07:42:02
I'll check there, really do need to find at least 4 or 5 floor plans for temples. I find it helps to have everything laid out for easy visualization.
Neil Bishop Posted - 15 Jan 2010 : 06:53:16
One of the best places for free maps is or In both cases, make your way to the forums.
woodwwad Posted - 14 Jan 2010 : 22:05:39
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

There are a lot of maps over on the Wizard's 3.5 Archive (Map-A-Week)

Of course, there's also Monte Cook's Dungeon-A-Day, where he's posting maps, encounters and all sorts of goodies of a super-dungeon every weekday. It's a subscriber site (i.e. you won't see anything without subscribing), but I can say that it's worth the $10 monthly fee (or $96 annual fee...)

Thanks for the link to the free site, with all the books I've bought there is zero chance I'm going to spend $100 for anything RPG related on the net, thanks for letting me know about it though. I'll check out the wizards link and post what I think about it.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 14 Jan 2010 : 21:46:20
There are a lot of maps over on the Wizard's 3.5 Archive (Map-A-Week)

Of course, there's also Monte Cook's Dungeon-A-Day, where he's posting maps, encounters and all sorts of goodies of a super-dungeon every weekday. It's a subscriber site (i.e. you won't see anything without subscribing), but I can say that it's worth the $10 monthly fee (or $96 annual fee...)

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