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 Elminster, Orbakh and Reddansyr Village

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Glaurach Posted - 21 Apr 2009 : 18:02:02
Hi scribes,

I found an interesting tibit in the Elminster entry of wikipedia. - "Elminster is currently secretly helping a small group of adventurers near Westgate at the Reddansyr Village, investigating the destiny of the clone of Manshoon, and unmasking the real leader of NightMasks of Westgate, the Night King known as "The Faceless" (the Manshoon clone, now know as Orbakh), three years after the Manshoon Wars in the year of 1373 DR."

Does anyone know the official reference of this event? I searched some books, but I did not find it.

Thanks for any reply.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hashimashadoo Posted - 16 Jan 2017 : 11:24:06
Thanks AJA. I'll drop him a line.
AJA Posted - 11 Jan 2017 : 04:13:23
Originally posted by hashimashadoo

Original link:

If that is where it originated, then it's definitely something said by Ed; those pages were direct quotes from the authors.

Unfortunately, there's nothing on the Wayback Machine for it, and I never kept any of the original materials past the death of that particular computer.

Asking Ed himself would seem to be the best bet at this point.
sleyvas Posted - 11 Jan 2017 : 01:43:53
Originally posted by Markustay

Since 'Reddanyser' is in the title of the thread, maybe someone is interested in actually using my new Five Shires conversion?

Mind you, it had to be shoved around a bit to make everything work.

As for Elminster, that's not the same event that sent him to hell, is it? That had to do with the RotAW series, right?

Hmmm, yeah, I'm forgetting... was that what sent him to hell? Its kind of odd if that's the case... Elminster sent to hell just prior to the spellplague, then right after the spellplague Azuth lands there to be absorbed by Asmodeus... almost like they planned on having Elminster get absorbed instead of Azuth or something and changed their minds.
The Masked Mage Posted - 11 Jan 2017 : 00:58:03
I'd have to agree that this is someone's home-brew. I've ready everything I could about the Manshoon Wars (I thought it was the best plot twist we were given in that period bar none) and there is not a word published that I know of that would confirm this account.
Markustay Posted - 10 Jan 2017 : 16:16:52
Since 'Reddanyser' is in the title of the thread, maybe someone is interested in actually using my new Five Shires conversion?

Mind you, it had to be shoved around a bit to make everything work.

As for Elminster, that's not the same event that sent him to hell, is it? That had to do with the RotAW series, right?
sleyvas Posted - 10 Jan 2017 : 13:40:50
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

And, to top it off the non-canonical aspect, prior to the Shadowdale: Scouring of the Land adventure (1375 DR), it's told that Elminster disappears as his Tower is blasted into another plane. It's been my understanding, at least, that he's not available to the Realms for a good period after that (3-5 years).

Hmmm, I had not realized that piece. Do we actually have anything that says he was back prior to the spellplague? I know he was affected by the spellplague, but with his special ties to the weave I would think that it would affect him whether he was physically in the realmspace crystal sphere or not. It would be interesting though if a lot of what happened was because Elminster and others were forcibly removed from the path.
hashimashadoo Posted - 10 Jan 2017 : 13:01:02
It was from a geocities page that some here on the Keep thought quite highly of. Can't access said page any more so the information that was on it has been lost unless somebody archived it.

Sorry for the thread necromancy but here's hoping *crosses fingers*

Original link:
The Sage Posted - 22 Apr 2009 : 00:44:01
I don't recall seeing anything like this in canon material. And I've got most of the "Manshoon clone" stuff compiled into a handy reference file.
Icelander Posted - 21 Apr 2009 : 18:41:54
Not that I'm familiar with the reference, but I think that it's dated in 1373 DR, not 1376 DR. The Manshoon Wars were in 1370 and three years after that would be in 1373 DR, as the blurb correctly states.

On the other hand, I'd be very interested in knowing if Elminster and the Harpers have any idea about the real identity of the leader of the Night Masks in 1373 DR. I ask because my players just found out and what they do about will depend to a large degree on how many others know about it.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 21 Apr 2009 : 18:32:37
And, to top it off the non-canonical aspect, prior to the Shadowdale: Scouring of the Land adventure (1375 DR), it's told that Elminster disappears as his Tower is blasted into another plane. It's been my understanding, at least, that he's not available to the Realms for a good period after that (3-5 years).
Wooly Rupert Posted - 21 Apr 2009 : 18:26:51
Three years after 1373 is 1376 -- and 3E basically stopped in 1375. Since 4E picked up much after that, I'm thinking this factoid is not a canon one.
Markustay Posted - 21 Apr 2009 : 18:21:35

I didn't even notice the date... I assumed it was 'current' (which technically means 4e, unfortunately).

My bad.

Still, that sounds an awful lot like homebrew to me.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 21 Apr 2009 : 18:18:46
Not to mention that it's pre-Spellplague.
Markustay Posted - 21 Apr 2009 : 18:04:09
The problem with Wikipedia is that I have found many times people add events from their own campaigns into the entry.

So take it with a grain of salt.

Edit: The 4e LFR DMs (and players) use the Wiki... which leads me to believe that may be a current LFR plothook (although I would think using Elminster would be one of their no-no's, since WotC is avoiding ANY details about the man at this time).

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